Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bring in the new year!

Good-bye 2008, its been quite the year! I've been thinking back on 2008 all day and what I dream about for 2009...honestly, for the first time in a long time, I would like the coming year to resemble the year we're leaving! Here is my highlight list...

1)We had the big adventure of coming to Seminary, which has been a very insightful-God led-exhausting-inspiring adventure and I'd like to stay on it for awhile.

2)Micaela has been mostly healthy, except for the recent behavioral-pattern of arguing with EVERYTHING I say...that must be a virus, hope she gets over it quickly.

3)I've had lots of mini-adventures with my rock-star friends (camping, road-trips, train-trips, theatre, church music)

4) gained a really fantastic sister-in-law

5) Have 2 jobs that I really enjoy, one of which has brought us a new and loving church community and the other brings the funniest damn group of people I've ever (that's the music studio)

6) Through some very significant conversations and experiences at the seminary I've learned A LOT about myself and how to process my past experiences and hopefully stay on a healthy path for myself and my daughter

I don't really like just doing high-lights, because I don't think that's very,

1) Lost 2 great-aunts who left quite the legacy of loving thier families
2) Lost an infant niece, Abigail, born too soon
3) Still have days when single-mother hood and the lonliness that comes with it is enough to make me want to jump out the window (don't worry, I live on the ground floor)

2009 is starting off with a grand adventure to mexico city! I leave Friday and will gone for 14 days. Right now I feel really nervous about leaving Micaela and not really sure what to expect once I'm in Mexico, but I know once I'm on the plane, I'll be excited. I'm praying for more self-discovery, another year of good health of all my loved ones, many many many more adventures and opportunities to see all of you! Much love and peace to us all in 2009!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Fun Day

Hello all!
I hope you all had great holiday celebrations with friends and family. I have had a pretty laid back break so far, which has been really nice. Today I had some visitors up here in Lake Crystal- Elizabeth, Micaela, and Sarah came to see me. We had some lunch, chatted, walked around outside for like 5 minutes, played with Play-Doh, and played some Yahtzee. We documented some of the days events with my new digital camera (a Christmas present from the in-laws). Enjoy!

Sunday, December 28, 2008


One week of vacation is already passed, but I find myself pleased without the amount of relaxation I've been able to maintain throughout the break. I spent all of Christmas with Katherine and the rest of my family. Even though she's gets in her fussy stages, she was a lot of fun to play with. I think I even taught her how to say the word, 'dog.' Here are some photos from Christmas Eve.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It doesn't seem to end

I am so antsy; I just want to be done with the semester, but my paper doesn't seem to allow me to claim that desire. When will the invention be invented that takes all the good thoughts in my brain, organizes them, and them puts them down on paper? Maybe that's what I should be devoting myself to rather than this seminary thing. :)

Monday, December 08, 2008

New job, new location, new life...? :)

Hello lovely ladies! I have to admit that the majority of my "free" internet time has been spent these past few weeks on Facebook, to which I have become COMPLETELY addicted. (Thank you SO much, Elizabeth and Scanders!!:)) As I had shared with all of you at our lovely get-together, I was able to get a new job with Wells Fargo in Sioux Falls and now find myself having been a South Dakota resident for nearly a month. Holy moly! The new job is going is COMPLETELY different from what I was doing previously - I spend a lot more time at the computer (for now, anyway) and working more on the developmental aspect of hiring than the technical. I don't think I'll really feel totally comfortable for at least another couple of months..but that's ok..the new challenges/stresses are definitely a good thing!

Sioux Falls itself is fine - I am already quite comfortable here, having spent a considerable amount of time here in recent years for training, shopping, etc., so that is nice. I really enjoy the people I work with here in the office as well - they have had more positive things to say about me than I think I heard in the past five years I was at Wells in Marshall. I appreciate honesty and openness SO MUCH!!

Things on the divorce front are fine. Or should I say final? :) I am officially Sarah Schreier again (which reminds me - I wonder if I can change my name on here to something other than "SarahB"..) There are soo many things to go along with changing my name back (emotional and otherwise), with moving, with starting a new job and a new life..I feel completely and utterly overwhelmed most days. Our house in Marshall is still up for sale (so THAT's not a strain on my pocketbook AT ALL - paying half a mortgage AND rent!!! AAGGHH!!)..we actually had an offer on it the other day, but the guy refused our counter offer and said he's not budging from his original offer. Nice. Jerk. :) So..if any of you know anyone wanting to move to the wonderful town of Marshall..just let me know!! :)

I am so thankful that I have all of you wonderful ladies in my life. And so thankful that Elizabeth and Micaela are ok..that Mandola added another beautiful little girl to our group..that Scanders has given us the Last Hoorah..that Lindsey and Breanna will now BOTH be contributing to the overall size of our group of friends..I am just thankful for all of you..period.

I promise to check this thing out more often as time goes on..but also know that most evenings you will be able to find me checking Facebook! :) more thing. I have a boy in my life. Crazy. I know. Don't worry - not a serious relationship boy or anything like that (pretty sure it's going to take me YEARS to want to get married again..!!!!) His name is Dan..he's originally from Detroit Lakes, MN..and he is wonderful. Right now we're just hanging out when we can and enjoying each other's company..very low-key. It's just nice. He is someone I can talk to and someone I already feel very comfortable with. Who may never turn into anything more..but it is nice to have him in my life right now.

Seriously..I may have exceeded my word limit for the day...I should stop. Just know I love you all!!! You are always in my heart!!!


