Thursday, October 12, 2006

Okay, I'm bordering on obnoxiousness (is that how you spell that?) but I couldn't resist posting these cute pictures. :)

We can't wait to see you guys! We'll meet you at Becca's when we get there. I can't guarantee staying the whole football game because Julia will want a nap and its going to be pretty chilly for her, but we'll try! My brother will be there and he can't pass up a chance to hold Julia. :) We'll for sure join you for the rest of the festivities, though.

Lindsey, sorry to hear you won't be there! Bummer! We'll have to catch you in the Cities soon.

Well, we'll see you on Saturday!

p.s. Got an e-mail with request to pass on the info. from a certain friend named Elizabeth Lerohl about a proposal and a "Yes!" answer...more wedding bells are in the air!! :)


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