Sunday, November 30, 2008


I just read on Anne's facebook that she has a new niece....Lauren Elizabeth Severtson who was 7 lbs. 11 oz. Fun!
I'm just bloggin' to say that I got a message from Mandy at 11am this morning saying they are at the hospital and she is 5cmn dialated! YAY!

Yay for Lindsey and Ryan!!!


Hi, ladies! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It's been so fun to catch up by reading everyone's posts, since I only get to check the blog like once a month. However, we have decided to joint the 21st century, and we are going to be getting internet at our home so I can blog more often. Yeah!

Here are just a few things I am thankful for:
-good friends that no matter how rarely you get to talk, you still feel as close to them as when you got to talk every day.
-my healthy, active 8 month old daughter.
-the health of the rest of my friends and family.
-new babies that are expected any day now and within the next few months.
-love of God, family, and friends
-the new baby that our family is expecting in July (Yes, Addyson is going to be a big sister. This was quite a pleasant surprise for us!)

I hope all of you have a very joyous and blessed holiday season, and I'm looking forward to blogging more often!
Lindsey :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

una lista de gracias

Como cada persona en nuestro grupo tengo muchas cosas estar agradecido como...
  • mis amigos
  • mi familia
  • el amor de Dios
  • my roommate
  • hearty, fall vegetables
  • professors who take the time to listen
  • good health
  • opportunities to explore
  • good smells like pumpkin spice and cinnamon candles

Happy Thanksgiving, my wonderful friends!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

good idea!

Good idea Breanna, I need to change my attitude to one of gratitude. For some reason November has always been a funky month for me. I think its the holidays, and my Mom's birthday...Christmas hasn't ever been a problem, maybe its just the gearing up part of it that is hard. Anyways, counting our blessings is a great way to climb up out of the fog so here I go...

I am thankful for...
This blog and all its contributors
A visit up to GF and all the people there who love and support us
the opportunity to learn and grow at Seminary
Micaela's fantastic health (sans the occasional nose bleed)
My sisters-in-law (I like my brothers too, but have recently felt abundantly thankful for these additional females to the family)
Spell check
The freedom of forgiveness

We have this entire week off from classes and WOW has it felt great to get ahead in school work, get my hair cut, do some shopping, clean the car, cook dinner ALL BY MYSELF (Micaela has gone to school yesterday and today) and now I'm ready for a few days with my daughter and family!

***Everyone should go rent "The Visitor" its a beautiful movie! Might leave you feeling a little unsettled, but that's okay! *****

Love you all! Happy Thanksgiving!



Hello friends,
Maybe to up our number of posts, we should post things that we are thankful for this Thanksgiving season. When we have Thanksgiving with my family, we all have to list something, so I need to get ready for it anyway!

I'll start!

I am thankful for:
-friends who will always be there no matter how busy they are with their own lives (that is all of you)
-family and being able to see them more often this year because Laryssa is in the cities
-a job
-the baby in my belly
-short weeks of school
-the election results
-my cup of half decaf, half regular coffee this morning
-our health
-school lunch (when I am too lazy to pack my own)
-banana popsicles (that taste soooo good lately)
-books and words

Ok, that is all for now. I hope you are all doing well. Mandy, I hope that you are hanging in there. I can't wait to hear about the new baby! But, you can spare me any scary details. I am already nervous about that part of being pregnant!

Happy Thanksgiving! Safe travels to all!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Okay, Sarah.  I will try to do my part before our time runs out here.  I agree, 17 more posts is possible.  Come on people! :)

We are still just WAITING here for a baby.  I am getting antsy.  This baby decided its fun to kick me in places that should NEVER be kicked, making me walk strangely suddenly in places like choir rehearsal and the grocery store.  This makes me feel great.  I have also had the fun experience of being "checked" at my last two doctors appointments, only to be told that there is nothing exciting happening.  This is very encouraging to a tired, waddling lady.  :)  This last week at school, I got observed, had my two subs "shadow" me, and had conferences.  This weekend, David has his recital and his parents are coming.  None of this causes stress at all!  I am a carefree mother with nothing to do. 