Saturday, December 06, 2008

swf looking date. :)

Hi friends! Its an exciting Saturday night here for Elizabeth and Micaela! Winnie-the-Pooh is showing and we've decided dinner is overrated...popcorn munching is much more fun! I am actually very thankful for a quiet day/evening with no plans and a chance to relax and regroup from a crazy, busy week!

Somehow, I said I would help with the Sunday school Christmas service at church-so I spent the afternoon writing that! :) Starting a new job at a church in November is not a great time-I'm still figuring out the systems there and somehow have to organize Christmas Eve worship and now the children too. Ug. We have one more full week of classes and then the semester is OVER! Holy Crap, how did that happen?!?! I have one major paper, portfolio and 2 take home tests. I am also getting excited about travelling to Mexico City for 2 weeks in January to study liberation theology! Please say a prayer that the funds needed for this travel to actually happen come through. Thanks!

So, last night Micaela and I were driving home from White Bear Lake and I lost control of the car, crossed over traffic in the left land (I cannot believe we didn't get hit by the truck that was just a ways behind us) spun--hit the wall with the back end, spun---hit the wall with the front end. I called my Uncle who was nearby right away-I was just so scared to be sitting on the left side of 5-land traffic!!! I was sure we were going to get hit. A sheriff pulled up within 2 minutes and turned on his lights--whew. Micaela was so brave as we sat for over an hour waiting for state patrol and the tow truck. So, I'll find out Tuesday the fate of "rocket" (Our car) matter what I now have an insurance deductible to pay and no $$ to pay it. Adulthood blows!
But I am thankful we (and other travellers around us) are fine, I have hugged my baby 5 million times today, and if you ask, she'll give you a very entertaining account of the evening.

That's the update from here! Any chance of a holiday gathering? We are headed to the north shore Dec. 25-27, otherwise I am very much here. Hope you all are doing fun, exciting Saturday night activities! Love to you all!


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

She's Here!

Hi ladies!  
    Sorry for not getting this info. out sooner.  It is hard work being the mom of two.  It is finally Wednesday morning, and I am alone with a computer for the first time and I just got our pictures loaded.  Whew!  :)  
    So, Lauren Elizabeth was born at 11:35 on Sunday.  She was 7 lbs, 8 oz, and 20 inches long.  We got to the hospital at 7:00 a.m.  I will now say that epidurals are my best friend as the 21 hours of laboring at the hospital with Julia was cut to a mere 4 1/2 hours, 2 of which I couldn't feel a thing.  Wow.  :)  
    Other than being a little frustrated with nursing, and trying to figure out how exactly it works to tame a precocious 3-year old while trying to calm a crying newborn, things here are okay.  I am tired, but I guess that is normal?  :)  
    I have to get the pics out to lots of others, but I just wanted to check in and say hi.  :)  If only we had a laptop, camera phone, or something else like that I could have gotten these pics to you sooner! :)
    Have a nice rest of the week!


Sunday, November 30, 2008


I just read on Anne's facebook that she has a new niece....Lauren Elizabeth Severtson who was 7 lbs. 11 oz. Fun!
I'm just bloggin' to say that I got a message from Mandy at 11am this morning saying they are at the hospital and she is 5cmn dialated! YAY!

Yay for Lindsey and Ryan!!!


Hi, ladies! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It's been so fun to catch up by reading everyone's posts, since I only get to check the blog like once a month. However, we have decided to joint the 21st century, and we are going to be getting internet at our home so I can blog more often. Yeah!

Here are just a few things I am thankful for:
-good friends that no matter how rarely you get to talk, you still feel as close to them as when you got to talk every day.
-my healthy, active 8 month old daughter.
-the health of the rest of my friends and family.
-new babies that are expected any day now and within the next few months.
-love of God, family, and friends
-the new baby that our family is expecting in July (Yes, Addyson is going to be a big sister. This was quite a pleasant surprise for us!)

I hope all of you have a very joyous and blessed holiday season, and I'm looking forward to blogging more often!
Lindsey :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

una lista de gracias

Como cada persona en nuestro grupo tengo muchas cosas estar agradecido como...
  • mis amigos
  • mi familia
  • el amor de Dios
  • my roommate
  • hearty, fall vegetables
  • professors who take the time to listen
  • good health
  • opportunities to explore
  • good smells like pumpkin spice and cinnamon candles

Happy Thanksgiving, my wonderful friends!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

good idea!

Good idea Breanna, I need to change my attitude to one of gratitude. For some reason November has always been a funky month for me. I think its the holidays, and my Mom's birthday...Christmas hasn't ever been a problem, maybe its just the gearing up part of it that is hard. Anyways, counting our blessings is a great way to climb up out of the fog so here I go...

I am thankful for...
This blog and all its contributors
A visit up to GF and all the people there who love and support us
the opportunity to learn and grow at Seminary
Micaela's fantastic health (sans the occasional nose bleed)
My sisters-in-law (I like my brothers too, but have recently felt abundantly thankful for these additional females to the family)
Spell check
The freedom of forgiveness

We have this entire week off from classes and WOW has it felt great to get ahead in school work, get my hair cut, do some shopping, clean the car, cook dinner ALL BY MYSELF (Micaela has gone to school yesterday and today) and now I'm ready for a few days with my daughter and family!

***Everyone should go rent "The Visitor" its a beautiful movie! Might leave you feeling a little unsettled, but that's okay! *****

Love you all! Happy Thanksgiving!



