Friday, June 16, 2006

Life after icecream

I would love to narrate the next chapter in our adventure...

After the DQ we made our way to Old Navy where we acted like "girls with all the frills", following our clue's directions! We shopped and shopped for a new outfite for Micaela and decided that Target was a better bet. Through the shopping expertise of all the ladies-Micaela was clad in a beautiful baptism sundress (pictures to come)! Of course, no one can escape a Target run without purchasing, so many other items were bought as well!

The ravenous women scooted to a beautiful park for BBQ and croquet! It was a little cloudy, but we're brave, determined and crazy hungry! Sarah opened her car truck and revealed a full BBQ set up (tablecloth and all)! We feasted, played croquet and Shripes and Breanna braved the world's scariest pop machine to quench our thirst.

As babies' bedtimes approached and the ladies were winding down, we made our way back to Scander's (the F-ing festival's headquarters). We took lots of pictures, said good-bye to Julia, Mandy and Breanna-who will have to finish they're own chapters.

I will leave it to one of the Sarah's to finish our chapter...

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