Thursday, December 28, 2006
pooping for Christmas
Needless to say, I am not going to be able to make it tomorrow. I'm sorry, but Julia is just not well enough to take a trip like that. On top of her bottom end problems, she also has a cold, and with the runny nose, I fear we may spread the fun to some of you.
We left Clear Lake early yesterday as the bugs were swarming the house; everyone had been/was sick. Seriously. How gross. At one point, we had 8 adults and 4 kids in the house; half of us were sick.
Anyway, I'll stop venting. I wish you all a great time tomorrow. I wish I could be there. :( We'll try to catch up sometime soon.
Love you all,
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Corporate America
Saturday, December 23, 2006
barfing for Christmas
I'm here in good ol' Iowa with the Severtson clan. After finally finishing all of my concerts this week, I sure was looking forward to a little time to relax. However, on the ride down here (its just Julia and I in the car) Julia threw up four times. It was so awful. I didn't know what to do! Was she car sick? Have the flu? Well, since nearly everyone else here has had some kind of weird bug today also, I'm thinking it was the flu. Great. Fun times here. Fortunately, the bug has passed most quickly, with limited barfing. Yuck. I hope that never happens to me again. At least if someone else was with it wouldn't have been so bad!
Since we're here until Wednesday or so, I'm not sure if the Friday lunch thing will work, but I'll check when I get home. That weekend is the Jepson Christmas, and I don't know what the exact plans are. Plus, I'm now terrified of driving with Julia any long distance. I'll have to get over that I guess.
Anyway, I hope that you all have a super great Christmas!!! I love you all very much and am so thankful to have friends like you!
Friday, December 22, 2006
My bad
Too many bulletins, too much wine.
Love you all!
Clarification needed
Did you mean Friday the 29th, because the 30th is Saturday. I hope you meant the 29th because I'm off the whole day and would love to see all of you. However, if it's Saturday I can do lunch because I don't work until 2 pm.
Happy holidays!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Let's do lunch!
In other news, I have finally finished all the Christmas bulletins and feel much relief! Of course, we're already looking ahead all the way through Lent...but its good to have the first major load done. Now we just get to enjoy the services. Micaela turns ONE in 4 days...I'm trying not to freak out..but seriously, where did the year go? Its been a good milestone to reflect on the past year and feel like we're actually going somewhere with our lives. This one year old is really good at trashing the house each night, so my nightly ritual of picking up has extended to every inch of our home!! AAHH!!
Also, the Lutheran Center that I work with at UND is sending a group of students to Taize, France in March. Using some continuing education funds from Calvary and UND...I GET TO GO! They are sending me as the staff person, so there will be a little work involved, but we're pairing up with Boston University and I'm so excited to go and experience that community and see the source of this worship and prayer style that I love so much.
Okay, we'll be waiting to hear from you all that you're available for lunch on the 30th!
Monday, December 11, 2006
I finally put up my Christmas tree!
We also just put up our Christmas tree today and the first of our Christmas decorations! This was a big step as I've been procrastinating forEVER because I have kind of not been looking forward to Christmas this year as much as usual. I am not really sure why, other than that I know that the buying of gifts for everyone makes me very stressed out and get crabby very fast. Surprise, surprise, right?! Also, I hate having to try and juggle family schedules for meals and opening gifts and such - why can't we have just one BIG PARTY?!
Other than that - for anyone who would like to come to Marshall this weekend, Seth and I are throwing a very informal and probably fairly small (but fun all the same!) party for Seth's graduation. We're going to get a keg and have some munchies - if anyone of you are feeling adventurous and/or daring, please let me know! You are ALL welcome and I would LOVE to see you!!!!!
Lizabeth, I am SO proud of you for being done (as stupid as that might sound) - I am extremely grateful to have you back. Mandy - my gosh, girl, I don't know how you've survived without complaint! I hope your tests turn out well - you'll be in my prayers.
As far as getting together is concerned, I will be in the Twin Cities the last weekend in December for my dad's 55th birthday, which is actually New Year's Eve. Keep me updated on any possibilites!
Love you all,
Sarah Christine B
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Last night advent started

Those that believe in the Christian faith say the season of advent started last Sunday, but for me it started last night. Somewhere in my years at Concordia the Christmas concerts became my way preparing for Christmas. After attending last night's concert at Orchestra Hall (which was mostly good) I felt as though today I was allowed to turn on the Christmas music, get out the nativity, and put up the tree. It was fun today to listen to the Chipmunks Christmas CD and get out some of the decorations that have been around longer than I am old. While I no longer have an advent calendar that has a piece of chocolate behind it to eat everyday, I am still trying to be somewhat intentional about Christmas preparations.
Monday, December 04, 2006
belated thanks
Things I am thankful for:
-My niece, Shawna, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma in September (meaning it had spread into her lymphatic system). She has had two recent successful surgeries, and they are hoping she is cancer free. She does not need to go through chemo, and they are going to monitor her regularly to make sure she stays cancer-free.
-My grandpa also had a successful cancer surgery, and he is now cancer-free! (You suck, cancer!)
-I FINALLY graduate in June!
-I am almost done with my current clinical internship -- I have loved working with the kids, but I don't like being gone from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm every day.
-wonderful friends and family
-all of God's blessings
So, that's what I'm thankful for in a nutshell. Mandy and Elizabeth, I promise to call you back this week.
I would love to see all of you soon! I'm on Christmas break from December 15th to January 8th. I'm going to be in Mexico the week of the 17th to the 24th with family, but will be back into the cities after Christmas.
Take care -
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I guess I'm part of the "unthankful club" for not checking in sooner. Sorry. I do have lots to be thankful about. Lots.
This week has been more than a little's why: The last few months I have not been feeling so well. On and off, I've battled UTI's, infections, and have just felt kind of crappy. Its been annoying. Finally I got sick of trying to feel better and told my doctor I felt like there was something else not normal going on. So I had a pelvic ultrasound yesterday before school (fun times) and sure enough, two things showed up. I am glad to know that I was right, but I'm not sure what these things mean. The ultrasound tech saw a fairly large cyst on an ovary, and I also have a very large kidney stone. Both things could explain why I've been feeling crappy. My doctor now has to look at the ultrasoud pictures, and from what I understand, neither of these thing are serious, but both might require some kind of treatment other than medication. Its annoying and I still feel kind of nervous, but I am glad to know that I wasn't just feeling bad for no reason! :) I'll let you know what I find out.