Hello friends,
Maybe to up our number of posts, we should post things that we are thankful for this Thanksgiving season. When we have Thanksgiving with my family, we all have to list something, so I need to get ready for it anyway!

I'll start!

I am thankful for:
-friends who will always be there no matter how busy they are with their own lives (that is all of you)
-family and being able to see them more often this year because Laryssa is in the cities
-a job
-the baby in my belly
-short weeks of school
-the election results
-my cup of half decaf, half regular coffee this morning
-our health
-school lunch (when I am too lazy to pack my own)
-banana popsicles (that taste soooo good lately)
-books and words

Ok, that is all for now. I hope you are all doing well. Mandy, I hope that you are hanging in there. I can't wait to hear about the new baby! But, you can spare me any scary details. I am already nervous about that part of being pregnant!

Happy Thanksgiving! Safe travels to all!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Okay, Sarah.  I will try to do my part before our time runs out here.  I agree, 17 more posts is possible.  Come on people! :)

We are still just WAITING here for a baby.  I am getting antsy.  This baby decided its fun to kick me in places that should NEVER be kicked, making me walk strangely suddenly in places like choir rehearsal and the grocery store.  This makes me feel great.  I have also had the fun experience of being "checked" at my last two doctors appointments, only to be told that there is nothing exciting happening.  This is very encouraging to a tired, waddling lady.  :)  This last week at school, I got observed, had my two subs "shadow" me, and had conferences.  This weekend, David has his recital and his parents are coming.  None of this causes stress at all!  I am a carefree mother with nothing to do. 

Okay, I'm done being sarcastic and crabby. :)  Julia actually is taking a nap today, which rarely happens, AND I finally got to watch 27 Dresses last night, so I am really doing fine.  I am excited for Thanksgiving!  My parents and sister are coming here and we are going to cook away!  Maybe I'll learn something.  Today I actually bought a turkey for the first time ever.  Then when I got home, I had to clean out the freezer and the fridge, both of which will house the massive thing in the next few days.  This was good for my soul except for the completely liquified cottage cheese that I found.  It actually smelled like diarrhea.  I'm not lying.  I nearly lost it.  How disgusting!!  But now I have a clean refrigerator full of room for a thawing turkey and other yummy things.  

My brother is spending the entire next week in Mexico for a friend's wedding.  He is going with a lot of his college pals.  He may need a new liver when he returns, but I think he'll have fun.  His "girlfriend?" Lydia is going to be there, so that will be nice for them.  She lives in Chicago, so they don't see each other much.  Lydia got to go to Grant Park the night Barack Obama won the election.  Wouldn't that have been a fun place to be?   That was such an exciting night!   Speaking of elections, my dad was one of the "watchers" for the DFL in Renville county when they did their Coleman/Franken recount this week.  He had fun, and there were only 2 challenged ballots, so it wasn't scary.  No fights broke out. :)  

Well, I don't know much else.  We'll let you know if any news pops up around here.  (or pops out I guess). :)   Have a great Thanksgiving!!!  

Love you all,

p.s.  Enjoy the Halloween pictures.  I know it was a while ago, but that's okay, right?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the last hoorah

Without fail, every semester at Concordia - all eight of them, my mom would always give me "the last hoorah" talk. I'd be bemoaning all of the work I had to complete before the end of the semester and wonder how I would get it all done in the midst of holidays and especially during this time of year with Christmas concert rehearsals and performances.

Well I'm giving us a 'last hoorah' speech ladies! I was looking at the number of posts during this calendar versus last year and we need at least another 17 to tie with last year. I think this is an achievable goal and encourage each of you to participate. Remember, even though you're busy, your friends want to hear about you in all capacities of your life.

Two random sidenotes:
1.) Have you ever wondered how many random people stumble across this on accident, just perusing through cyberspace?
2.) Tonight I made butternut squash for the first time in my life. As a child, I was forced to eat acorn squash and would gag every time thus making me believe I would never eat squash as an adult. For many reasons I decided to make a squash tonight and am pleased to report that I am mildly enjoying this fall vegetable that is filled with Vitamin A and is supposed to be good for you.

Take care and remember to push to the end of the year with our's the last hoorah!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh Thanksgiving

I want what Michaela is having for Thanksgiving. I am not a fan of the traditional turkey, gravy, and mashed potatoes...BLAND. I want some spice in my life...and maybe some icy cold refreshments. I did tell Michaela I would share my popsicles with her when she came to my house, maybe she thinks that is where we are going to have Thanksgiving? I even have banana popsicles now, and they are delicious. YUM.

I am trying to get through my last class of the day, they are now reading The Outsiders, which I happen to think is just as violent as the book that was challenged. Oh well. My job while they are reading is to keep my eyes on them while my fingers are typing. Then, when they look up and realize that I am still watching them, they put their faces back down in their books. If I am being a lazy typer and try to watch my fingers, then I start hearing whispering, paper being shuffled to each other, and the occasional giggle. Each day some kid comments about my amazing typing skills. I feel cool. I also had a kid guess that my age was 20 today. That was sweet.

My random thoughts today are courtesy of my plans this weekend. I am very excited, because as soon as this class is over, I am heading to the cities. Laryssa and I are going to see Wicked tonight. YAY! She has had a rough week. She went home for the first extended period of time last weekend to watch the Walker musical, and she has now started to feel homesick. She is so cute though, she says, "I think if I wasn't ever homesick, I would be a bad person. It is good to miss things you love. But it is also good to experience new things." Oh what wisdom for a girl of her age.

