Saturday, October 25, 2008

Breanna-I would love to go to the choir concert-I've never been to the orchestra hall (as an audience member). I just looked up the info-is it really a 9pm concert? That seems insane and like we'd probably sleep through it...but I'd be game for either time!

Anyone else?!?!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Concordia Christmas Concert

IS anyone going to the concert? I am trying to decide if I should take that day off again, or what....
Let me know!

Monday, October 20, 2008

A great weekend

It was wonderful to see those of you who made the trek to St. Paul. I particularly enjoyed our Cranium game and playing outside. Today was another gorgeous day, but I already banned myself indoors in an attempt to complete some homework. There was success along that front, but not as much as I would have liked. On the other hand, my Endorsement interview with my candidacy committee went well and they will give me their decision tomorrow. I'm not too concerned as they said they will be recommending me to the committee; I think it's more of a formality tomorrow. I hope everyone's week is starting out well. Lots of love!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

Here is the recipe for the soup!

1 pound cooked, shredded chicken (to really cheat, used canned)
1-15 oz. can diced tomatoes
1-10 oz. enchilada sauce
1 medium onion, chopped (I don't use that much)
1 can chopped green chile peppers
2 cups water
1-14.5 oz. chicken broth
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. chili powder
1 bay leaf
1-1o oz. package frozen corn
1 TB. garlic

cook together 6-8 hours on LOW or 3-4 hours on HIGH. top with cheese and tortilla chips


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sorry Shripers-I didn't mean to exclude you from the lodging list. You, Breanna and Scanders will be at Angela's house.

I like alcohol...I plan to partake a fair amount this weekend. Bring it on, babe!

See ya'll Friday, whenever you get here!


So soon!

The first thing I need to say is that Scanders Anderson cracks me up. Period. :) As much as I also would LOVE to be a part of pregnancy and birth conversations, I too must request that at least SOME part of the weekend will be dedicated to discussions other than babies! :) I also want to make sure that I will have a place to stay (Scanders??) since I do not have children nor am I preggers. Do I belong anywhere?!?! HAHAHAHA JK..just as long as I have a roof over my head I am fine wherever there's room!! Oh, AND (this may be the most important thing I have to say!)..I'm just wondering what I should bring for alcohol since I think there are all of probably three or four of us who can partake in it!! :) I am putting myself in charge of picking it up, as long as those of you who would like to join in the alcoholic festivities tell me what you want to drink!!! So..let me know!! Also, there is a possibility I will be able to leave earlier on I may be able to get into town around supper time, which would be even MORE fantastic! I am SO excited to see you have no idea!!! Love you!! Sarah

Monday, October 13, 2008

Be not afraid...

Hey ladies! So, Scanders and I have done some pre-planning for this weekend. I think we'll have everyone with kiddos stay at my place, that way when we put them to bed...all us "big" girls can all be in the same place and hang out. This arrangement also gives the preggers good beds (by themselves!!!).

Here is my address so you can mapquest your way here...

1570 Eustis Street
Lauderdale, MN 55108

We've got food covered for Saturday-so you don't need to worry about any of that...if you want to bring something for snacks/treats...go for it-everything else is covered.

See you soon!


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mid-year Festival

I feel like we're having a mid-year F'n Festival - I like the idea. I'm really looking forward to seeing all of's sure to be a good time. Breanna and I were talking tonight and she asked me if she should bring anything. I think you should just bring yourselves, some sort of snack to share, and any special blankets and/or pillows you or your child needs in order to sleep. And call me selfish, but I have one request to make - can we not talk about pregnancy the whole weekend? Don't get me wrong, I want to hear about it, just not the whole weekend :)

Like Elizabeth, I can't believe it's the middle of the 5th week of classes. Unfortunately this means that I have to start thinking about the end of semester projects that will take more than a couple of weeks to accomplish. This week we had our internship applications due which seems really soon. There seems to be a step every month to go through until we are finally made aware of our placement in either March or April. Today I spoke with a pastor from the Phoenix area about his parish; they're looking for two interns there next year and their ministry sounded pretty appealing. Right now I'm hoping to go somewhere I will be able to put my Spanish to some use. The last couple of weekends I have attended some Spanish-speaking worship services which have been really good and last week I volunteered with an organization that makes Latino food and shares in conversation with whoever stops in. It's fun to meet some new people.

Can't wait to see all of you!!!!

