Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another Girl!

Hi ladies! 
   I'm sorry I haven't written for awhile.  We've been home now for like 2 weeks and I have been busier and more tired than I thought I'd be! :)  I hope that all of you are doing well!!  Sarah, are you home from Mexico yet?  Was it great?? Did you have any adventures?  
   I have been meaning to write about our biggest news; our ultrasound last week revealed that we will be having another girl! :)  We are of course excited for Julia to have a little sister.  A boy would have been fun, too, but maybe we'll try one more time.  The verdict is still VERY out on that one.  :)
    Since we've been home, we have had many adventures.  Unpacking and re-organizing have taken up most of our time.  The baby's room was/is full of crap (and I mean crap) that has no home in our home. :)  We have been searching for and finally found a cute dresser on Craig's list (thanks Elizabeth!) so that our girl can have a place for clothes. :)  Our washer and dryer decided to tell us that they would really rather not be nice anymore, so we bought a new (scratch and dent model) washer and dryer.  FUN!  My parents, grandparents, and sister managed to make it out here for my birthday, so that was fun, although they were really only here for about a day and a half.  Still fun.   And then there's getting ready for school.  After a relatively relaxing summer, its been a little crazy getting back here! :)   I posted a TON of pictures on Julia's blog, so if you want to see some from Maine, check out    
     I managed to make a quilt this summer!!  I am totally pumped that I actually finished it.  I made it for Anne, who is starting a new generation of Cobbers this fall.  I am excited to make another one, I think for Julia's bed, but we'll see how much time I find.   It felt good to do something fun for me. :)
     Julia is growing like a weed!!  I bought her some new shoes today because she only has one pair that fits her, and I had to get a size 7 1/2!!  CRAZY!   She has switched to the "threes" at day-care, and they focus on recognizing numbers, letters, shapes, etc.  Letters?!!  Is she that old already!  I'm a little freaked out but this, but we will go with it.  It can't hurt.  Her birthday is coming up in about a month, so that will be fun. She is already excited for it.  
     What is new with all of you?  its hard to believe that school is going to start and summer is almost over.  Wow.  Has anyone heard about Becca's new baby?  Name?  How about Amy?  Any other crazy news to report from the summer?  
      Well, I am going to try to get some laundry done this afternoon, so I'm going to get started on that.  Have a GREAT long weekend everyone!   I'll keep working on growing yet another female to add to our CRAZY estrogen-heavy group. :)

Love you guys! 

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