That is where I will leave you. I always start to miss you all this time of year, thinking about Christmas concert rehearsals, the hustle and bustle around The Lighthouse, and sharing stories about our adventures. I am thankful for all of you!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

popsicles aren't a traditional thanksgiving food???

Friends! I just finished chatting with our very-expecting-expanding Mandy and that inspired me to log on to the blog where I was laughed out loud (but didn't wake Micaela, whew!) at Scander's post. We are jetting up to GF for a quick visit with friends, church, Grandma Andrea and then we'll spend our whole week off here in the Cities. I have to work Sunday/Monday...but am excited because Micaeala is going to go to school 2 days that week and I will be FREE to do things like cut my hair, and put in some hours at church! Yipee!

Life has been filled with many lofty, life lessons lately (that alliteration is dedicated to Breanna)'s what I know:

--Before the snow falls, one should be equipped with snow pants and boots so they can avoid 7am trips to Target, so the girl can play outside at school.
--When one has a question rolling inside one's head for 3 months and they finally bring it to the professor, they can expect to be pleasantly, yet powerfully blown away. (If you're curious-I asked how a person can be a servant to all and still care for themselves so they don't run around earth being abused and generally shit upon, the professor respond with helping me to clarify my neighbor's wants from my neighbors needs, we do not have to serve every want our neighbor has)
--God is good and faithful, in surprising and fantastic ways.
--Long phone conversations with good friends are good for the soul.
--Standing one's ground while one's toddler throws the world's LOUDEST temper-tantrum is hard, exhausting and totally necessary (it was over a stupid bag of crackers)
--The new job at the church could be a bit more challenging then I thought, but still good.
--The new job at the piano studio ROCKS!
--When one has to write an in-class essay in 9 hours, one should get their butts reading and to bed.

Good night!


Gobble, Gobble

What's everyone doing for Thanksgiving? Yesterday I ate lunch with Elizabeth and Micaela and I asked Micaela what she would be having for Thanksgiving. She told me they would be dining on broccoli, potatoes, popsicles, and spaghetti. While less traditional than many would have for Thanksgiving, I commend her commitment to eating a well-balanced meal. Undoubtedly my meal will consist of eating more carbohydrates than I should, but I will rest assured that my friend, Micaela, will be eating a well-balanced, several-food-group meal. We have the whole week off from school and I'm looking forward to having a bit of a break, even though I should spend much of the week doing my homework. I'm going to spend a little bit of time in Alexandria as well as in Duluth. Undoubtedly I will also spend some time at Katherine's house as well. Things have been a little dormant on the blog front...don't let this busy holiday season keep you from staying connected with your nearest and dearest friends!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Relief and anticipation

I am sooooooo happy that I actually got to stay up late enough to see the results of the election. I thought John McCain gave a GREAT concession speech...he actually inspired me to believe that we can be a bi-partisan nation and can begin to change if we do it together. And, of course, I loved Obama's acceptance speech. I am so happy for not only our nation, but the world. I think this will help our standing amongst the world.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


It's a fun night of celebration (at least for my politcal party)! I hope the momentum and enthusiasm continues throughout the next four years because I really do think we can change the world as long as there is colloboration among people. Yea for change!

Election Day continues

I think it's going to be a nail-biting night.....ughhhh......

This is when I wish I maybe had a TV.

Happy Election Day!

Hi Friends!
Just wanted to say hello and I hope we have great news to talk about tomorrow!
How is everyone doing?

I am just gearing up for the rest of a long, but exciting week. Tomorrow we have our 20 week ultrasound, so that will be exciting. Thursday we have conferences (BOO). And then we have travel plans this weekend to go to IOWA...(BOO).

Talk to you tomorrow!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Breanna-I would love to go to the choir concert-I've never been to the orchestra hall (as an audience member). I just looked up the info-is it really a 9pm concert? That seems insane and like we'd probably sleep through it...but I'd be game for either time!

Anyone else?!?!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Concordia Christmas Concert

IS anyone going to the concert? I am trying to decide if I should take that day off again, or what....
Let me know!

Monday, October 20, 2008

A great weekend

It was wonderful to see those of you who made the trek to St. Paul. I particularly enjoyed our Cranium game and playing outside. Today was another gorgeous day, but I already banned myself indoors in an attempt to complete some homework. There was success along that front, but not as much as I would have liked. On the other hand, my Endorsement interview with my candidacy committee went well and they will give me their decision tomorrow. I'm not too concerned as they said they will be recommending me to the committee; I think it's more of a formality tomorrow. I hope everyone's week is starting out well. Lots of love!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

Here is the recipe for the soup!

1 pound cooked, shredded chicken (to really cheat, used canned)
1-15 oz. can diced tomatoes
1-10 oz. enchilada sauce
1 medium onion, chopped (I don't use that much)
1 can chopped green chile peppers
2 cups water
1-14.5 oz. chicken broth
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. chili powder
1 bay leaf
1-1o oz. package frozen corn
1 TB. garlic

cook together 6-8 hours on LOW or 3-4 hours on HIGH. top with cheese and tortilla chips


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sorry Shripers-I didn't mean to exclude you from the lodging list. You, Breanna and Scanders will be at Angela's house.

I like alcohol...I plan to partake a fair amount this weekend. Bring it on, babe!

See ya'll Friday, whenever you get here!


So soon!

