Thursday, December 28, 2006

pooping for Christmas

Yep, that's right. The fun continues. Its now Thursday, nearly a week since the first barfing by Julia, and we are still not back to normal. After helping Julia through getting the flu twice, (David, too) and now dealing with her diarrhea (how do you spell that?), my Christmas has been awesome. Cleaning up barf and poop. Fun times.
Needless to say, I am not going to be able to make it tomorrow. I'm sorry, but Julia is just not well enough to take a trip like that. On top of her bottom end problems, she also has a cold, and with the runny nose, I fear we may spread the fun to some of you.
We left Clear Lake early yesterday as the bugs were swarming the house; everyone had been/was sick. Seriously. How gross. At one point, we had 8 adults and 4 kids in the house; half of us were sick.
Anyway, I'll stop venting. I wish you all a great time tomorrow. I wish I could be there. :( We'll try to catch up sometime soon.

Love you all,

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Corporate America

So there are some times in my life (more often than not, I think) when I regret working for corporate America. Right now is one of those times. I HATE that I don't get a Christmas vacation, that the only day I had off for Christmas was yesterday, that I have to pretend that I care about all of the bullshit they tell us every day and that, most importantly, I DON'T GET TO SEE YOU ALL ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO upset about this. I had to miss out on the last F-ing get-together as well because Seth and I were on a trip that weekend, and now I have to miss this one too??!! Stupid work. I think that we're still going to be in the Cities overnight Saturday night, so probably Sunday morning/lunch would work best for us (we have a family Christmas in Fairmont Saturday at 1pm, then a Schreier family thing in the Cities Saturday evening at about 6pm). Is there anyone available on Sunday at all?? Anybody? I am feeling sad and want to see you guys!! Let me know what's up!


Saturday, December 23, 2006

barfing for Christmas

Hey ladies.
I'm here in good ol' Iowa with the Severtson clan. After finally finishing all of my concerts this week, I sure was looking forward to a little time to relax. However, on the ride down here (its just Julia and I in the car) Julia threw up four times. It was so awful. I didn't know what to do! Was she car sick? Have the flu? Well, since nearly everyone else here has had some kind of weird bug today also, I'm thinking it was the flu. Great. Fun times here. Fortunately, the bug has passed most quickly, with limited barfing. Yuck. I hope that never happens to me again. At least if someone else was with it wouldn't have been so bad!
Since we're here until Wednesday or so, I'm not sure if the Friday lunch thing will work, but I'll check when I get home. That weekend is the Jepson Christmas, and I don't know what the exact plans are. Plus, I'm now terrified of driving with Julia any long distance. I'll have to get over that I guess.
Anyway, I hope that you all have a super great Christmas!!! I love you all very much and am so thankful to have friends like you!


Friday, December 22, 2006

My bad

Sorry, its Friday...whatever the date is...29th? Its totally Friday, all the way Friday.

Too many bulletins, too much wine.

Love you all!


Clarification needed


Did you mean Friday the 29th, because the 30th is Saturday. I hope you meant the 29th because I'm off the whole day and would love to see all of you. However, if it's Saturday I can do lunch because I don't work until 2 pm.

Happy holidays!


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Let's do lunch!

Hey ladies! I talked to the blushing bride (Breanna) last night and we have decided to do lunch on Friday, December 30 somewhere in the Minneapolis area. Who will join us? It would be a shame to let the holiday season go by with no get get blogging/emailing/calling so we know you can be there!!!

In other news, I have finally finished all the Christmas bulletins and feel much relief! Of course, we're already looking ahead all the way through Lent...but its good to have the first major load done. Now we just get to enjoy the services. Micaela turns ONE in 4 days...I'm trying not to freak out..but seriously, where did the year go? Its been a good milestone to reflect on the past year and feel like we're actually going somewhere with our lives. This one year old is really good at trashing the house each night, so my nightly ritual of picking up has extended to every inch of our home!! AAHH!!

Also, the Lutheran Center that I work with at UND is sending a group of students to Taize, France in March. Using some continuing education funds from Calvary and UND...I GET TO GO! They are sending me as the staff person, so there will be a little work involved, but we're pairing up with Boston University and I'm so excited to go and experience that community and see the source of this worship and prayer style that I love so much.

Okay, we'll be waiting to hear from you all that you're available for lunch on the 30th!

Monday, December 11, 2006

I finally put up my Christmas tree!

Ok, so no excuses from me about not writing sooner. I am sorry. I do have lots to say, but I will try to keep it nice and short this time (Yah, right, you're all saying!). For starters, Seth and I have made the HUGE decision to stay in Marshall. For now, anyway. Seth has been offered a position with a local independent insurance agency as an insurance agent and is in the process of training, as well as finishing up with finals this week at school, and then will be taking his licensing test in the next week and a half. WHOA! We both are excited to a certain degree to be sticking around good ol' SW Minn, but sometimes I think we both dream of bigger and better things. For now, though, this is a good step for us - we will be close to family, which is a big plus, and Seth will be able to get started in something career-wise without us having to make huge lifestyle changes. I am hoping it will be EXCELLENT! :) For me, this means staying with Wells Fargo for the short-term, and maybe looking into something different in a few months. I am not really sure yet. Sometimes I think that management is for the birds.

