Saturday, December 02, 2006


Hi gals-
I guess I'm part of the "unthankful club" for not checking in sooner. Sorry. I do have lots to be thankful about. Lots.
This week has been more than a little's why: The last few months I have not been feeling so well. On and off, I've battled UTI's, infections, and have just felt kind of crappy. Its been annoying. Finally I got sick of trying to feel better and told my doctor I felt like there was something else not normal going on. So I had a pelvic ultrasound yesterday before school (fun times) and sure enough, two things showed up. I am glad to know that I was right, but I'm not sure what these things mean. The ultrasound tech saw a fairly large cyst on an ovary, and I also have a very large kidney stone. Both things could explain why I've been feeling crappy. My doctor now has to look at the ultrasoud pictures, and from what I understand, neither of these thing are serious, but both might require some kind of treatment other than medication. Its annoying and I still feel kind of nervous, but I am glad to know that I wasn't just feeling bad for no reason! :) I'll let you know what I find out.
Tonight David and I have to perform in this town production called the Holiday Showcase. It is a concert of local musical talent that resembles the talent show on "Dirty Dancing." :) There are about 7 good acts and about 7 that are kind of painful. :) It will be fun, though. I consider myself part of the painful group, but whatever. At least we can check this off the list of things to do this month. :)
I hope that all of you are well. Maybe we should all take a trip up to the Northland and form a small army to ward off all of the men that Elizabeth will be fighting off now that she's a hot single woman. :) Sounds like fun to me. :)
Well, I have to get back to the babes here. :) Just noticed this week that Julia thinks it would be fun to have ALL of her teeth come in together. Yikes. I didn't even check the back of her mouth for a long time, assuming that her top two teeth would be the next two to come in. This week I looked and here she has two teeth--one on top and one on bottom half way back! Opon futher inspection, she's got nearly all teeth trying to get out. Ouch. No wonder she's been a bit crabby.
Anyway, have a nice weekend, stay warm, and I hope to talk to you all soon!!

Love you guys,

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