The first thing I need to say is that Scanders Anderson cracks me up. Period. :) As much as I also would LOVE to be a part of pregnancy and birth conversations, I too must request that at least SOME part of the weekend will be dedicated to discussions other than babies! :) I also want to make sure that I will have a place to stay (Scanders??) since I do not have children nor am I preggers. Do I belong anywhere?!?! HAHAHAHA JK..just as long as I have a roof over my head I am fine wherever there's room!! Oh, AND (this may be the most important thing I have to say!)..I'm just wondering what I should bring for alcohol since I think there are all of probably three or four of us who can partake in it!! :) I am putting myself in charge of picking it up, as long as those of you who would like to join in the alcoholic festivities tell me what you want to drink!!! So..let me know!! Also, there is a possibility I will be able to leave earlier on I may be able to get into town around supper time, which would be even MORE fantastic! I am SO excited to see you have no idea!!! Love you!! Sarah

Monday, October 13, 2008

Be not afraid...

Hey ladies! So, Scanders and I have done some pre-planning for this weekend. I think we'll have everyone with kiddos stay at my place, that way when we put them to bed...all us "big" girls can all be in the same place and hang out. This arrangement also gives the preggers good beds (by themselves!!!).

Here is my address so you can mapquest your way here...

1570 Eustis Street
Lauderdale, MN 55108

We've got food covered for Saturday-so you don't need to worry about any of that...if you want to bring something for snacks/treats...go for it-everything else is covered.

See you soon!


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mid-year Festival

I feel like we're having a mid-year F'n Festival - I like the idea. I'm really looking forward to seeing all of's sure to be a good time. Breanna and I were talking tonight and she asked me if she should bring anything. I think you should just bring yourselves, some sort of snack to share, and any special blankets and/or pillows you or your child needs in order to sleep. And call me selfish, but I have one request to make - can we not talk about pregnancy the whole weekend? Don't get me wrong, I want to hear about it, just not the whole weekend :)

Like Elizabeth, I can't believe it's the middle of the 5th week of classes. Unfortunately this means that I have to start thinking about the end of semester projects that will take more than a couple of weeks to accomplish. This week we had our internship applications due which seems really soon. There seems to be a step every month to go through until we are finally made aware of our placement in either March or April. Today I spoke with a pastor from the Phoenix area about his parish; they're looking for two interns there next year and their ministry sounded pretty appealing. Right now I'm hoping to go somewhere I will be able to put my Spanish to some use. The last couple of weekends I have attended some Spanish-speaking worship services which have been really good and last week I volunteered with an organization that makes Latino food and shares in conversation with whoever stops in. It's fun to meet some new people.

Can't wait to see all of you!!!!

So excited

Hi, ladies! So, I do very occasionally have access to the blog (ha ha, Elizabeth!) so I thought I'd write a quick post. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend! Addyson and I will there most of the weekend and are just going to leave for a few hours Saturday night to see some friends from PT school (who are definitely not cooler than all of you!). Sorry I don't have any pictures to post; I've stolen a few minutes from work to run to the library to check email and the blog and don't have any pictures of Addyson to post. Yes, I live in the technology dark ages. I do not have internet access at home and my employer has filtered almost every website except the Medicare one.

Anyways, just wanted to say "hi" and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone next weekend!
Lindsey :)
p.s. I'm especially looking forward to sharing labor and delivery stories with Breanna! (Congratulations, by the way!)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Can't wait for next weekend...

Hello friends, okay business first!
Friday night Mandy is here around dinner time, Lindsey and Shripers will be arriving around 9pm.
Saturday we have all day to play around, meet up with Breanna. In the evening Lindsey will be leaving to hang out with her cooler-PT friends (she can't access the blog, so I'm speaking for her...which is dangerous!)
Sunday more play time!

Lodging-I have space at my place and Angela Noel has offered her house for the weekend! So no hotels, that's just silly. She and her hubby are out of town and they live minutes away from Luther. Scanders knows more about this lovely place.

I'm in my 5th week of school-how can that be? The weeks are pretty intense, so time is flying by! I now have 2 jobs-thank God! I'll be leading a Contemporary worship service at Mt. Zion in south Minneapolis. I think this will be a great church home for us-it reminds me a lot of Peace Lutheran in Fargo (where I worked in college). I also am teaching piano on Monday nights at a music studio in St. Paul...great little place, nice people.

We also haven't had the best health luck here-nothing big just a flu bug, then a cold and my back has been given me lots of problems (I sound like a pregnant lady...hahaha). This morning I literally crawled into Micaela's room because standing was not an option-thats the second time thats happened this month. Any suggesstions anyone?

Otherwise, not much to report. I see my Dad at least once a week, which has been nice. We hang out with my high school buds Brentie and Justin-which is also been really fun to re-connect with them more. Still working on finding that niche at Luther-seeing Sarah everyday is the biggest highlight :)

I just had a great-aunt pass away, my bros and I are doing the music for the funeral tomorrow morning. She and my Grandma (they were sisters) lived next door to each other their whole lives (until my Grandma died), so my aunt was always around. She and my uncle were marriend for 59 years! Crazy! She was 79 and died peacefully while taking a nap...unfortunelty its another reminder that there are VERY few on either side of my family that have made it past 80...I don't actually know of any. I talked with my uncle tonight (who is also 79) and he just kept saying "life is is short" and then he said "isn't my wife beautiful?"

On that note, I should be studying for my Hebrew test, writing a paper and preparing my music for tomorrow...but writing to you all sounded like much more fun. Much love to you all...aren't my friends beautiful!