We also just put up our Christmas tree today and the first of our Christmas decorations! This was a big step as I've been procrastinating forEVER because I have kind of not been looking forward to Christmas this year as much as usual. I am not really sure why, other than that I know that the buying of gifts for everyone makes me very stressed out and get crabby very fast. Surprise, surprise, right?! Also, I hate having to try and juggle family schedules for meals and opening gifts and such - why can't we have just one BIG PARTY?!

Other than that - for anyone who would like to come to Marshall this weekend, Seth and I are throwing a very informal and probably fairly small (but fun all the same!) party for Seth's graduation. We're going to get a keg and have some munchies - if anyone of you are feeling adventurous and/or daring, please let me know! You are ALL welcome and I would LOVE to see you!!!!!

Lizabeth, I am SO proud of you for being done (as stupid as that might sound) - I am extremely grateful to have you back. Mandy - my gosh, girl, I don't know how you've survived without complaint! I hope your tests turn out well - you'll be in my prayers.

As far as getting together is concerned, I will be in the Twin Cities the last weekend in December for my dad's 55th birthday, which is actually New Year's Eve. Keep me updated on any possibilites!

Love you all,
Sarah Christine B

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Last night advent started

Those that believe in the Christian faith say the season of advent started last Sunday, but for me it started last night. Somewhere in my years at Concordia the Christmas concerts became my way preparing for Christmas. After attending last night's concert at Orchestra Hall (which was mostly good) I felt as though today I was allowed to turn on the Christmas music, get out the nativity, and put up the tree. It was fun today to listen to the Chipmunks Christmas CD and get out some of the decorations that have been around longer than I am old. While I no longer have an advent calendar that has a piece of chocolate behind it to eat everyday, I am still trying to be somewhat intentional about Christmas preparations.


Monday, December 04, 2006

belated thanks

Hi, everyone! I haven't written in a while, and I'm sorry to those of you I've been playing phone tag with (or just haven't been very good at replying to your messages). Life is busy, but it's no excuse.

Things I am thankful for:
-My niece, Shawna, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma in September (meaning it had spread into her lymphatic system). She has had two recent successful surgeries, and they are hoping she is cancer free. She does not need to go through chemo, and they are going to monitor her regularly to make sure she stays cancer-free.
-My grandpa also had a successful cancer surgery, and he is now cancer-free! (You suck, cancer!)
-I FINALLY graduate in June!
-I am almost done with my current clinical internship -- I have loved working with the kids, but I don't like being gone from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm every day.
-wonderful friends and family
-all of God's blessings

So, that's what I'm thankful for in a nutshell. Mandy and Elizabeth, I promise to call you back this week.

I would love to see all of you soon! I'm on Christmas break from December 15th to January 8th. I'm going to be in Mexico the week of the 17th to the 24th with family, but will be back into the cities after Christmas.
Take care -

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Hi gals-
I guess I'm part of the "unthankful club" for not checking in sooner. Sorry. I do have lots to be thankful about. Lots.
This week has been more than a little's why: The last few months I have not been feeling so well. On and off, I've battled UTI's, infections, and have just felt kind of crappy. Its been annoying. Finally I got sick of trying to feel better and told my doctor I felt like there was something else not normal going on. So I had a pelvic ultrasound yesterday before school (fun times) and sure enough, two things showed up. I am glad to know that I was right, but I'm not sure what these things mean. The ultrasound tech saw a fairly large cyst on an ovary, and I also have a very large kidney stone. Both things could explain why I've been feeling crappy. My doctor now has to look at the ultrasoud pictures, and from what I understand, neither of these thing are serious, but both might require some kind of treatment other than medication. Its annoying and I still feel kind of nervous, but I am glad to know that I wasn't just feeling bad for no reason! :) I'll let you know what I find out.
Tonight David and I have to perform in this town production called the Holiday Showcase. It is a concert of local musical talent that resembles the talent show on "Dirty Dancing." :) There are about 7 good acts and about 7 that are kind of painful. :) It will be fun, though. I consider myself part of the painful group, but whatever. At least we can check this off the list of things to do this month. :)
I hope that all of you are well. Maybe we should all take a trip up to the Northland and form a small army to ward off all of the men that Elizabeth will be fighting off now that she's a hot single woman. :) Sounds like fun to me. :)
Well, I have to get back to the babes here. :) Just noticed this week that Julia thinks it would be fun to have ALL of her teeth come in together. Yikes. I didn't even check the back of her mouth for a long time, assuming that her top two teeth would be the next two to come in. This week I looked and here she has two teeth--one on top and one on bottom half way back! Opon futher inspection, she's got nearly all teeth trying to get out. Ouch. No wonder she's been a bit crabby.
Anyway, have a nice weekend, stay warm, and I hope to talk to you all soon!!

Love you guys,