Sunday, October 22, 2006

What are they doing to us?

You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you CAN'T PICK YOUR FRIENDS' NOSE!

Hi guys-

This picture formatting thing is tricky! Sorry if I took up a huge amount of space or the captions don't match up. It never looks the same after its posted! :) I thought I'd add a few more pictures from our weekend. It was soooo great to see you guys. I think I went through withdrawl this week.

It was nice to have a few days off of school this week for MEA, but I feel like all I did was work! I need to go somewhere just me with no cleaning up after babies and husbands. :) Any ideas? Let's all go to Hawaii! Or lets go on a cruise! As soon as I win the lottery, I'm there. I gues I should start buying lottery tickets then...

Have a great week everyone. I love you so much!


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