Rain here, too

Hi ladies-
   I'm excited to see you all too!!  Julia and I will be able to be there either Friday night or Saturday early afternoon.  What do you think would be the best time?  Do we have any definite plans?  Where are we staying?  Are we slumber partying it?  Hoteling it?  Any ideas?  
    Things here are going pretty well.  We are FINALLY healthy after about a month of being deathly ill here with a horrid cold.  So now I feel "normal" but of course, my belly is beginning to make me supremely uncomfortable even when just sitting or standing.  Its fun.  :)  
    Breanna, I'm so excited for your maternity pants.  They are the most flattering, fun things to wear ever.  :)  Congratulations on joining the club! :)
     Okay, let me know what's up for next weekend.  I am game for anything!  


Rain, Rain, Rain...

Hello all,
I just heard from Missy and we are going to do dress shopping on Friday afternoon, and she would like to stay in the cities Friday night. So, I am available Saturday morning through Sunday. Where should I meet you all? I can't wait to see you then!

Is anyone going to Concordia Homecoming this weekend? I think Sarah and Elizabeth were planning on it. Are you still going? Are you going to the choir reunion? Sounds fun!

Last weekend, Sue came to visit and we had a very nice time buying some maternity pants. My jeans still fit me, it is just my dress pants have no room to stretch in anymore, and they are very uncomfortable. We also watched movies, relaxed, saw her college roomates, and ate. Good times.

Anything exciting going on in your life?
Can't wait to see you soon!


Friday, October 03, 2008

I am SO there!

Hey lovely ladies! I am up for anything and everything as far as that weekend is concerned...I will be able to be in the Cities later Friday evening (I can leave Marshall after work around 530) and can stay through Sunday anytime! Let me know what I can to do help in preparation for our get-together. Seriously, I cannot WAIT to see you all. Love you, Sarah

Friday, September 26, 2008


I don't know if that subject is the right word to signify the relief I feel now that it is Friday! It was Homecoming week, and now it is OVER (as far as I am concerned...I got out of chaperoning the dance...YAY!!)
I picked up Laryssa from Perpich yesterday and my parents are coming tonight to hang out. They are leaving tomorrow, which is nice too because then we still have a weekend to enjoy.
I also think meeting sometime Saturday would be great and hanging out until Sunday late-morning. I am so excited to see you all.
Mandy....I am feeling better, but still not out of the woods. I am exhausted when I come home every night.

the weekend

   Julia and I can be there anytime from about 6:00 on Friday until lunchtime on Sunday.   

Sarah, I am so jealous that you were at that game!!  David was "watching" the game via the internet and couldn't sleep he was so excited. :)  Hopefully they can pull it off against the Royals!

Breanna-  How have you been feeling?  I've been thinking about you.  Sorry to hear about the boobs.  Just wait... :)

I have had the WORST cold of my life for like 2 weeks now.  I think I might go to the doctor if its not better by Monday.  I even had to miss 2 days of school last week which sucks because I only had 3 sick days left after I took them all for maternity leave.   Julia's birthday is on Sunday, so we have the Severtson clan coming for the weekend...resting won't really be an option.  Come on cold!  go away! :)

Anyway, can't wait to see you all!!

Love,  Mandy

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"the" weekend

Hey ladies! I just went to a really awesome Twins game - they just pulled into first place for the division. Woohoo!!!!

Anyway, I'm available most anytime during the weekend of our extravaganza, but would propose gathering on Saturday, hanging out through the night and enjoying Sunday brunch. Just some thoughts. Can't wait!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

our plans...

hey ladies,

I am free Oct. 17-21st (we have that Monday and Tuesday off). My family (daniel, katie and isaiah) will also be in town that weekend, so I just need to leave some time for them too. So-just let it be known what days you'll be in the Cities and I'll work around it! Thanks!


Monday, September 22, 2008

MEA plans

Hello ladies,
I am seriously excited about getting together over MEA. But, just a few questions...are we planning Friday night and Saturday night or just Saturday night? Just curious. As some of you may know, Missy (by bf from Walker) is getting married in June and she would like to do dress shopping over MEA. I think she will want to do Thursday or Friday- or I will nudge her in that direction. Gee, I can't wait to try on dresses with this body...not really bigger yet (except the boobs, which DO NOT NEED to be bigger). Oh well...
Happy first day of Fall!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

another baby...and it is a boy!

For those of you who do not have facebook (is that mandy only?)....Amy and Jake had their baby.

Benjamin Jacob Peterson
Born: September 15th, 2008 @ 1:14pm
7lbs. 10oz.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Well, I figured I had better join in on the action here pretty soon..I am getting left in the DUST with all of these posts and pics going up on the blog!! Craziness abounds (as always!) in my life, but it was nothing short of WONDERFUL to have a visit from Scanders, Elizabeth, and Micaela a couple of weekends ago, and a couple of weekends before that, I was able to make a trip up to Pelican Rapids (or should I say Erhard?!) to spend some time with our dear Amanda and her family.

I would also like to add to the CONGRATULATIONS to our mommies-to-be - how fun and exciting!

On that note, Scanders, I too will be happy to assist in bringing alcohol to our both you and Elizabeth found out, I have become quite the professional drinker these past few weeks...hahahahaha! :)

Enjoy these pics of my friend visits - I CAN'T WAIT to see you all in just a few weeks!!!! Love you!