Tonight David and I have to perform in this town production called the Holiday Showcase. It is a concert of local musical talent that resembles the talent show on "Dirty Dancing." :) There are about 7 good acts and about 7 that are kind of painful. :) It will be fun, though. I consider myself part of the painful group, but whatever. At least we can check this off the list of things to do this month. :)
I hope that all of you are well. Maybe we should all take a trip up to the Northland and form a small army to ward off all of the men that Elizabeth will be fighting off now that she's a hot single woman. :) Sounds like fun to me. :)
Well, I have to get back to the babes here. :) Just noticed this week that Julia thinks it would be fun to have ALL of her teeth come in together. Yikes. I didn't even check the back of her mouth for a long time, assuming that her top two teeth would be the next two to come in. This week I looked and here she has two teeth--one on top and one on bottom half way back! Opon futher inspection, she's got nearly all teeth trying to get out. Ouch. No wonder she's been a bit crabby.
Anyway, have a nice weekend, stay warm, and I hope to talk to you all soon!!
Love you guys,
Thursday, November 30, 2006
so, that's my update! now that i'm single i'll have to go back to beating the boys off with a stick...damn.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A Get-Together???
I have been checking daily to see what everyone is thankful for, but it only looks like we have 3 thankful individuals who belong to this blog.
Anywho-I am available over the break on Dec. 28th during the day (Thursday), or anytime on Friday, Dec. 29th, but I have to go home that night or early the next morning for Christmas with the Bectholds. So, Saturday, Dec. 30th is out for me.
I will give all of you ungrateful people one last chance to say your thanks.
Happy Holidays!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Post-thanksgiving gratitude!
I would like to include my list of they still count after thanksgiving?
Micaela~happy, healthy and a handful!
Mi familia
spring in 4 months
God's faithfulness
a nice place to live
Mt. Rainier
all you ladies
Its been awhile since I've written so here's an update! Micaela and I have returned from our trip out to Washington, we saw lots of people. Its hard being on a baby schedule when no one else is or at least some of the folks we saw didn't really care about the baby schedule, so that was eye-opening and I underestimated how exhausting it can be travelling with baby, I was really sick when we came back. Micaela has had the flu twice. Thanksgiving was awesome, no travelling involved...just lots of relaxing with wonderful people.
So Christmas time is approaching, we will be in the Twin Cities area Dec. 28-30, and maybe longer but I have to check on work. Is there any chance of all of us getting together?
So Happy Post-thanksgiving Monday...can we get some updates from those other ladies?
Peace my sisters!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
More thanks
A support network of family, friends, coworkers, and others
Family traditions
Meteor showers- last weekend was great by the way, even if I frostbit my 10 toes :(
Hostas and lilies
Walden Pond
the Resurrection
and of course a lot more!
Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving!
Sarah A
I just wanted to take a moment to say what I am thankful for as my favorite holiday approaches. I think I like it because we can tell people we are thankful for them without getting them presents to prove it.
I am thankful for:
My family
My students (even when they are shitheads)
All of you lovely ladies and what you have shared with me throughout the years. I will always cherish our times together.
My health
Warmish fall days
My bed
I could keep going forever...I just wanted to share and hope that you will all do the same.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Breanna
Saturday, November 18, 2006
here I am!
Its been awhile since I've written and I'm sorry. I, like Breanna, am tired teacher. :) It sure has been fun to read some of your entries, though. Sarah, sometimes when you write I think you should get a job at a newspaper--you have great persuasive, informative entries!
Things here have been fine. It gets a little monotonous to go to school, come home, cook, clean, and put Julia to bed. I love playing with her, but the rest of the stuff get old FAST. I am not a person with a cheery attitude about housework. I think if I didn't have to work on top of it, I'd be okay. Anyway, that's life, so I'll deal.
I have a couple of concerts coming up in December, so I am busy getting ready for those. One is on Friday, December 8th at 1:30 in the afternoon if anyone wants to come! :) Anyway, I spend too much time thinking about the concert and it makes me feel stressed out. I also have been fighting a womanly infection (TMI I know...) which means I've been on pretty strong antibiotics for week, and they make be feel disgusting. Nauseous, tired, just gross. So, when I add stressed out to that, it kind of sucks. On the up-side, David has been a little extra helpful this week, so that has been nice.
Julia continues to grow and make us smile. She is really starting to talk a lot. We hear words like thank you, more, please, uh-oh, oooohh, and tree a lot. :) They don't always sound perfect, but once you hear them enough you realize that's what she's saying. Its so amazing to watch her learn and figure things out. She is really getting tall, too--31 inches long! Wow. When she stretches out in the tub I always think, "Oh my gosh!! How did she get so big!" :)
My parents had a very interested couple look at their house this week...they may get an offer and have to move out by January. Now that its more real, it kind of makes me sad, but that's life. I need to realize that our house is just a thing and its the people that i care about. It will be hard to leave behind all of our memories there though.
My brother got a new job in Bloomington. He is still working for US Bank, but in a different department. He has worked there for MAYBE three weeks. His department met their quota or something like that this week, so they all get to go to Cancun. He gets to go too! Sounds nice. I think they should send teachers to Cancun after the school year. Or maybe in the middle. But wouldn't that be nice to go there after only working for three weeks?! Sounds like a nice job.
Elizabeth- how was the trip out West? I hope that you had a nice time visiting and have a feeilng of closure getting all of the loose ends tied up!
Sarah- How is your mom? Thanks for the info on the meteor shower. Cool! And I agree with you about the whole parent thing. For some they just don't care, others they are working so hard they don't have time to care. It is sad, and a cycle that I think is hard to break. But hey, lets go for that performance-based pay anyway, right Mr. Pawlenty? parents have nothing to do wtih it!
Breanna- I'm sorry you're sounding so burned out! I hope that once in awhile your kids show you why it was you went into teaching. You are a super teacher!!!! They'll be so much better off because of you, even though you might not see it now.
Everyone else--WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU!!
Well, Have a very Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I love you all, and love that we can catch up on this blog. What a genius idea, Sarah. :) Have a fun weekend, and hopefully we can all see one another soon.
Love ya,
Friday, November 17, 2006
Meteor shower
Who else is looking forward to Thanksgiving? I will enjoy a couple days off, that is for sure. I plan on going to St. Cloud on Thursday to celebrate with my dad's side and then a dinner on Saturday night with my mom's side. It should all be nice. I'm going to make homemade pumpkin pie from the pumpkins that have been sitting on my front step this fall. As I am making them from scratch I will think of years long ago when people did not have the convenience of Libby's pumpkin pie mix to dump into their pie shell and bake. I suppose if I were really trying to act like a pioneer I would also make my own crust, but I think I will settle for convenience on that one.
