Thursday, May 31, 2007

A new countdown

I have had a countdown of the numbers of days left of school, but there are still too many, so I have made a better countdown. I now countdown the number of days (8) until the 2nd annual Festival commences. I'm pretty darn excited....I even purchased a couple alcoholic that is particularily special to the west coast. Let's hope I don't get cared away and drink it prior to next weekend. I also spoke with Paul Douglas, Belinda Jensen, and Mike Fairbourne about good weather. They're pretty good friends of mine; I think they will try their hardest to ensure a perfect weekend for outdoor fun. Should I bring my croquet set?


Saturday, May 26, 2007


Elizabeth, I would LOVE to run the half-marathon with you next year! Let's plan on it. Any one else care to join us? :)

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.....

Friday, May 25, 2007

All tubed up!

Hello friends! Both Micaela and I have survived two major-May-events! First, on May 20th my church had an end of the year celebration. Usually we worship at 5 different services on a Sunday, and we wanted to do one big we moved the "church" to downtown Grand Forks and worship in the Pavillion there. I headed up this beast of an event with worship, a BBQ and then service opportunities to the social agencies downtown. Everyone thought I was being overly opptimisitc to think 450 people would be there...we had 600+!!!! It was awesome to see the church get out of our cozy walls and serve the community....I love my job!

Secondly, Micaela had tubes put in her ears this morning. We were up at 5am and home by 9am! Crazy! She was great, the only hard moment was when she woke up she was PISSED! But, I guess that's normal. She's home and acting normal...I have noticed she hasn't stopped singing or talking all day...I wonder how much her hearing was effected by that damn fluid.

So, that's the latest from here...I'm looking forward to June, I'm directing the K-2 theatre camp again and getting ready for our 2 weeks of travel (which includes the F'n festival)!

Oh yeah! Lindsey isn't really the bragging I'm going to do it for her: LINDSEY LAUX RAN THE FARGO MARATHON! Isn't she amazing?!?!? It makes me want to aim for the 1/2 marathon next year...maybe we can do that together Linds?

Just for Sarah, I'll consider myself a cowgirl (save a horse, ride a cowboy is my favorite song) he he he

Love to all!



Hey Homies....
Sarah, I think that is hilarious. I call my kids funny things all the times. Hosebeast is a term I like. He he he.
Just thought I should check in. I do not consider myself a cowgirl, if that is what you were implying Sarah. Although, Chris calls our house the farm. So, I might be a farm girl now. How weird.
Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Only 3 more days for me!!!!
See you so soon!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Where have all the cowgirls gone?

Today I used the word "homies" in class. I'm not so sure that's too professional, or standard English, but it was said. Obviously the students looked at me like I was from a different planet. Yesterday we had to be in tornado-ready position for 30 minutes because of bad weather...that's always exciting.

Donde esta mis chicasvacas? (Where are my cowgirls?)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A few photos

Atop of Cerra de la Cruz (cross on the hill) overlooking the city of Antigua

La Iglesia Luterana - this church is run by the Missouri Synod church. When first built, it was also a hospital, but now it is only used as a church.

una camioneta (a bus) I rode a bus like this frequently to Alba's house. However, I took this picture when I was coming back from Lago Atitilan where we took a camioneta for 3.5 hours

This is a common site of how wood or other items would be transported. I couldn't get my camera out quick enough to get a front view, but this man is carrying this load by a band that is resting against his forehead. I can't imagine how heavy it would be.

La iglesia de San Fransico. This church was built by a priest, Hermano Pedro, in the 1500s. Of course he was from Spain, but felt the need to built a church and a school for the Guatemalans. Unfortunately, the school was destroyed in the 1700s by an earthquake. People still pray to Hermano Pedro and believe that he can help them with a variety of problems they might be experiencing.

There are literally of hundreds of photos I wish to share with you, but I know they don't mean quite as much to you as they do to me. Tonight when I was working on my Guatemala PowerPoint I wanted to go back. Basically, I was thinking I should move there. It's so beautiful and the people are wonderful. However, it would make it a lot harder to make it to the annual Festival, which I am extremely excited for and can't believe that it is coming up so quickly.

