Monday, December 04, 2006

belated thanks

Hi, everyone! I haven't written in a while, and I'm sorry to those of you I've been playing phone tag with (or just haven't been very good at replying to your messages). Life is busy, but it's no excuse.

Things I am thankful for:
-My niece, Shawna, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma in September (meaning it had spread into her lymphatic system). She has had two recent successful surgeries, and they are hoping she is cancer free. She does not need to go through chemo, and they are going to monitor her regularly to make sure she stays cancer-free.
-My grandpa also had a successful cancer surgery, and he is now cancer-free! (You suck, cancer!)
-I FINALLY graduate in June!
-I am almost done with my current clinical internship -- I have loved working with the kids, but I don't like being gone from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm every day.
-wonderful friends and family
-all of God's blessings

So, that's what I'm thankful for in a nutshell. Mandy and Elizabeth, I promise to call you back this week.

I would love to see all of you soon! I'm on Christmas break from December 15th to January 8th. I'm going to be in Mexico the week of the 17th to the 24th with family, but will be back into the cities after Christmas.
Take care -

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