Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm a student again!

Hello friends! I am writing to you from our new residence at Luther! We are all moved in and, with the exception of my room, our apartment is all set up. The rooms were all bigger than I remembered, so its been a nice space to spread out and claim as our own. The neighbors are all VERY nice (very diverse in our hallway especially) and all very married.:) I just have to put on my strong armor and be ready for questions like "Is you husband a student too?" which I've gotten a lot already.

Micaela likes her school-she is there 1/2 days now and will go full time in September. They do lots of sprinkler days and playing in the sandbox. If I'm not careful she'll run into the apartment, plop down on the couch and sand will spill from her pockets, shoes, we bath a lot. :) Oh-the daycare is also about 12 feet from our door, just down the hall...its awesome!

My class is good, I'm struggling a little bit to study as much as I should-and I can't really go to study sessions on a regular basis b/c of the girl. But, so far I feel like I'm not a total idiot. I'm told it gets harder in about a week-so I'll let you know then!

Other than that-I'm enjoying seeing Scander's beautiful face on a regular basis and reconnecting with some high school friends down here. Matthew gets married on the 26th, so family will start descending into the Cities in a week. We've explored Como Park and Zoo, the library and we visit the playground right outside our building almost every day.

Mandy, I hope you're having fun in Maine! Breanna, hope you're resisting the urge to think about school, Shripes, Lindsey-where the hell are ya? , Amanda-how was the 4th party? Sarah-hi!

Love you all!


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