So excited

Hi, ladies! So, I do very occasionally have access to the blog (ha ha, Elizabeth!) so I thought I'd write a quick post. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend! Addyson and I will there most of the weekend and are just going to leave for a few hours Saturday night to see some friends from PT school (who are definitely not cooler than all of you!). Sorry I don't have any pictures to post; I've stolen a few minutes from work to run to the library to check email and the blog and don't have any pictures of Addyson to post. Yes, I live in the technology dark ages. I do not have internet access at home and my employer has filtered almost every website except the Medicare one.

Anyways, just wanted to say "hi" and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone next weekend!
Lindsey :)
p.s. I'm especially looking forward to sharing labor and delivery stories with Breanna! (Congratulations, by the way!)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Can't wait for next weekend...

Hello friends, okay business first!
Friday night Mandy is here around dinner time, Lindsey and Shripers will be arriving around 9pm.
Saturday we have all day to play around, meet up with Breanna. In the evening Lindsey will be leaving to hang out with her cooler-PT friends (she can't access the blog, so I'm speaking for her...which is dangerous!)
Sunday more play time!

Lodging-I have space at my place and Angela Noel has offered her house for the weekend! So no hotels, that's just silly. She and her hubby are out of town and they live minutes away from Luther. Scanders knows more about this lovely place.

I'm in my 5th week of school-how can that be? The weeks are pretty intense, so time is flying by! I now have 2 jobs-thank God! I'll be leading a Contemporary worship service at Mt. Zion in south Minneapolis. I think this will be a great church home for us-it reminds me a lot of Peace Lutheran in Fargo (where I worked in college). I also am teaching piano on Monday nights at a music studio in St. Paul...great little place, nice people.

We also haven't had the best health luck here-nothing big just a flu bug, then a cold and my back has been given me lots of problems (I sound like a pregnant lady...hahaha). This morning I literally crawled into Micaela's room because standing was not an option-thats the second time thats happened this month. Any suggesstions anyone?

Otherwise, not much to report. I see my Dad at least once a week, which has been nice. We hang out with my high school buds Brentie and Justin-which is also been really fun to re-connect with them more. Still working on finding that niche at Luther-seeing Sarah everyday is the biggest highlight :)

I just had a great-aunt pass away, my bros and I are doing the music for the funeral tomorrow morning. She and my Grandma (they were sisters) lived next door to each other their whole lives (until my Grandma died), so my aunt was always around. She and my uncle were marriend for 59 years! Crazy! She was 79 and died peacefully while taking a nap...unfortunelty its another reminder that there are VERY few on either side of my family that have made it past 80...I don't actually know of any. I talked with my uncle tonight (who is also 79) and he just kept saying "life is is short" and then he said "isn't my wife beautiful?"

On that note, I should be studying for my Hebrew test, writing a paper and preparing my music for tomorrow...but writing to you all sounded like much more fun. Much love to you all...aren't my friends beautiful!


Rain here, too

Hi ladies-
   I'm excited to see you all too!!  Julia and I will be able to be there either Friday night or Saturday early afternoon.  What do you think would be the best time?  Do we have any definite plans?  Where are we staying?  Are we slumber partying it?  Hoteling it?  Any ideas?  
    Things here are going pretty well.  We are FINALLY healthy after about a month of being deathly ill here with a horrid cold.  So now I feel "normal" but of course, my belly is beginning to make me supremely uncomfortable even when just sitting or standing.  Its fun.  :)  
    Breanna, I'm so excited for your maternity pants.  They are the most flattering, fun things to wear ever.  :)  Congratulations on joining the club! :)
     Okay, let me know what's up for next weekend.  I am game for anything!  


Rain, Rain, Rain...

Hello all,
I just heard from Missy and we are going to do dress shopping on Friday afternoon, and she would like to stay in the cities Friday night. So, I am available Saturday morning through Sunday. Where should I meet you all? I can't wait to see you then!

Is anyone going to Concordia Homecoming this weekend? I think Sarah and Elizabeth were planning on it. Are you still going? Are you going to the choir reunion? Sounds fun!

Last weekend, Sue came to visit and we had a very nice time buying some maternity pants. My jeans still fit me, it is just my dress pants have no room to stretch in anymore, and they are very uncomfortable. We also watched movies, relaxed, saw her college roomates, and ate. Good times.

Anything exciting going on in your life?
Can't wait to see you soon!


Friday, October 03, 2008

I am SO there!

Hey lovely ladies! I am up for anything and everything as far as that weekend is concerned...I will be able to be in the Cities later Friday evening (I can leave Marshall after work around 530) and can stay through Sunday anytime! Let me know what I can to do help in preparation for our get-together. Seriously, I cannot WAIT to see you all. Love you, Sarah