Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Autumn leaves...

Hello my friends! Happy Autumn! So, I just had my 2nd day of classes at Luther-so far so good. I'm really pretty excited about all my classes (well, one is a little sketchy...but I'm being optimistic). Micaela is full time at daycare and LORD HELP ME is she a serious 2 year old! We have double the time-outs and tantrums then we ever had. She yells, hits, kicks, throws things-these are of course the ugliest moments. Her favorite phrase to yell at me when she's mad is "ITS NOT YOUR CHILD!" I have no idea where that came from. A classmate of mine (who has 20 years preschool experience) told me about this 1/2 year equilibrium and that had kids' half year their development takes a big swing in direction and they cope my freaking out. I like that theory b/c it means I'm not raising a spoiled little monster. :) Okaay, I'm painting an ugly picture, its not all bad. Today was actually a lovely day...yesterday not so much (My apologizes to Scanders who has witnesses a few melt-downs)

Scanders and I went to Marshall and saw Shripers and her AWESOME home! I say the next F'n festival is in Marshall!!! We talked a bit about an October gathering here in the Cities. Who's game?!?!?

Okay, I have to go write the first 7 letters of the Hebrew alphabet 77 times each. Much love to you all!


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