Friday, May 25, 2007

All tubed up!

Hello friends! Both Micaela and I have survived two major-May-events! First, on May 20th my church had an end of the year celebration. Usually we worship at 5 different services on a Sunday, and we wanted to do one big we moved the "church" to downtown Grand Forks and worship in the Pavillion there. I headed up this beast of an event with worship, a BBQ and then service opportunities to the social agencies downtown. Everyone thought I was being overly opptimisitc to think 450 people would be there...we had 600+!!!! It was awesome to see the church get out of our cozy walls and serve the community....I love my job!

Secondly, Micaela had tubes put in her ears this morning. We were up at 5am and home by 9am! Crazy! She was great, the only hard moment was when she woke up she was PISSED! But, I guess that's normal. She's home and acting normal...I have noticed she hasn't stopped singing or talking all day...I wonder how much her hearing was effected by that damn fluid.

So, that's the latest from here...I'm looking forward to June, I'm directing the K-2 theatre camp again and getting ready for our 2 weeks of travel (which includes the F'n festival)!

Oh yeah! Lindsey isn't really the bragging I'm going to do it for her: LINDSEY LAUX RAN THE FARGO MARATHON! Isn't she amazing?!?!? It makes me want to aim for the 1/2 marathon next year...maybe we can do that together Linds?

Just for Sarah, I'll consider myself a cowgirl (save a horse, ride a cowboy is my favorite song) he he he

Love to all!


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