Tomorrow is Friday and I'm excited. Most of my students will be gone because they're going rollerskating. Oh, guess the latest scuttle-butt among the students today? A lot of students were upset because they say a 7th grade girl was poisoned by school food and now she has amensia. Her boyfriend was so mad that today he stormed into the cafeteria this morning, dumping all the silverware and food on the floor and charging the head lunch lady. He was hauled in handcuffs and the alleged amnesia girl continued her day. Where do they get these ideas? Clearly they are not from this planet and lack the ability to use basic logic. After all, what parent would send their child to school if they had amnesia? Oh, I can't wait until June 12th.
Okay, these are my random thoughts for tonight.


After all that fretting of how Micaela would do on such a long trip...I am pleased to announce my daughter is a rock star. She was great! So, great! She slept from Monticello to Hillsboro (20 miles from GF)...all that partying really wore her out. It was a great wedding Breanna, I've told everyone I see how ingenious the Happy Meals were! Wow.

So, hopefully you've seen your official F'n festival invitation...if not, here is the link

I think it'll be really fun and baby/toddler friendly, so don't hesitate if you've got kids! You can do it!

And of those of you hardcore bloggers, make sure to nag our less-frequently-involved friends to make sure we get the word out.

Much love to all the ladies!


many thanks

Saturday was a blast...(the days leading up to it were great as well). Music was GORGEOUS, my bridesmaids were GORGEOUS, and my new hubby looked so cute. We had a great time.
Um, Sunday was a little different. We did not feel as perky when we woke up and then found out that Charlie got some bad news that morning. His friend (one that was supposed to be at the wedding) was hit by a train walking home from Mick's in Moorhead. SAD. So, the mood was a little subdued. I am thinking of him these days as he was very upset by this. Him and his friends have seen a lot of death throughout their college careers.
So, I am very thankful for all of you and the life that we are given to LIVE! Live it up!
Love, Breanna BECTHOLD

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What a fun weekend

It was so wonderful seeing many of you this past weekend. Fue una gran fiesta y muy divertida! Those Schoeck's know how to throw a good party. How was the rest of your Sunday, Breanna? You and Chris looked pretty out of it when Steph and I saw you en la manana.

Today I am thankful because two of the girls that have the biggest attitudes were nice to me today. Sometimes it's hard to remember that even the ones that give you the hardest time need praise as well. Of course, merited praise, none of that fluffy stuff.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

the photos....

are taking forever. I'll try again soon. I'm too tired to sit here and wait! :)


graduations and weddings

Hello everyone-
It is with sadness that I write tonight as I have just watched the last episode ever of possibly my favorite tv show, "Gilmore Girls." It is over, I am sad, and that is that. I think I'll make it. I cried. Shocker.
Thought you all might enjoy these photos of our weekend. First, David graduated on Friday!! Despite the fact that Julia got carsick on the way, we had a really fun day. I wouldn't say I'm exactly a fan of the whole academic garb, but its a great accomplishment, don't you think? :) David's parents treated us to a meal at Red Lobster (YUM!) and a night at a hotel where we got to go swimming with the Julia, which was fun, too. :)
Saturday a.m., we made it to the majestic town of St. James without an puking. Score! We had a great time watching the famous Breanna Schoeck transform into the now fabuloso Breanna Bechtold. (did I spell it right?) What a fun time to see everyone! :)
Elizabeth, Julia saw Micaela's picture on our fridge on Sunday and said, "Hayla!" And then today--this morning actually--she was looking through a photo album as I was getting ready, and saw YOU and said VERY excitedly, "Hayla!" I don't know if she's a little mixed up or what, but she was definitely excited. :) I think they'll be pals. How was the long trip home?
Today I had my last concert here in Litchfield. I wasn't feeling very emotional at all, but the waterworks came on BADLY, like I can't talk badly. Totally embarrassing in front of the audience. Whatever. I think I'll quit now before I have to endure the last few weeks of school. There are only embarrassing possibilites left! I could probably bottle up my tears and wather my plants there will be so many of them! What is wrong with me? :)
Anyway, I'm feeling a little drained right now. Too much to think about with all of the changes coming! I'm not sure what will be better, waiting for the move, or being there and feeling far away. I guess we'll see. On the upside, I came away from the concerts with 3 bouquets of flowers. Fun!
Well, I hope that we can see more fun pictures on here soon. Lindsey--any house yet? any buyers yet? Sarah-- how are the Spanish speakers? Breanna- HOw does it feel to be MARRIED!!!??? Did you have fun??? We need details people!!

