Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Their Father's God

I recently finished reading Their Father's God by O.E. Rolvaag. It was alright. Peder Holm, a Norweigan Lutheran, marries Suzie, his Irish Catholic neighbor. You can imagine what problems this causes because it takes place in rural South Dakota in the late 1890s. In the end his unwillingness to be somewhat open-minded was detrimental to their relationship. I have drawn some parallels with this novel to present-day society and the close-mindedness many people have. While I enjoyed reading the book, I honestly wouldn't recommend it. At times the book was frustrating, maddening, and a bit ridiculous in my opinion. I am enjoying my current book much more, Twentysomething.

I had an eventful weekend. Saturday, in celebration of Halloween, I attended an outdoor puppet show. There were larger than life puppets, pyrotechnics, free food, stilters, and a make-shift orchestra. Afterwards there was free and tasty organic food. On Monday I went to a concert at the Xcel Energy Center. It was sponsored by TPT (which tells you what kind of music it is). The featured artist was Andre Rieu and the Johann Strauss orchestra which basically meant: Lawrence Welk meets Victor Borge. Even if my hair wasn't the right color (gray), it was still fun and my friend and I even waltzed right up by the stage to one of the songs. Yes, I danced in front of 10,000 people. I made sure we were on the side so only 9,000 could see us. This Friday's concert with the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra is sure to be a bit different.

Good night friends.

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