Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I was in a cave!

Last weekend I went to Lanesboro, MN and found myself visiting Niagara Cave. It was a fascinating place to visit. We went 220 feet below the Earth's surface and saw three different layers of limestone, fossils, a waterfall, stalactites and stalagmite, and much more. If you're ever in SE MN, I highly recommend it. I also went to an art show by my friend, Mark. That was wonderful as well. The show is entitled "Wicked Game," and displays 15 bias-motivated crimes in MN. They ranged from anti-Semitic acts to religious crimes to homophobia and violence against the homeless. The 'game' portion comes in because you get a sheet of paper that has 15 paragraphs about each crime and you must match the description to the painting. I thought it was a good way to engage the viewer. He's hoping to tour around the state with the show so if he's in an area near you, I'll let you know.

My mom went to the eye specialist yesterday to examine her eye. There is no change...all the blood is still there and her vision in that eye is poor. If she looks straight ahead she can't see anything, except some peripherally. The doctor said he can't give an exact time that it will heal, but probably 3-6 months. It's very difficult for her. Please keep her in your prayers.

HOMECOMING is coming! SOON! Let's plan. Who's in? I'll be up in the area Friday evening - Sunday morning worship and then heading out. I would like to attend the football game and the Homecoming concert. Beyond that...? Hope to hear from you ladies soon!

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