Breanna, I feel I can relate to not being satisfied with the educational system and the students being pushed through grades that do not have basic skills. While it is frustrating, I can't help but be somewhat optimistic that teachers do not intentionally pass students along. I think there are exceptions, such as the student with the extreme behavior issues and a teacher looks forward to having them gone even if they're not ready. I believe a large portion of the problems in education falls on the parents. And ladies with children, correct me if I'm wrong, but what I see is a lack in parenting. Not in all cases, but some. Does society invest in its parents and teach them skills needed for positive parenting? Just the other night I was at the grocery store and there was a small child (around 3) balling uncontrollably. She kept saying, "I want my mom. I want my mom. I don't want to go outside." The man who was with her (presumably her dad) said, "Am I hurting you? You're crying for no reason. Stop it right now!" etc. The tone in which he spoke to his small child in a crowded place was concerning. While I was not fearful for the child's physical safety, I wondered if she experiences the harsh tone of voice regularly and what affect that has on her emotional status. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if children continually experience confrontation and an 'in your face' approach, that's what they come to school with. The skills needed for positive social interaction and problem solving seem to be lacking. Just the other day I had the classroom I was in turn into a boxing arena because some boy said something about the other boy's momma. Instead of ignoring it, or responding differently the boy shoots back some equally condoning words and the boys are then acting like silver back gorillas huffing and puffing and trying to prove that they are mightier than the other. This of course happens when I am trying to give instructions and teach. So after I get them out of the classroom and everyone else is excited because of the 'fight' I am supposed to continue teaching like nothing has happened. So if teachers in the upper elementary and middle school grades must spend time teaching proper social interactions and problem solving skills then there is time being taken away from academic instruction and I believe this undoubtedly contributes to some of the low skills we see.
I do not intend to put all the educational systems problems on parents, but I think it is a big factor. Investment should be made in parents not just in the preschool years but also beyond. And how do we support those parents which are forced to work two and three jobs to make ends meet in order for their families to have basic needs met?
Okay, I will stop for now, but certainly welcome others opionions and thoughts. And don't forget about the meteor shower!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
A Tired Teacher
Both SarahA and ElizabethR had great titles to their last blog. I don't believe I can out-do them, but I thought I should make some alliterative cutesy title. Also, this is the truth.
First, about the tired teacher. I had a sad conversation with some of my 11th grade students who were my first group of 8th graders. They were asking me how I had changed things since they were in my class and how it was going. I told them the truth as I was gearing up to correct some papers from my 8th graders. I showed them the NUMEROUS papers that lacked ANY punctuation, the ones who NEVER use a capital latter at the beginning of the sentence, the ones that NO ONE (including the kid who wrote it) can read. As I was ranting, the 11th graders were shocked by the completely half-ass work I was trying to correct. But, then they said this..."You were so much more peppy when you first started. You seem kind of crabby this year." OUCH...but true.
I have become so tired of lazy kids who don't listen to what I teach them, not even the simple stuff that they should have learned in first grade. It makes me sad because who has allowed this lack of care and concern for education. Of course there are still the kids who care, but in this particular class of 8th graders, the number is VERY small! Has this half-ass attitude been allowed in other teachers' classrooms? Do this many parents not care how their children do in school?
But, the biggest question that I have been asking myself lately when looking at the attitudes of my students is "Why do I care more than them?" and "Is it worth my time?"
How sad it that?!?!?!?
So, sadly, although there are classes that I love (my 11th graders), I don't know how much longer I can continue to teach. I get stressed out about their work level. People blame English teachers for the results of the BSTs, and MCAs in Reading and Writing...but I don't even have enough time to TEACH because I am constantly critiquing what they should already know. GRRRRRRRR.
Enough about that.
Thanksgiving is coming sooooo soon. Chris and I will be heading up to Walker either Wed. or Thurs. and staying until Friday afternoon. Then, we have family Thanksgiving with his side on Saturday. It is fun to have a lot of things to go to, but a little stressful too. ON a sad note, we are not taking our annual shopping trip, because Grandma Vonnie can't really shop til you drop like the rest of us anymore. :( She is still way cool though.
Ok- Hope all is well with everyone!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The tale of an introvert working in retail
Elizabeth R.- I enjoyed reading about your conversation with the radio although it sounded like a frustrating one. I know the Pacific NW is quite liberal, but so are some place in the Midwest, and you can shake some things up in the Red River Valley.
What are people doing for Thanksgiving? Let's hear from a few of you that have been dormant from posting on the blog lately? Good night!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Frickin' winter blahs...
So, I find myself resisting the urge to jump on a plane and go back to the good 'ole progressive Northwest. Also, I get tired to being a house-bound grandma. Micaela goes to bed around 7:30pm, so no matter what I'm doing, it has to be done by 7pm. Or I have to get a babysitter. Neither make for great options.
Wow, sorry I'm so negative! On the upside, we're headed to Washington on Wednesday to visit some people and deal with the last of my stuff that's been sitting out there. Work is great, no major complaints. And the whole family will be together this weekend b/c Matthew is doing a concert at a Coffee house in Grand Forks.
So, I hope we can see each other soon..I miss you all a lot. I just heard from Rapp that she will be around mid-December. Perhaps we'll have to plan something!
Love to you all
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Their Father's God
I had an eventful weekend. Saturday, in celebration of Halloween, I attended an outdoor puppet show. There were larger than life puppets, pyrotechnics, free food, stilters, and a make-shift orchestra. Afterwards there was free and tasty organic food. On Monday I went to a concert at the Xcel Energy Center. It was sponsored by TPT (which tells you what kind of music it is). The featured artist was Andre Rieu and the Johann Strauss orchestra which basically meant: Lawrence Welk meets Victor Borge. Even if my hair wasn't the right color (gray), it was still fun and my friend and I even waltzed right up by the stage to one of the songs. Yes, I danced in front of 10,000 people. I made sure we were on the side so only 9,000 could see us. This Friday's concert with the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra is sure to be a bit different.
Good night friends.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you CAN'T PICK YOUR FRIENDS' NOSE!
Hi guys-
This picture formatting thing is tricky! Sorry if I took up a huge amount of space or the captions don't match up. It never looks the same after its posted! :) I thought I'd add a few more pictures from our weekend. It was soooo great to see you guys. I think I went through withdrawl this week.