October's going to be awesome

How delightful to see such great photos posted by Mandy and Julia when looking at the blog today. I'm excited for our time together in October - it will undoubtedly be a great time. Oh, and don't worry about who will provide the alcohol, I feel the call to fill that role. In fact I've already started with some beer in my fridge and tequila in my cabinet. Even when pregnant I think tequila would be good and yes, maybe even for the child. ;)

For those that haven't heard that much about Mexico, I thought I'd take a little bit of time to tell you about it. In a nutshell it was a phenomenal experience and gave me lots of things to think about in relation to what ministry I feel I being called to. While I learned more spanish and feel my comprehension is better than what it was, I also learned a lot about the culture, political, social, and economic state in the country and especially in Morelos and some of the other poorer states in the country. What's great about the type of learning that I experienced is that it is not just in the classroom but takes place by talking with the people and visiting homes and attending neighborhood meetings and parties. I've learned a lot about community and can't wait to implement that into my future ministry. In fact I felt more welcomed by the people I met in Mexico over some of the communities I've been involved with in my own culture. I've been back two weeks today and I'm feeling like I'm finally getting into the swing of things, whatever that means. Because truth be told I'm not the same as when I left and I don't think anyone is when they return from an immersion experience (which doesn't come exclusively from leaving the country). As I continue to process and discern I'm thankful for my community of friends. Elizabeth and I went to visit Schripes last weekend which was wonderful and tonight a little girl (Micaela) and her mommy came over with a banana bread to share - talk about community. Additionally, I look forward to October and our gathering - it's nice to be with people who understand who you are. Here are a few photos from my trip. Maybe when you come in a few weeks I'll actually have some developed.

Ha! Ha!

And Scanders was afriad our little blog was losing momentum-we're back with a vengance baby! Mandy-we have to get you some adult interaction...but those pics are crazy cute, especially the one with Julia kissing you!

YAY for October! So, we've got Scanders, the 2 pregger princesses, Shipers and Me! I'll give Lindsey a call and she if she can join us too! You could all come and camp out at Luther...I have two beds to offer (maybe for those carrying the little ones) and can round up some air mattresses easily. Scanders has an abundance of couches (he he he!!)...

Micaela and I have been having a lovely, quiet weekend. We walked around Como Lake this morning, hit up our favorite coffee joint...some ideas for when ya'll are here! Maybe we can find some pumpkin patches or other fall festivities! But who will provide all the alchohal now that Breanna is knocked up?!?! :) By the way, CONGRATULATIONS Breanna...I am SO EXCITED to watch you be a mom, you're going to be great!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!



Hello friends,
Thanks to Mandy, I am now not just nervous, but terrified! No, we are very happened a little faster than we assumed it would, but it turns out it will be good timing.
I would love to get together over MEA too. As for Homecoming, I don't know if I will be up for it. Riding in cars is not what I am good at right now. I get sick even more than normal car sickness...but, I can handle driving to the cities to see everyone. What should we do?
Hope everyone is doing well. Let's get something going for that weekend. I am hoping by then I feel like eating food again. Let's hope!

Breanna's Future

Hi everyone! 

Well, it is Saturday, I'm exhausted and a little cooky.  Julia and I embarked on a project today just for you all.  :)  Its a little silly, but that's okay.  Julia was the photographer for a couple of these!  She's quite the helper.  Our project is entitled, "Breanna's Future-- the good the bad and the ugly."  or something like that. :)  he he   I'm in pregnancy humor here, bear with me. 

If I could get this to work, I would put little captions in for each with me here. :)

Photo #1:  Oh my gosh!  And you have three whole months left!  Yikes!
Photo #2:  "You need HOW MANY pillows to sleep?" 
Photo #3:  Where the hell did my bellybutton go?  
Photo #4:  The Hugs and...
Photo #5:  Kisses are worth all of the rest.

Anyway, we hope that you are all doing well!!  School is mostly good for me, although I SEVERELY miss my summer naps.  

We have had 4 nights in a row of dry UNDIES OVERNIGHT here in De Pere.  That's for Julia in case you were wondering.  We decided to leave the pullup buying in the dust when our last package ran out and so far, so good.  It is exciting.  A three month hiatus from diapers.  Wow.  

Nothing else is new other than I feel like a blimp, my back hurts, and my boobs are the size of watermelons, which for me is a new feeling.  I don't especially enjoy having them...I definitely miss my little B cups.  I fear they may never be the same.  

Well, CONGRATULATIONS to Breanna.  I am so excited to think that our baby will have a little companion just like Julia has Micaela.  So sweet.   We hope that you are feeling okay.  How is school going?  Have you told your students yet?  I bet they'll freak out!  

By the way, I am as of now totally game for a Cities' get-together the weekend of Oct. 17...anyone?  

BTW, I got a birth announcement for Miss Lillian (Lily) June Meidinger yesterday.  Born Aug. 12, cute as a button.  Maybe you got the same thing, but I just thought I'd pass on the info. in case.  

Okay.  Sorry if the bare belly pictures are a little much.  Like I said,  a little cooky here.

Love you!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Christmas List

So, if anyone wants to do any Christmas shopping for me, here are some things I will need...

A stroller
A crib

If you don't plan on getting me a Christmas present, that is fine, but I will need these things by March 23rd, 2009.


Oh, by the way, you don't need to buy me presents...that was just a joke.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Autumn leaves...

