Monday, December 11, 2006

I finally put up my Christmas tree!

Ok, so no excuses from me about not writing sooner. I am sorry. I do have lots to say, but I will try to keep it nice and short this time (Yah, right, you're all saying!). For starters, Seth and I have made the HUGE decision to stay in Marshall. For now, anyway. Seth has been offered a position with a local independent insurance agency as an insurance agent and is in the process of training, as well as finishing up with finals this week at school, and then will be taking his licensing test in the next week and a half. WHOA! We both are excited to a certain degree to be sticking around good ol' SW Minn, but sometimes I think we both dream of bigger and better things. For now, though, this is a good step for us - we will be close to family, which is a big plus, and Seth will be able to get started in something career-wise without us having to make huge lifestyle changes. I am hoping it will be EXCELLENT! :) For me, this means staying with Wells Fargo for the short-term, and maybe looking into something different in a few months. I am not really sure yet. Sometimes I think that management is for the birds.

We also just put up our Christmas tree today and the first of our Christmas decorations! This was a big step as I've been procrastinating forEVER because I have kind of not been looking forward to Christmas this year as much as usual. I am not really sure why, other than that I know that the buying of gifts for everyone makes me very stressed out and get crabby very fast. Surprise, surprise, right?! Also, I hate having to try and juggle family schedules for meals and opening gifts and such - why can't we have just one BIG PARTY?!

Other than that - for anyone who would like to come to Marshall this weekend, Seth and I are throwing a very informal and probably fairly small (but fun all the same!) party for Seth's graduation. We're going to get a keg and have some munchies - if anyone of you are feeling adventurous and/or daring, please let me know! You are ALL welcome and I would LOVE to see you!!!!!

Lizabeth, I am SO proud of you for being done (as stupid as that might sound) - I am extremely grateful to have you back. Mandy - my gosh, girl, I don't know how you've survived without complaint! I hope your tests turn out well - you'll be in my prayers.

As far as getting together is concerned, I will be in the Twin Cities the last weekend in December for my dad's 55th birthday, which is actually New Year's Eve. Keep me updated on any possibilites!

Love you all,
Sarah Christine B

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