Okay, I'm done being sarcastic and crabby. :)  Julia actually is taking a nap today, which rarely happens, AND I finally got to watch 27 Dresses last night, so I am really doing fine.  I am excited for Thanksgiving!  My parents and sister are coming here and we are going to cook away!  Maybe I'll learn something.  Today I actually bought a turkey for the first time ever.  Then when I got home, I had to clean out the freezer and the fridge, both of which will house the massive thing in the next few days.  This was good for my soul except for the completely liquified cottage cheese that I found.  It actually smelled like diarrhea.  I'm not lying.  I nearly lost it.  How disgusting!!  But now I have a clean refrigerator full of room for a thawing turkey and other yummy things.  

My brother is spending the entire next week in Mexico for a friend's wedding.  He is going with a lot of his college pals.  He may need a new liver when he returns, but I think he'll have fun.  His "girlfriend?" Lydia is going to be there, so that will be nice for them.  She lives in Chicago, so they don't see each other much.  Lydia got to go to Grant Park the night Barack Obama won the election.  Wouldn't that have been a fun place to be?   That was such an exciting night!   Speaking of elections, my dad was one of the "watchers" for the DFL in Renville county when they did their Coleman/Franken recount this week.  He had fun, and there were only 2 challenged ballots, so it wasn't scary.  No fights broke out. :)  

Well, I don't know much else.  We'll let you know if any news pops up around here.  (or pops out I guess). :)   Have a great Thanksgiving!!!  

Love you all,

p.s.  Enjoy the Halloween pictures.  I know it was a while ago, but that's okay, right?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the last hoorah

Without fail, every semester at Concordia - all eight of them, my mom would always give me "the last hoorah" talk. I'd be bemoaning all of the work I had to complete before the end of the semester and wonder how I would get it all done in the midst of holidays and especially during this time of year with Christmas concert rehearsals and performances.

Well I'm giving us a 'last hoorah' speech ladies! I was looking at the number of posts during this calendar versus last year and we need at least another 17 to tie with last year. I think this is an achievable goal and encourage each of you to participate. Remember, even though you're busy, your friends want to hear about you in all capacities of your life.

Two random sidenotes:
1.) Have you ever wondered how many random people stumble across this on accident, just perusing through cyberspace?
2.) Tonight I made butternut squash for the first time in my life. As a child, I was forced to eat acorn squash and would gag every time thus making me believe I would never eat squash as an adult. For many reasons I decided to make a squash tonight and am pleased to report that I am mildly enjoying this fall vegetable that is filled with Vitamin A and is supposed to be good for you.

Take care and remember to push to the end of the year with our's the last hoorah!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh Thanksgiving

I want what Michaela is having for Thanksgiving. I am not a fan of the traditional turkey, gravy, and mashed potatoes...BLAND. I want some spice in my life...and maybe some icy cold refreshments. I did tell Michaela I would share my popsicles with her when she came to my house, maybe she thinks that is where we are going to have Thanksgiving? I even have banana popsicles now, and they are delicious. YUM.

I am trying to get through my last class of the day, they are now reading The Outsiders, which I happen to think is just as violent as the book that was challenged. Oh well. My job while they are reading is to keep my eyes on them while my fingers are typing. Then, when they look up and realize that I am still watching them, they put their faces back down in their books. If I am being a lazy typer and try to watch my fingers, then I start hearing whispering, paper being shuffled to each other, and the occasional giggle. Each day some kid comments about my amazing typing skills. I feel cool. I also had a kid guess that my age was 20 today. That was sweet.