It was nice to have a few days off of school this week for MEA, but I feel like all I did was work! I need to go somewhere just me with no cleaning up after babies and husbands. :) Any ideas? Let's all go to Hawaii! Or lets go on a cruise! As soon as I win the lottery, I'm there. I gues I should start buying lottery tickets then...
Have a great week everyone. I love you so much!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
I was talking with a UND student last night as we prepared for worship and she was telling me about her weekend-her roommate came home with her for the first time and then she raved about how amazing her floor is as well. I could help but share with her this group of friends that is rooted in Hoyum 7...what an amazing thing...who would have know?
I don't have a camera and thus didn't get any pictures from this weekend. Could those get emailed around? Muchas gracias amigas!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Head Count
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Okay, I'm bordering on obnoxiousness (is that how you spell that?) but I couldn't resist posting these cute pictures. :)
We can't wait to see you guys! We'll meet you at Becca's when we get there. I can't guarantee staying the whole football game because Julia will want a nap and its going to be pretty chilly for her, but we'll try! My brother will be there and he can't pass up a chance to hold Julia. :) We'll for sure join you for the rest of the festivities, though.
Lindsey, sorry to hear you won't be there! Bummer! We'll have to catch you in the Cities soon.
Well, we'll see you on Saturday!
p.s. Got an e-mail with request to pass on the info. from a certain friend named Elizabeth Lerohl about a proposal and a "Yes!" answer...more wedding bells are in the air!! :)
So sad!
I'm all done here in Detroit Lakes on Friday, then back to the cities for my next affiliation. To those of you in the metro area, I'd love to get together with you sometime soon! To any of you who may be planning a visit to the metro area, I always have an open bedroom waiting for friends!
Take care, everyone!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Topic change: Hey friends that haven't written on the blog yet, want to tell us how you're doing?
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Go Cobbers
I am 99.9% sure I am going to be coming to Concordia this weekend as well. How exciting!
Sarah...can I still ride part-way up with you gals? Also, where are people staying? Sarah, I may camp out with you and your mom if that is ok on Friday. Also, Sat. after the concert are you going to head to Ryan and Leah's?
I am pumped to see all of you. I will have to do laundry so that my Cobber sweatshirt is available...who is up for a Cobber sweatshirt picture?
OK....I should teach or something. Thank God for teaching novels.
Love ya
Homecoming plans!
Friday: Sarah, Elizabeth, Breanna?, Lindsey? will be at the Storyhill concert
Sarah is trying to get in touch w/ Becca about a mid-morning visit to the Miedinger house
Football @ 1pm for those interested, if its not too cold
Elizabeth is providing a hearty, warm your britches dinner...probably at Peace Luth.
Concert @ 6:30pm...I'm going to brave this w/ that means Julia has to be there too! :)
Monday, October 09, 2006
What is this on my head?

Hi everyone!
Sorry its been awhile since I've been on here. Looks like a lot of us have been busy lately! :)
First thing I want to say is that David, Julia, and I have decided to join the rest of you in Moorhead for the Homecoming shindig!! We won't be there until Saturday around noon, but we hope that we can catch all of you and have a great time!! Would anyone be willing to update me on what the plans are? Thanks!!
Things here have been going well I guess. I have a cold, Julia barfed all over the car this weekend, and David is constantly working on his letters of application to various places around this country, but all in all we are happy, so I guess that's good.
This pictuere is from Juila's birthday party. She doesn't look the happiest, but she is trying to figure out what that is on her head! Kind of a funny girl, she is. We had her picture taken at a Sears portrait studio two weeks ago, and the pictures are just priceless. I will bring them with this weekend for those of you who will be there!
Not much else is new. I can't wait to see you, and for those of you who won't be there, I wish I could see you soon, too!! Have a great week, stay warm, and here's a BIG HUG from me! :)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Maple trees
Monday, October 02, 2006
We've moved!
We got to see Lindsey and Shripes recently...very fun! Love to you all!
Elizabeth and Micaela
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I was in a cave!
My mom went to the eye specialist yesterday to examine her eye. There is no change...all the blood is still there and her vision in that eye is poor. If she looks straight ahead she can't see anything, except some peripherally. The doctor said he can't give an exact time that it will heal, but probably 3-6 months. It's very difficult for her. Please keep her in your prayers.
HOMECOMING is coming! SOON! Let's plan. Who's in? I'll be up in the area Friday evening - Sunday morning worship and then heading out. I would like to attend the football game and the Homecoming concert. Beyond that...? Hope to hear from you ladies soon!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
This is what happens when you feed Julia spaghetti

Hi everyone! It is good to see that the blog has been active! Our lives here have been pretty crazy since school started. :) We've had some exhausting falls into bed at night, but life is good. Tonight, Julia had spaghetti, as you can see. Apparently she enjoys it. Or at least she enjoys spreading it all over her face, hair, hands, etc. Great for bath night. :)
I got to stay home with Juila on Tuesday, which was actually very nice. Not for her, though; she had an ear infection. She is feeling much better and is back to her cheerful self, but Monday night was NOT a fun experience. Lots of crying and being awake. Poor girl! We are in the preparations for the big first birthday party. :) Should be fun with all of the grandparents. I hope we don't get too wild! ha ha
School is going well for both of us. I have a few very interesting kids this year, but most of them are pretty good, and I am enjoying my days. David is keeping busy, but has a much lighter load than last year, which is very nice. We're a little more relaxed around here. :) Did I tell you that he is teaching one class at Northwestern in St. Paul? Don't ask him to drink, dance, or do anything else that is remotely smile-provoking. Just kidding. He really isn't supposed to drink, dance, etc, though. Its pretty hard for him since he was getting pasted every night and dancing naked in the living room.
I don't know if we'll be able to make it up to homecoming, but I'll check it out. It would be fun!! By the way, has anyone heard what kind of baby Jake and Amy had? You know what I mean... boy? girl? Has anyone heard anything? Just curious.
Well, that's all from Litchfield, MN, home of the Dragons and Julia Severtson, the spaghetti queen (and also queen of pooping in the bathtub it turns out). More fun times.
I think maybe I'm going a little cooky this Thursday night. I love you all!!
So much fun
Happy almost Friday!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Cobberland, here I come
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
An Event!
So Scanders and I were talking about Homecoming the other night...and I'm extending an invite to any and all! Its Oct. 13-15 and there is a First Decade "Storyhill" concert on Friday night, football game Saturday afternoon and a Homecoming Concert on Saturday night. Of course there is a lot more going on, but I thought these looked like the most fun.
