Monday, November 27, 2006

Post-thanksgiving gratitude!

'ello ladies,

I would like to include my list of they still count after thanksgiving?

Micaela~happy, healthy and a handful!
Mi familia
spring in 4 months
God's faithfulness
a nice place to live
Mt. Rainier
all you ladies

Its been awhile since I've written so here's an update! Micaela and I have returned from our trip out to Washington, we saw lots of people. Its hard being on a baby schedule when no one else is or at least some of the folks we saw didn't really care about the baby schedule, so that was eye-opening and I underestimated how exhausting it can be travelling with baby, I was really sick when we came back. Micaela has had the flu twice. Thanksgiving was awesome, no travelling involved...just lots of relaxing with wonderful people.

So Christmas time is approaching, we will be in the Twin Cities area Dec. 28-30, and maybe longer but I have to check on work. Is there any chance of all of us getting together?

So Happy Post-thanksgiving Monday...can we get some updates from those other ladies?

Peace my sisters!

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