My random thoughts today are courtesy of my plans this weekend. I am very excited, because as soon as this class is over, I am heading to the cities. Laryssa and I are going to see Wicked tonight. YAY! She has had a rough week. She went home for the first extended period of time last weekend to watch the Walker musical, and she has now started to feel homesick. She is so cute though, she says, "I think if I wasn't ever homesick, I would be a bad person. It is good to miss things you love. But it is also good to experience new things." Oh what wisdom for a girl of her age.

That is where I will leave you. I always start to miss you all this time of year, thinking about Christmas concert rehearsals, the hustle and bustle around The Lighthouse, and sharing stories about our adventures. I am thankful for all of you!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

popsicles aren't a traditional thanksgiving food???

Friends! I just finished chatting with our very-expecting-expanding Mandy and that inspired me to log on to the blog where I was laughed out loud (but didn't wake Micaela, whew!) at Scander's post. We are jetting up to GF for a quick visit with friends, church, Grandma Andrea and then we'll spend our whole week off here in the Cities. I have to work Sunday/Monday...but am excited because Micaeala is going to go to school 2 days that week and I will be FREE to do things like cut my hair, and put in some hours at church! Yipee!

Life has been filled with many lofty, life lessons lately (that alliteration is dedicated to Breanna)'s what I know:

--Before the snow falls, one should be equipped with snow pants and boots so they can avoid 7am trips to Target, so the girl can play outside at school.
--When one has a question rolling inside one's head for 3 months and they finally bring it to the professor, they can expect to be pleasantly, yet powerfully blown away. (If you're curious-I asked how a person can be a servant to all and still care for themselves so they don't run around earth being abused and generally shit upon, the professor respond with helping me to clarify my neighbor's wants from my neighbors needs, we do not have to serve every want our neighbor has)
--God is good and faithful, in surprising and fantastic ways.
--Long phone conversations with good friends are good for the soul.
--Standing one's ground while one's toddler throws the world's LOUDEST temper-tantrum is hard, exhausting and totally necessary (it was over a stupid bag of crackers)
--The new job at the church could be a bit more challenging then I thought, but still good.
--The new job at the piano studio ROCKS!
--When one has to write an in-class essay in 9 hours, one should get their butts reading and to bed.

Good night!


Gobble, Gobble

What's everyone doing for Thanksgiving? Yesterday I ate lunch with Elizabeth and Micaela and I asked Micaela what she would be having for Thanksgiving. She told me they would be dining on broccoli, potatoes, popsicles, and spaghetti. While less traditional than many would have for Thanksgiving, I commend her commitment to eating a well-balanced meal. Undoubtedly my meal will consist of eating more carbohydrates than I should, but I will rest assured that my friend, Micaela, will be eating a well-balanced, several-food-group meal. We have the whole week off from school and I'm looking forward to having a bit of a break, even though I should spend much of the week doing my homework. I'm going to spend a little bit of time in Alexandria as well as in Duluth. Undoubtedly I will also spend some time at Katherine's house as well. Things have been a little dormant on the blog front...don't let this busy holiday season keep you from staying connected with your nearest and dearest friends!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Relief and anticipation

I am sooooooo happy that I actually got to stay up late enough to see the results of the election. I thought John McCain gave a GREAT concession speech...he actually inspired me to believe that we can be a bi-partisan nation and can begin to change if we do it together. And, of course, I loved Obama's acceptance speech. I am so happy for not only our nation, but the world. I think this will help our standing amongst the world.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


It's a fun night of celebration (at least for my politcal party)! I hope the momentum and enthusiasm continues throughout the next four years because I really do think we can change the world as long as there is colloboration among people. Yea for change!

Election Day continues

I think it's going to be a nail-biting night.....ughhhh......

This is when I wish I maybe had a TV.

Happy Election Day!

Hi Friends!
Just wanted to say hello and I hope we have great news to talk about tomorrow!
How is everyone doing?

I am just gearing up for the rest of a long, but exciting week. Tomorrow we have our 20 week ultrasound, so that will be exciting. Thursday we have conferences (BOO). And then we have travel plans this weekend to go to IOWA...(BOO).

Talk to you tomorrow!