If we really get orginzied quickly I'm sure we can find accomedations and nice people to stay with....
Check your schedules ASAP and let's all get together SOON!
Monday, September 11, 2006
My first post!
I've had so much fun reading all the previous posts and seeing the great pictures! Thank you so much for inviting me to join! This is a really great idea, and a great way to keep in touch with everyone!
I guess I can fill you all in on what I'm up to right now. I'm currently in Detroit Lakes, MN, doing my first clinical affiliation. I'm working at the hospital here. I've been here since August 15 and will be here until October 13. I'm really enjoying my experience. I'm mostly doing acute care in the hospital, which means I'm seeing a lot of total joint replacements right after surgery, as well as some medically complicated patients who are in the hospital for various reasons (pneumonia, heart attack, etc) and just helping them to get out of bed and back on their feet so they can go back to their homes as soon as possible. Because it's a small rural hospital, I get to see a little bit of everything. I have some of my own outpatient orthopedic patients as well, but my favorite part has been the pediatric patients I have been working with. I really love peds, and I'm pretty sure that is the area I would like to practice in when I finally graduate (June 2007 -- 9 months!). When I'm done here, I'll be back in the cities for the remainder of my affiliations.
I'm excited to keep in touch with you all through this medium! I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope to see you all soon!
Love, Lindsey
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Fall is fabulous!
I'm not sure I told anyone this yet, but a couple of weeks ago my mom had a hemmorage in her right eye. We spent several hours seeing many different doctors before she had laser treatment on her eye. 1100 laser beams were shot into her eye! I even got to see all the blood that has collected in her eye. It is a serious condition and one that is scary. She still sees through the blood in that eye (red/orange coloring) and she will have blurred vision for a few months. Thus, this makes many everyday tasks challenging for her: reading, grading papers, driving at night, etc. Please keep her in your prayers.
Ta-ta for now!
Sarah A.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Right on!

Way to get 'er done ladies! It was really fun to read all those posts. Julia is so big, is she walking? And May 12th is on the calender-you both look quite beautiful in those dresses.
Here in the NorthLand everything is going well. The job is great, really. I have no complaints the staff is so affirming and laid back and yet there is much to do and lots of room for growth that I think is very I'm excited to be here and doing this work. Its still scary being in Grand Forks. We have a couple living in my dad's basement (while they build a lake home after retirment), its been just fine but I'm anxious for Micaela and I to be able to stretch out and have our own space. If I were rich it would be no problem! :)
Yep, that's it for now I miss you all a lot already. Perhaps we should begin discussing future weekend/holiday plans? I know that sounds crazy but I know you people and your busy lives and I work at a church so the holidays are going to be a bit hectic.
No, the other girls are not on here yet...Scanders I'm emailing the addresses I have (Becca and Linds) right NOW!
Love to you all!
Monday, September 04, 2006
This past LONG weekend (long in a good way because I didn't have to work today) Seth and I spent up in Hopkins again with my aunt and uncle. We were able to help move my cousin Nick down to St Olaf today for his senior year - it was hard on everyone, especially my aunt Mary who is still having a very hard time dealing with Cara's death. These past few weeks have been spent talking with all of them on the phone nearly every day as well as heading up there just about every weekend - it has been good for all of us, as weird as that might seem - I just know that it has helped me immensely with the grieving process (which totally SUCKS, by the way!!!!).
Anywho - I have absolutely no pity or sympathy for any of you who have to start school tomorrow - SOME of us have jobs that require us to work YEAR-ROUND and therefore the summer feels just like winter practically! HAHA - just joshin' ya! Ok, well it does all feel pretty much the same, besides the weather part...
I don't really have any new news for everyone - Seth and I spent a lot of time this weekend talking about where we'll end up in December when he graduates. Oh wait - we talk about that ALL the time..!! All of our friends/family (including some of YOU!) are trying to get us to move up to the Twin Cities area - I must say that this is definitely a possibility, but who knows really?!?!?!?!
Ok, I really should go to bed - tomorrow is going to be a busy day at the bank! Good luck to all of you starting school tomorrow and Sarah, keep your head up! (I liked Plan P the best, by the way!)
Love you all MUCHO,
Sarah Schripes

Can you believe it is September? I am also excited to get back to school but I am stalling as we speak to go to school and get my shit together for TOMORROW! Holy cow the summer went fast. It is ok that things are going fast because I am pumped for MAY 12th to come around. That is the wedding date for those who did not know. WOO HOO!
I have a few pics for you too. First, Sarah and I did a great toast for Sue...aren't we pretty. Then, Chris and I at the wedding...too bad you can't see the dress and all you can see is boob. Well, that happens.
OK- must get going.
Love you all!
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hi everyone! :)
After the scolding from Elizabeth, I figured I'd better get on the ball here! However, if you're going to scold, Elizabeth, you have to post something with content at least. :)
How is everyone? I thought I'd get the pictures of Julia on here since it didn't work last time. Isn't she just a sweetie? :)
There is really nothing new here. We are both getting ready for school to start on Tuesday. I am actually feeling ready except for the whole leaving Julia part. I am feeling excited to see the kids, though. And, after an entire summer socializing with basically only David, I am ready to see my "teacher friends" again. :) Not that David is bad, but you know what I mean, right?
This weekend Julia and I went to Granite Falls to help my grandparents move into a new house in town. They bought a house on the "bluff" there and have a spectacular view. It was kind of weird for all of us to see them in a new house, and it will take some getting used to, but that's how it's going to be! It was a little depressing, though...did I tell you that my parents have to move into the house that my grandparents are leaving? It is small, old, and kind of smelly. My mom and dad have put our fun, big, non-smelly house on the market already, and have had some interest. They are hoping to be able to rennovate my grandparents' house a LOT before they have to move there. It will be weird to know that someone else is living in the house where all of my childhood was spent. Oh well.
We were going to go to the fair today, but it was so cold and rainy, we decided not to. I was really looking forward to some cheese curds and also going to the animal building. Maybe next year if we're not living in Alabama. :)
What's new with everyone else? I'm going to stop rambling now. I'm sure you're all bored. Have a great week everybody!! I LOVEYOU!!
p.s. Are the rest of the girls on this blog yet? (Becca, Lindsey, Amanda?)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The search continues
As usual there has either been no communication from my latest interviews or another qualified candidate has been chosen. Therefore, I will go to Plan P: plunder and pillage with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom on the next taping of "Pirates of Caribbean III: Forget honest work and become a pirate."
