Monday, July 31, 2006

Here I am!!!!!!!

Ok, ok, OK already! I apologize from the bottom of my HEART for not posting on this damn technologically advanced, too scary for me to try until I talked to SarahA and received some serious encouragement Blog.

How ARE you all? I feel like I could go on and on responding to all of the previous entries, but I think I'll start by echoing Lizabeth's sentiments about HONESTY with our friends, regardless of how shitty we think our situations are or how stupid or embarrassed we feel. The weekend I spent with Elizabeth was amazingly refreshing and full of good talks (as she previously mentioned) where we laid it all on the line and were completely honest about our feelings/pasts/everything. (There was also some QT with Micaela). I think this can also tie back to what SarahA was talking about in regards to professional identity - who cares what we do for a living unless we actually enjoy what we're doing? And in all actuality, aren't most peoples' answers a glowing and exaggerated report of something that is probably quite mundane and average anyway? Seth (ok, yes, I am going to mention my husband only ONCE in this conversation) thinks that the first question we ask people when we see them again or meet them for the first time should NOT be "What do you do?," but rather "Do you love your job?" I must admit that I, too, am going through a bit of soul searching in regards to my life's work. I had a conversation with SarahA about this last evening and am searching for other options - when Seth is done with school in December we have NO IDEA where we're going to be or what we're going to be doing. All I know is that I do NOT want to work at a bank anymore!! I have been thinking that I will try and get into something with disabled kids - I feel more and more strongly that this is what will make me feel satisfied at the end of my workdays. Ok, so that's totally a new and exciting thing for me, so don't hold me to it (apparently I told SarahA and others at the F-ing Festival that Seth and I would be staying in Marshall - what I THINK I said was that we had recently thought about the idea of staying in Marshall....but now we are both pretty much over that, just so you all know!), but in all honesty it makes me very excited to think about doing something else.

Ok, so now that I have blabbed more than ANYONE (I think that should count for SOMETHING!!!), I will relieve you all from going cross-eyed because you're looking at the computer screen too long and say my good-byes for now.

I love you all and can't wait to see you again!!

SarahB (I am purposely distinguishing myself from SarahA because apparently she is ABOVE me and does not have to use an initial to tell us who she is) :)

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