Friday, August 11, 2006


For the past two nights I have been trying to upload another image
to our blog, but apparently my computer is prohibiting me from such actions. I waited 14 minutes tonight to tell me that my image is uploaded, only to discover that it was lying. Perhaps I need DSL. And Breanna, you are right, I am at Walden Pond, but that entry wasn't even posted. Did you read it as a draft?

Okay I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and share a little bit of what's going to be going on in my life next week (besides being in a wedding with Breanna.) I have three job interviews, one on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. I wasn't going to tell anyone because we all know what my track record has been like, but I can't keep my big mouth shut. And I also agree with what has been previously posted about being honest with our friends.

Monday's interview is with Minneapolis Public Schools working as an adult basic education teacher. I have to plan a 10 minute lesson to present to the committee interviewing me. Tuesday's is with an organization called, Junior Achievement. They work with kids k-12 in economic entrepreneurship education. And Wednesday's is with a northern suburb school district for a high school social studies position. It's hard not to get my hopes up once again with these opportunities, but I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude. After all, someone has got to see that I'm employable.

Sarah A.

I guess I better put the 'A.' after my first name, I forgot there was another Sarah on this blog until she mentioned it. Shhhhh...don't tell her.

1 comment:

once upon a time said...

YOU ARE EMPLOYABLE! I would hire you in a heart beat...that is, if I were in charge of anything!

I'll keep all those interviews in my prayers, you are amazing Sarah A...keep rockin'!