Or, perhaps skip Plan P and move onto Plan Q: Quit looking, or maybe Plan R: Rest assured that something will come my way, or perhaps Plan S: Secure relationship with wealthy man so working is optional. How about Plan T: Take action in writing stand-up comedy. Plan U: Urge others to look for jobs too so I'm not alone. Plan W: Wonder and solve all the world's problems. (If I follow through with this plan I can't have a job because wondering and problem solving will take up all my time.)
Well, I'll start with Plan P and go from there. This weekend I will be joining members of my dad's family at the lake. More than any other year I feel like Labor Day is getting quite a bit of attention because supposedly it is the last weekend of summer. Whatever happened to the autumnal equinox in September signifying the change in the season? Therefore, I will cling to summer until that day. I will continue to enjoy the sun, blue skies, bike riding, and nice breezes that come through my window at night.
Sarah A.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Finally, I can share this picture with you

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life. And see if I could not learn what it had to teach and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -Thoreau
3 things...
1. THANK YOU to SarahA, SarahB and Lindsey for meeting Micaela and I this weekend! I am so thankful that we can all get together without a cross-country trip! And please, all are welcome up to the North Woods ANYTIME!
2. I don't know how to invite someone else to our blog community! Lindsey, Becca, Amy, Amanda and many others should be "team members". Does anyone know how to do that? Scanders, do you have some executive power being the originator?
3. My brother, Matthew has recorded a great, soulful, acoustic CD which is now for sale. Want to support a starvin artists? click here CDs are $9 Tell everyone you know!
Much love to you all!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
A Verryy Long Week
Last Weds. morning I got a call from my dad at 6:30AM (1st inclination something was wrong). The first thing he said to me when I answered the phone was, "Sarah, are you with Seth right now?" (2nd inclination something HAD to be wrong). Anyway, to make a long story short - my 26 year-old cousin (Cara) committed suicide from an overdose of her antidepressants and basically any other pills she had in the apartment late the previous evening. She leaves behind one of the most loving and kind families you will ever meet (her parents and a younger brother and sister) as well as a 3 1/2 year old daughter, who is currently living with her father (Cara's ex) in Wisconsin. Her funeral was Monday morning - we spent the weekend with family -- crying, remembering, crying some more, and mostly spending time trying not to let it all sink in. My mom and I sang, which was a really great experience just because it made me feel like I could contribute something. Mary (Cara's mom) is my dad's younger sister - the baby in the Schreier family. I can't even begin to tell you how much my heart breaks for them every time I think about them, which is pretty often. It's just been really really hard....
ANYway, next thing - Tuesday evening of this week my older brother Chris had a full-blown seizure at home at about 2:30am. Now Chris has had his fair share of problems in life, as I'm sure you all know, but he has not had a seizure since he was in 2nd grade, so this was a huge shock for all of us. My parents had to call 911 and have an ambulance come and get him and take him to the ER in Marshall. He seems to be doing fine now, although answers as to what could possibly be causing this (as well as problems he's been having with his heart racing) are few and far between. He and my mom made a trip to Sioux Falls today to meet with both a neurologist and a cardiologist, but even after that, questions that no one can seem to answer still linger...
I guess I'm writing this whole huge thing not because I'm asking for anyone's sympathy or trying to complain, but just because I feel like I need to get it off my chest, and I just want to ask all of you to keep my family in your prayers. The past week has been very hard on all of us and I'm hoping the next few days will be better. Our plans for the weekend are to come back up to the Cities and spend our time at Chuck and Mary's (Cara's parents), as well as meeting up with Elizabeth and Micaela(too bad for those of you who have to be in a wedding!!!).
Ok, I'm exhausted (still! or maybe again!) and should try and get some sleep before 6am comes way too fast!
Scanders - you are in my prayers for your interviews. Anyone who doesn't hire you has absolutely NO IDEA what they're missing out on. You will find the right job and the right people will fall in love with you, just like we all did.
Mandy - I am glad to hear that you don't have to sacrifice this time around and I am glad to hear you're not moving farther away!!
Breanna - have a great time in Sue's wedding this weekend!
Lizabeth - can't wait to see you!
Thank you all for being wonderful enough to let me blab on forever and for making me feel comfortable enough to tell you everything that's been going on.
I love you all dearly,
Monday, August 14, 2006
its been awhile!
It was fun to check the blog today and see so many postings! I agree with Breanna that it is fun to check this every day. You guys are just so fun and interesting! :)
David, Julia, and I have had a busy couple of weeks. We were in Clear Lake, Iowa from August 1-5, and we got back last night from Mayville, WI where we spent four days at a family reunion/Andrew's wedding. Andrew is David's little brother, and we were both in the wedding, which was fun. I am ready to be home for awhile now, though, and start thinking about school.
We had a bit of a crazy few days in the midst of all of this travel. David was asked to interview for a position in Eau Claire at the U of Wisconsin. To make a long story short, the people there pretty much acted as if he already had the job, so we made all of these decisions, like to move there (which was a toughie!), I would quit my job, etc... Anyway, it turns out that they interviewed three other candidates, and hired someone else. We waited a week and two days after David's interview, being on pins and needles the whole time, and finally we heard the outcome. It was NOT a fun time, but that's how life goes I guess. We're both disappointed that it didn't work out, but I'm sure there is something else that is meant to be, right? David is pretty bummed. It will be nice not to have to move, though. It would have been a rush.
I am also glad that I can still be teaching this year. I would have felt pretty crappy leaving at this time of the summer. :)
Being married is hard sometimes when you have to make decisions like that! It is totally worth it, but sometimes I get frustrated when it is time to sacrifice something you love or believe in (i.e. teaching) I guess that is what really good relationships are about, though. If you love someone, you want what is best for them, right? I hope that David doesn't stay bummed too long. I tried to tell him that everyone has been in the situation where they didn't get the job that they wanted, and it will be a good learning experience. I know that doesn't help him, but I'm not sure what to say!
Anyway, enough of the philosophical crap. :) Good luck with your interviews, Sarah! All of the jobs sound like fun! :) How are the wedding plans, Breanna? I hope that you have found a soloution to the rock/hard place problem. :)
I'm going to attach a few photos so you can see Julia. She pulls herself up on EVERYTHING now, and is into EVERYTHING! she keeps us busy, and makes us smile by saying, "HI!" at least 50 times each day. :)
Sorry for this long post. I may have just need to "talk" :) I love you all!!!!!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
I don't know why
As far as babies go...tell Daniel and Katie congrats!
