Sunday, August 20, 2006

3 things...

Hello lovely ladies, I have 3 issues (well I have A LOT more than that, but I'll spare you for now!)...

1. THANK YOU to SarahA, SarahB and Lindsey for meeting Micaela and I this weekend! I am so thankful that we can all get together without a cross-country trip! And please, all are welcome up to the North Woods ANYTIME!

2. I don't know how to invite someone else to our blog community! Lindsey, Becca, Amy, Amanda and many others should be "team members". Does anyone know how to do that? Scanders, do you have some executive power being the originator?

3. My brother, Matthew has recorded a great, soulful, acoustic CD which is now for sale. Want to support a starvin artists? click here CDs are $9 Tell everyone you know!

Much love to you all!

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