Thursday, May 17, 2007

A few photos

Atop of Cerra de la Cruz (cross on the hill) overlooking the city of Antigua

La Iglesia Luterana - this church is run by the Missouri Synod church. When first built, it was also a hospital, but now it is only used as a church.

una camioneta (a bus) I rode a bus like this frequently to Alba's house. However, I took this picture when I was coming back from Lago Atitilan where we took a camioneta for 3.5 hours

This is a common site of how wood or other items would be transported. I couldn't get my camera out quick enough to get a front view, but this man is carrying this load by a band that is resting against his forehead. I can't imagine how heavy it would be.

La iglesia de San Fransico. This church was built by a priest, Hermano Pedro, in the 1500s. Of course he was from Spain, but felt the need to built a church and a school for the Guatemalans. Unfortunately, the school was destroyed in the 1700s by an earthquake. People still pray to Hermano Pedro and believe that he can help them with a variety of problems they might be experiencing.

There are literally of hundreds of photos I wish to share with you, but I know they don't mean quite as much to you as they do to me. Tonight when I was working on my Guatemala PowerPoint I wanted to go back. Basically, I was thinking I should move there. It's so beautiful and the people are wonderful. However, it would make it a lot harder to make it to the annual Festival, which I am extremely excited for and can't believe that it is coming up so quickly.

Tomorrow is Friday and I'm excited. Most of my students will be gone because they're going rollerskating. Oh, guess the latest scuttle-butt among the students today? A lot of students were upset because they say a 7th grade girl was poisoned by school food and now she has amensia. Her boyfriend was so mad that today he stormed into the cafeteria this morning, dumping all the silverware and food on the floor and charging the head lunch lady. He was hauled in handcuffs and the alleged amnesia girl continued her day. Where do they get these ideas? Clearly they are not from this planet and lack the ability to use basic logic. After all, what parent would send their child to school if they had amnesia? Oh, I can't wait until June 12th.
Okay, these are my random thoughts for tonight.