Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Verryy Long Week

Ok, so I think that I will start out by saying that this past week or so has been one of the worst I've had in a very long time. I have been meaning to write this all down for you guys, but to be honest, I haven't really known how...

Last Weds. morning I got a call from my dad at 6:30AM (1st inclination something was wrong). The first thing he said to me when I answered the phone was, "Sarah, are you with Seth right now?" (2nd inclination something HAD to be wrong). Anyway, to make a long story short - my 26 year-old cousin (Cara) committed suicide from an overdose of her antidepressants and basically any other pills she had in the apartment late the previous evening. She leaves behind one of the most loving and kind families you will ever meet (her parents and a younger brother and sister) as well as a 3 1/2 year old daughter, who is currently living with her father (Cara's ex) in Wisconsin. Her funeral was Monday morning - we spent the weekend with family -- crying, remembering, crying some more, and mostly spending time trying not to let it all sink in. My mom and I sang, which was a really great experience just because it made me feel like I could contribute something. Mary (Cara's mom) is my dad's younger sister - the baby in the Schreier family. I can't even begin to tell you how much my heart breaks for them every time I think about them, which is pretty often. It's just been really really hard....

ANYway, next thing - Tuesday evening of this week my older brother Chris had a full-blown seizure at home at about 2:30am. Now Chris has had his fair share of problems in life, as I'm sure you all know, but he has not had a seizure since he was in 2nd grade, so this was a huge shock for all of us. My parents had to call 911 and have an ambulance come and get him and take him to the ER in Marshall. He seems to be doing fine now, although answers as to what could possibly be causing this (as well as problems he's been having with his heart racing) are few and far between. He and my mom made a trip to Sioux Falls today to meet with both a neurologist and a cardiologist, but even after that, questions that no one can seem to answer still linger...

I guess I'm writing this whole huge thing not because I'm asking for anyone's sympathy or trying to complain, but just because I feel like I need to get it off my chest, and I just want to ask all of you to keep my family in your prayers. The past week has been very hard on all of us and I'm hoping the next few days will be better. Our plans for the weekend are to come back up to the Cities and spend our time at Chuck and Mary's (Cara's parents), as well as meeting up with Elizabeth and Micaela(too bad for those of you who have to be in a wedding!!!).

Ok, I'm exhausted (still! or maybe again!) and should try and get some sleep before 6am comes way too fast!

Scanders - you are in my prayers for your interviews. Anyone who doesn't hire you has absolutely NO IDEA what they're missing out on. You will find the right job and the right people will fall in love with you, just like we all did.

Mandy - I am glad to hear that you don't have to sacrifice this time around and I am glad to hear you're not moving farther away!!

Breanna - have a great time in Sue's wedding this weekend!

Lizabeth - can't wait to see you!

Thank you all for being wonderful enough to let me blab on forever and for making me feel comfortable enough to tell you everything that's been going on.

I love you all dearly,

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