Love ya dudes,

o.k. the photos aren't working. I'll try in a new entry. :)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

No penises allowed.

Its decided, thanks for the feedback. I'm not really a big fan of the male species these days anyways!

I think the best location for the Festival is the Twin Cities-so I will send out further information...but not too much...considering I was TOTALLY in the dark about last year, I think its only fair that ya'll have no idea whats going on.

PS-Sarah I just bought a laptop computer too! Yay tax returns! It won't be here for another week, but then I'll feel ready to tackle 2 Luther classes this summer.

See ya'll real soon!


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A new toy

I'm sitting on my couch with my toy...a new notebook that just came from Dell. One great thing about it is that I can use somebody's else's wireless without paying. That's not such a bad deal. Here's my vote for the Festival - no boys! Okay, I have to get ready for the day tomorrow. Today was my 7th day straight working and I've put in 70 hours these past 7 days. I'm certainly looking forward to Friday....seeing all of you, a wedding, and a few days off! Buenas noches mis amigas!

picnic anyone?

You must think I am crazy since I have nothing better to do than blog twice in one day. Just wanted to show you one of my favorite parts of my new place....we can have picnics! YAY!

No scrubs

Remember that song by TLC? Well, that is what I think should be the theme of the F-ing festival this year. Chris will not be able to come anyway, he is on call that weekend. We are actually going to be returning from out mystery camping trip on Friday, June 8 and he goes on call June 9. So, he would not be able to come anyway. I am sure that I will be up for it though. I will need some girl time after being around him for an entire week. :) So, where is this going to be this year? Because actually, I am leaving again the following Tuesday, June 12 for New York with a group from school....good times. I will be busy. If it is a reasonable distance away from me, I will be there.
This week is going fast...good. Bring it on! Don't worry y'all. I am doing wonderfully. Sarah, I completely agree with your advice of forgetting about the small stuff, the problem is that the small stuff keeps contacting me, especially via my mother. Can't wait!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Perhaps no boys?

I appear to be as indecisive as Lizabeth and Mandy, but as much as my husband would LOVE to see you girls for the second time in a month (WOOHOO!), he has already committed to playing in a golf tournament that weekend (unbeknownst to me until tonight, of course!). Apparently our communication could use some work. Ah well, such is life, huh?! So I guess that makes my vote "No boys." Anyway, I am PUMPED to see all of your smiling and beautiful faces this weekend! Breanna, last minute details don't matter anyway - enjoy this time while it lasts! :)


boys or whatever

I really don't have an opinion either way would be fun to have the boys around, but maybe we could arrange some just girl time too. Like maybe the boys could cook/grill for us while we go and do something frolicking. :) Or we could do all together! :) Whatever!

Can't wait to see the beautiful bride this weekend!!

Love you guys--

Boys or no boys?

That is the question. Are we inviting boys to the F'n festival? The answer to this question seriously impacts the event let me know. Boys or no??!? Since I have no boys, I have no opinon.

I'm excited to see you all in a few days...Breanna, breathe deeply.

Love you all!


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Muchas divertidas INDEED! Es la verdad.

Felicitaciones a tu Sarah! Pienso que la enseñanza del español será maravillosa para usted después de devolver de Guatamala! Estoy muy excitado a usted. Puede usta mi flash cards (if you want to).
Hasta Luego,

Here is the Ingles:

Congratulations to you Sarah! I think that teaching Spanish will be wonderful for you after returning from Guatamala! I am very excited for you. You can use my flash cards!
See ya later,

Sometimes I can say no.....