Hello my friends! Happy Autumn! So, I just had my 2nd day of classes at Luther-so far so good. I'm really pretty excited about all my classes (well, one is a little sketchy...but I'm being optimistic). Micaela is full time at daycare and LORD HELP ME is she a serious 2 year old! We have double the time-outs and tantrums then we ever had. She yells, hits, kicks, throws things-these are of course the ugliest moments. Her favorite phrase to yell at me when she's mad is "ITS NOT YOUR CHILD!" I have no idea where that came from. A classmate of mine (who has 20 years preschool experience) told me about this 1/2 year equilibrium and that had kids' half year their development takes a big swing in direction and they cope my freaking out. I like that theory b/c it means I'm not raising a spoiled little monster. :) Okaay, I'm painting an ugly picture, its not all bad. Today was actually a lovely day...yesterday not so much (My apologizes to Scanders who has witnesses a few melt-downs)

Scanders and I went to Marshall and saw Shripers and her AWESOME home! I say the next F'n festival is in Marshall!!! We talked a bit about an October gathering here in the Cities. Who's game?!?!?

Okay, I have to go write the first 7 letters of the Hebrew alphabet 77 times each. Much love to you all!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

here's the quilt :)

Another Girl!

Hi ladies! 
   I'm sorry I haven't written for awhile.  We've been home now for like 2 weeks and I have been busier and more tired than I thought I'd be! :)  I hope that all of you are doing well!!  Sarah, are you home from Mexico yet?  Was it great?? Did you have any adventures?  
   I have been meaning to write about our biggest news; our ultrasound last week revealed that we will be having another girl! :)  We are of course excited for Julia to have a little sister.  A boy would have been fun, too, but maybe we'll try one more time.  The verdict is still VERY out on that one.  :)
    Since we've been home, we have had many adventures.  Unpacking and re-organizing have taken up most of our time.  The baby's room was/is full of crap (and I mean crap) that has no home in our home. :)  We have been searching for and finally found a cute dresser on Craig's list (thanks Elizabeth!) so that our girl can have a place for clothes. :)  Our washer and dryer decided to tell us that they would really rather not be nice anymore, so we bought a new (scratch and dent model) washer and dryer.  FUN!  My parents, grandparents, and sister managed to make it out here for my birthday, so that was fun, although they were really only here for about a day and a half.  Still fun.   And then there's getting ready for school.  After a relatively relaxing summer, its been a little crazy getting back here! :)   I posted a TON of pictures on Julia's blog, so if you want to see some from Maine, check out    
     I managed to make a quilt this summer!!  I am totally pumped that I actually finished it.  I made it for Anne, who is starting a new generation of Cobbers this fall.  I am excited to make another one, I think for Julia's bed, but we'll see how much time I find.   It felt good to do something fun for me. :)
     Julia is growing like a weed!!  I bought her some new shoes today because she only has one pair that fits her, and I had to get a size 7 1/2!!  CRAZY!   She has switched to the "threes" at day-care, and they focus on recognizing numbers, letters, shapes, etc.  Letters?!!  Is she that old already!  I'm a little freaked out but this, but we will go with it.  It can't hurt.  Her birthday is coming up in about a month, so that will be fun. She is already excited for it.  
     What is new with all of you?  its hard to believe that school is going to start and summer is almost over.  Wow.  Has anyone heard about Becca's new baby?  Name?  How about Amy?  Any other crazy news to report from the summer?  
      Well, I am going to try to get some laundry done this afternoon, so I'm going to get started on that.  Have a GREAT long weekend everyone!   I'll keep working on growing yet another female to add to our CRAZY estrogen-heavy group. :)

Love you guys! 

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CPE is over

Today was the official last day of my CPE internship. I have a few revisions to make on my final written evaluation, but the official clock hours and other requirements have been completed. Now I have a couple days before Katherine and her parents move here. Next week I will spend a lot of time with them while writing another essay for the NW MN synod and then leaving for Mexico for 3 wks. I'm looking forward to heading to Mexico, but it's not without some nervousness. When I arrive in Mexico City I have to find a bus to Cuernavaca and once I get there, call my host family and figure out how to get a bus to their house. I'm sure it will all be fine and be an adventure, but sometimes I wish I were traveling with someone. Maybe on the next 'international' trip.

Today I had the pleasure of hanging out with Elizabeth and Miceala once again - oh is it so fun to have them close. When I move to my apartment in September, we were only be a parking lot away.

How are all you ladies doing?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm a student again!

Hello friends! I am writing to you from our new residence at Luther! We are all moved in and, with the exception of my room, our apartment is all set up. The rooms were all bigger than I remembered, so its been a nice space to spread out and claim as our own. The neighbors are all VERY nice (very diverse in our hallway especially) and all very married.:) I just have to put on my strong armor and be ready for questions like "Is you husband a student too?" which I've gotten a lot already.

Micaela likes her school-she is there 1/2 days now and will go full time in September. They do lots of sprinkler days and playing in the sandbox. If I'm not careful she'll run into the apartment, plop down on the couch and sand will spill from her pockets, shoes, we bath a lot. :) Oh-the daycare is also about 12 feet from our door, just down the hall...its awesome!

My class is good, I'm struggling a little bit to study as much as I should-and I can't really go to study sessions on a regular basis b/c of the girl. But, so far I feel like I'm not a total idiot. I'm told it gets harder in about a week-so I'll let you know then!

Other than that-I'm enjoying seeing Scander's beautiful face on a regular basis and reconnecting with some high school friends down here. Matthew gets married on the 26th, so family will start descending into the Cities in a week. We've explored Como Park and Zoo, the library and we visit the playground right outside our building almost every day.

Mandy, I hope you're having fun in Maine! Breanna, hope you're resisting the urge to think about school, Shripes, Lindsey-where the hell are ya? , Amanda-how was the 4th party? Sarah-hi!

Love you all!


Thursday, July 10, 2008