Saturday, December 06, 2008

swf looking date. :)

Hi friends! Its an exciting Saturday night here for Elizabeth and Micaela! Winnie-the-Pooh is showing and we've decided dinner is overrated...popcorn munching is much more fun! I am actually very thankful for a quiet day/evening with no plans and a chance to relax and regroup from a crazy, busy week!

Somehow, I said I would help with the Sunday school Christmas service at church-so I spent the afternoon writing that! :) Starting a new job at a church in November is not a great time-I'm still figuring out the systems there and somehow have to organize Christmas Eve worship and now the children too. Ug. We have one more full week of classes and then the semester is OVER! Holy Crap, how did that happen?!?! I have one major paper, portfolio and 2 take home tests. I am also getting excited about travelling to Mexico City for 2 weeks in January to study liberation theology! Please say a prayer that the funds needed for this travel to actually happen come through. Thanks!

So, last night Micaela and I were driving home from White Bear Lake and I lost control of the car, crossed over traffic in the left land (I cannot believe we didn't get hit by the truck that was just a ways behind us) spun--hit the wall with the back end, spun---hit the wall with the front end. I called my Uncle who was nearby right away-I was just so scared to be sitting on the left side of 5-land traffic!!! I was sure we were going to get hit. A sheriff pulled up within 2 minutes and turned on his lights--whew. Micaela was so brave as we sat for over an hour waiting for state patrol and the tow truck. So, I'll find out Tuesday the fate of "rocket" (Our car) matter what I now have an insurance deductible to pay and no $$ to pay it. Adulthood blows!
But I am thankful we (and other travellers around us) are fine, I have hugged my baby 5 million times today, and if you ask, she'll give you a very entertaining account of the evening.

That's the update from here! Any chance of a holiday gathering? We are headed to the north shore Dec. 25-27, otherwise I am very much here. Hope you all are doing fun, exciting Saturday night activities! Love to you all!


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