and sometimes I can't. I write to you with very up-to-date news about my life. About a half hour ago I became the Spanish teacher at Northeast Middle School in Minneapolis. Yep, you read it right, I will be teaching spanish for the remainder of the school year (until June 12th). It's all a little surreal to me right now. I was asked by the principal this morning and told her that I would get back to her in the afternoon. It will be a difficult thing to walk into (I was in the classroom on Monday and the kids were atrocious), but I think it can also be really fun. The previous spanish teacher has been out since the end of March (rumor has it she's suffering from cancer) and will not return this year. In addition to spanish I will have one intermediate ELL classroom as well. But tomorrow I will jump in feet first hablando espanol. Estoy emocionado porque pienso hay muchas cosas divertidas hacer en espanol. Comoquiera, no vamos a hacer las pinatas. Deseo que podemos cocinar comida especial y aprender mucho. Saben que a mi me gusta espanol mucho y quiero hablar mucho. Pienso que la principal assistante estaba sopredo cuando le dije que no hablo espanol fluentemente. Pero, tambien pienso ella esta contenta porque ahora tienen una maestra de espanol para los estudiantes. (Do you want a translation? After all, I do need to practice. I am excited because I think there are many fun things to do in spanish. However, we are not going to make pinatas. I hope that we can cook special food and learn a lot. You know that I like spanish a lot and I want to talk a lot. I think that the assistant principal was suprised when I told her that I don't speak spanish fluently. But, I also think she is happy to have a spanish teacher for the students.)

About June 9th: Bring it on! We can't let the FFF Festival die out after one year? Where should we have it? Got to go for now...students are coming.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Can't Wait to SEE YOU!!!


I am attempting for the VERY FIRST TIME to upload some pictures onto this blog - we shall have to see if it worked! These pics are of my friend Joey and me from my most recent vacation to Arizona - just a couple of weeks ago! It was a WONDERFUL and relaxing time down in Phoenix - I went all by myself and did lots of fun things! These particular pictures are of a Saturday evening out on the town - perhaps you can tell this from the looks in our eyes! :) hehe! Anyway - not a whole lot else is new here in Marshall - I am just very excited to see you people next weekend at Breanna's wedding - how fun! Oh, and just so you know, Lizabeth, I am TOTALLY planning on coming to the F-ing Festival on June 9th. Thank you for taking charge and beginning the planning for this wonderful get-together -- it is very good and also brave of you! :) Ok, I am tired and going to bed (no, not QUITE as early as Mandy)...

Love you all mucho,


Keep on bloggin'

Hey friends...
I like this activity on the blog. I think we should keep it up. To start that tradition, I will write even though I just wrote the other day. It is just an exciting time in life right now. I am having a great time ripping down ugly things and making our house look sooooooo much better already. Attached I have a picture of our bathroom BEFORE I tore the shiny wallpaper down...check out the pretty window treatment too. Also, there is our tile floor that TJ (Chris's bro) decided he HAD to install right away. The linoleum you see is yellowish/orangish...ISH. Oh, and there is a picture of the dog (Stormy) who ran away and went swimming in the creek outside the house. She is nice most of the time. She loves me because I go for walks with her. I bet you never thought you would hear me talk so affectionately about an animal :). Okay, that is all for now. Hope Wednesday is treating everyone well.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Thank GOD its May

While Breanna is panicking about the coming of May, I am celebrating! May means that musical is over, Lent is well behind me, Micaela is healthy (so far, ear surgery on May 25th) and spring is here! Thank God!

Mandy, you should seriously start preparing yourself for the reality that Julia will one day also attend prom...we'll all start saving the tissues!

So, this past weekend my family and I went down to Edina to attend and provide music for the funeral of Sarah Eckhoff, she was married to my dear friend Brent (he read at my wedding). Sarah lost her battle with brain cancer on April 24th. It was all too surreal, we're supposed to reuniting a weddings, not funerals! I will never get the image of Brent standing as strong as can be and leading the processional at the funeral out of my mind. Its all a good reminder, we have life! We should be living it! Its also a good reminder of what kind of people we surround ourselves with, get involved with, Brent could have reacted so many ways in the past few years with all their struggles, he stayed right by her side, never flinching, never complaining...not for a moment.

So, as I told Breanna last night, I'm anxious to see you all at a joyful a wedding! And then again on June 9th for the Festival...right? I never did hear any responses from you people about the Festival! Honestly...its not like I'm taking a random survey about your favorite cake! This is important...get your input in NOW!

Okay, I should really get to work, just having trouble being focused! See you all soon,
