Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hi everyone! :)
After the scolding from Elizabeth, I figured I'd better get on the ball here! However, if you're going to scold, Elizabeth, you have to post something with content at least. :)
How is everyone? I thought I'd get the pictures of Julia on here since it didn't work last time. Isn't she just a sweetie? :)
There is really nothing new here. We are both getting ready for school to start on Tuesday. I am actually feeling ready except for the whole leaving Julia part. I am feeling excited to see the kids, though. And, after an entire summer socializing with basically only David, I am ready to see my "teacher friends" again. :) Not that David is bad, but you know what I mean, right?
This weekend Julia and I went to Granite Falls to help my grandparents move into a new house in town. They bought a house on the "bluff" there and have a spectacular view. It was kind of weird for all of us to see them in a new house, and it will take some getting used to, but that's how it's going to be! It was a little depressing, though...did I tell you that my parents have to move into the house that my grandparents are leaving? It is small, old, and kind of smelly. My mom and dad have put our fun, big, non-smelly house on the market already, and have had some interest. They are hoping to be able to rennovate my grandparents' house a LOT before they have to move there. It will be weird to know that someone else is living in the house where all of my childhood was spent. Oh well.
We were going to go to the fair today, but it was so cold and rainy, we decided not to. I was really looking forward to some cheese curds and also going to the animal building. Maybe next year if we're not living in Alabama. :)
What's new with everyone else? I'm going to stop rambling now. I'm sure you're all bored. Have a great week everybody!! I LOVEYOU!!

p.s. Are the rest of the girls on this blog yet? (Becca, Lindsey, Amanda?)

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