Keep posting! This is so fun!
Another baby!
Just kididing, wasn't that funny!
My sister-in-law gave birth to Isaiah Daniel Damico today, August 12th @ 2:38pm. He was 6 lbs 9 oz. It was a very fast and easy labor AND 16 days early, I'm trying not to be jealous! He is doing just great, he looks like an old man with a cone head! :)
Love you all!
Friday, August 11, 2006
For the past two nights I have been trying to upload another image
to our blog, but apparently my computer is prohibiting me from such actions. I waited 14 minutes tonight to tell me that my image is uploaded, only to discover that it was lying. Perhaps I need DSL. And Breanna, you are right, I am at Walden Pond, but that entry wasn't even posted. Did you read it as a draft?Okay I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and share a little bit of what's going to be going on in my life next week (besides being in a wedding with Breanna.) I have three job interviews, one on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. I wasn't going to tell anyone because we all know what my track record has been like, but I can't keep my big mouth shut. And I also agree with what has been previously posted about being honest with our friends.
Monday's interview is with Minneapolis Public Schools working as an adult basic education teacher. I have to plan a 10 minute lesson to present to the committee interviewing me. Tuesday's is with an organization called, Junior Achievement. They work with kids k-12 in economic entrepreneurship education. And Wednesday's is with a northern suburb school district for a high school social studies position. It's hard not to get my hopes up once again with these opportunities, but I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude. After all, someone has got to see that I'm employable.
Sarah A.
I guess I better put the 'A.' after my first name, I forgot there was another Sarah on this blog until she mentioned it. Shhhhh...don't tell her.
Just so you know, I have now marked the blog as one of my favorites pages and check it each morning along with my emails and things. However, it hasn't been very fun to check lately. Hope you are all doing well.
B reanna
Monday, July 31, 2006
Times of transition...
I love your ideas about sharing your thoughts and feelings with good friends because you know you can trust them. I think all of us have been through, are in the process of, or will soon be going through transitions. Although transitions are fun, they are so scary at the same time. This whole marriage thing is so exciting and new to me because I never have really pondered it before, so Chris and I have been talking about so many things that were never brought up before and it can be really frustrating. But, it also gives me the wiggle in my tummy that tells me how exciting and exhilerating the next step will be.
No matter what our next step will be and who we take it with, I am so thankful for always having my friends in my life. It is a bond no boyfriend (or fiance) can hold a candle to.
I love you all so much and appreciate your support even when you don't know you are giving it. Just the knowledge that you are a part of my life is all I need.
So, I have been more emotional than ever before in my life the last month or so.... You may not recognize this Breanna, but while I am having mushy thoughts toward people, I thought I better share it.
Tomorrow will be cooler!!! Thank goodness!
Here I am!!!!!!!
How ARE you all? I feel like I could go on and on responding to all of the previous entries, but I think I'll start by echoing Lizabeth's sentiments about HONESTY with our friends, regardless of how shitty we think our situations are or how stupid or embarrassed we feel. The weekend I spent with Elizabeth was amazingly refreshing and full of good talks (as she previously mentioned) where we laid it all on the line and were completely honest about our feelings/pasts/everything. (There was also some QT with Micaela). I think this can also tie back to what SarahA was talking about in regards to professional identity - who cares what we do for a living unless we actually enjoy what we're doing? And in all actuality, aren't most peoples' answers a glowing and exaggerated report of something that is probably quite mundane and average anyway? Seth (ok, yes, I am going to mention my husband only ONCE in this conversation) thinks that the first question we ask people when we see them again or meet them for the first time should NOT be "What do you do?," but rather "Do you love your job?" I must admit that I, too, am going through a bit of soul searching in regards to my life's work. I had a conversation with SarahA about this last evening and am searching for other options - when Seth is done with school in December we have NO IDEA where we're going to be or what we're going to be doing. All I know is that I do NOT want to work at a bank anymore!! I have been thinking that I will try and get into something with disabled kids - I feel more and more strongly that this is what will make me feel satisfied at the end of my workdays. Ok, so that's totally a new and exciting thing for me, so don't hold me to it (apparently I told SarahA and others at the F-ing Festival that Seth and I would be staying in Marshall - what I THINK I said was that we had recently thought about the idea of staying in Marshall....but now we are both pretty much over that, just so you all know!), but in all honesty it makes me very excited to think about doing something else.
Ok, so now that I have blabbed more than ANYONE (I think that should count for SOMETHING!!!), I will relieve you all from going cross-eyed because you're looking at the computer screen too long and say my good-byes for now.
I love you all and can't wait to see you again!!
SarahB (I am purposely distinguishing myself from SarahA because apparently she is ABOVE me and does not have to use an initial to tell us who she is) :)
Saturday, July 29, 2006
shout out to the homegirls
I think we should all make fun of Mrs. Boerboom for not posting anything yet. I actually got to see Sarah a couple weeks ago when she made the trip up here...we shopped, talked, drank, talked, it was fantastic to talk and talk and talk...
I start working at Calvary Lutheran Church (in Grand Forks) mid-August and at Christus Rex (Lutheran Campus Ministry at UND) the last week of August! I'm very excited for this next chapter to truly seems to be right from the hand of God! i do have three more weeks of camp to endure (and we're outdoors this coming week!!!!!)
I've been meaning to share a life lesson that I have learned since moving back to please forgive me for expounding for a bit...
As I've been reconnecting with amazing friends (such as each of you) it has been made so clear to me that friends of this magnitude and excellence are a rare find. In the midst of the darkness that covered my last two years I have forgotten how precious and truly perfect these friendships are, and I've forgotten to trust them. After the F-n festival Sarah, Sarah and I chatted over a few glasses of wine and we realized that we've all at some time been hesitant to be honest with our life situations due to fear or shame. This must stop! We can all conclude that life will hand us a good amount of shit on any given day~be it with our significant others, jobs, faith, family...ANYTHING~ and if we can't trust our dearest friends with that...who can we trust? and wouldn't it be easier to handle our stress and problems if we have a friend or two to share the burden?
So, my new life lesson is that I will be honest when one of you fantastic ladies asks the age old question "How's is going" I will honestly respond and know that nothing I say will cause judgement or the hurt a friendship...I will trust instead. whew.
SO much good news going around though....lots to celebrate!
Love you all!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Another baby
Another bit of exciting news is Elizabeth's job. Congratulations, Elizabeth!!! Way to go! When will you be starting your new position in Grand Forks? Okay, I have to start packing. I leave for Massachusetts tomorrow and haven't really done much on the packing front besides make a packing list.
I do check the blog every day!
I really have been checking this blog nearly evey day and I am so glad that there is a new entry!! It took awhile! :) I must echo Sarah's sentiments for Breanna. Wooo Hooo! :)
I talked to our former RA Mrs. Becca Meidinger today. Little Evelyn Rose was born on Friday, July 7 via C-section. Becca said she weiged 8 lbs. and some ounces...sorry I don't remember how many! Anyway, Becca said she is a beautiful little girl. However, she was really overwhelmed with everything when I talked to her, and I think she and Paul need some big time prayers. Sounds like little Evie isn't sleeping much, seems to want to eat all day, and is a bit confusing. :) Sounds about right for a little baby, but that doesn't make it any easier on the parents. Just thought you would all like to know!
I would love to hear about your Door county stories, girls! Even though it sounds like you had an interesting time, did you enjoy the scenery? I hope so! David and I just thought it was really a peaceful and beautiful place.
I hope that all is well with everyone. We need to use this thing more often! :) Have a super week. Love you all!!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Did you hear?

Thursday, June 22, 2006
I am finally sitting down to contribute to this wonderfully fun blog. Way to go Sarah!
I wish to comment on your question about professional identity immediately. I do not believe that it is our professional identity that is as important as our soul's identity. Perhaps that should be the first thing we say after our name. For instance, one could say, "My name is Sarah. I am a kind and very creative person who likes to do fun and spontaneous things. My friends think I am the coolest, unless they accidentaly allow me to drink cans of Mountain Dew, in which case they seem to hide." (important words bolded for emphasis) Your soul is what I think is vital to what people need to know.
On another topic, maybe we should make a list of all of the things Karla Smart did fail to teach us...:) Is this public domain, however? Maybe not, but the list would be long.
I hope that you are all doing well! Julia learned to crawl this weekend. It is so cute!!
I'll talk to you all soon,
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Blog ground rules
Since the motion as come before us (and seconded, by my dictorial account), let's talk about professional identity. What is it? Who defines it? Does it really matter?
What is it?
After name introductions, professional identity is usually the first thing discussed when first meeting someone. "Where do you work? What do you do?" It is the identity we give ourselves, or others give us, during the hours we slave away at our jobs. And is it a job or a career path we are on? Well I know that working at World Market is a job for me and not a career path. But does working at World Market define part of my professional identity right now?
Who defines it?
Those that have the power to do so. It is those that believe our job/career/profession should be an extention of what we believe. And it is those that seek a definition of something that can perhaps not easily be defined.
Does it really matter?
Intially my response would be, no. However, upon further consideration I would say that is does matter. I do believe our professional identity should be an extension of what we believe is important. Does our profession go so far that someone could be clued into our morals and values...I'm not sure. I would like to think that higher education promotes professional identity, and maybe it does for some, but for me I don't think it did. At least I might not have been listening during one of those sessions. Here's what I mean: I trained for four years to become a teacher and is that what I really want? I know that I like education and kids so it is natural to be a teacher, right? Well, perhaps. But what are the other options not discussed by the incompetent Karla Smart?
I look forward to your thoughts about this topic. Hopefully this blog does not becoming me simply rambling my late-night thoughts . But I believe I have a firm sounding-board from which to bounce ideas off of. (Yes, that's you.)
Friday, June 16, 2006
for your thoughtfulness, generousity and spending the day with Micaela and I. The whole day (suprises and all) was so good for the soul and just the lift we needed to face the tasks ahead. You women hold sacred places in my heart, that I've realized no matter where we go, or who we meet can these places be filled by any other. We were meant to be sisters-that is clear!
I love you all and hope that our F-ing festival is just one of many, many more memories to be made!
God's Peace to you!
Life after icecream
After the DQ we made our way to Old Navy where we acted like "girls with all the frills", following our clue's directions! We shopped and shopped for a new outfite for Micaela and decided that Target was a better bet. Through the shopping expertise of all the ladies-Micaela was clad in a beautiful baptism sundress (pictures to come)! Of course, no one can escape a Target run without purchasing, so many other items were bought as well!
The ravenous women scooted to a beautiful park for BBQ and croquet! It was a little cloudy, but we're brave, determined and crazy hungry! Sarah opened her car truck and revealed a full BBQ set up (tablecloth and all)! We feasted, played croquet and Shripes and Breanna braved the world's scariest pop machine to quench our thirst.
As babies' bedtimes approached and the ladies were winding down, we made our way back to Scander's (the F-ing festival's headquarters). We took lots of pictures, said good-bye to Julia, Mandy and Breanna-who will have to finish they're own chapters.
I will leave it to one of the Sarah's to finish our chapter...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Sarah is a rockstar
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

On Saturday, June 10th, there a was gathering in the Minneapolis area of five ladies and two babies. It just so happened to be that Elizabeth Romero was the guest of honor and was chosen to decipher the clues for the day. She wore a tierra and the rest of us buttons (you can see Mandy sporting hers). Our first stop was Minnehaha Falls. We walked around the pavilion and noticed many celebrations. Julia and Micaela gave a little show at the bandshell which impressed all the people around them. After walking through a garden of weeds, we carried the girls and their strollers down thousands upon thousands of steps. The Falls were pretty as the picture displays and then we carried the girls up the thousands of stairs once again. A couple of benches along the path were calling our names so we sat awhile. When Sarah A. returned from a trip to the ladies room, she noticed her friends were no longer at the benches. Had they been abducted by aliens, sucked into a blackhole, or gone off without her? She was relieved to find that they were only hiding...right in front of her face in fact with blankets over their heads. I guess Sarah will never learn.
An unplanned visit to the Dairy Queen on a 65 degree day proved not only to be delicious (lacking nutritious) but also eventful with Julia. Apparently she was feeling a little bit left out as the rest of us were enjoying our frozen delights so Mandy decided to feed her some cereal. After a few handfuls Julia's jealously of others became clear. Not only was she not satisfied that the adults were eating frozen treats, she also noticed Micaela getting a bite of her mom's fudge bar. Since Julia's words are still unintelligible to most humans, she took her bowl of cereal and throw it to the birds. Cereal everywhere! But, mom played it easy and did not give in to Julia's wishes of frozen yummies. It simply meant less cereal for her. Way to show her who's boss, Mandy!
There is more to this day that should be shared. Perhaps someone will take over from here. But for now, this participant is going to bed. Buenas noches, chicas!