Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I was in a cave!

Last weekend I went to Lanesboro, MN and found myself visiting Niagara Cave. It was a fascinating place to visit. We went 220 feet below the Earth's surface and saw three different layers of limestone, fossils, a waterfall, stalactites and stalagmite, and much more. If you're ever in SE MN, I highly recommend it. I also went to an art show by my friend, Mark. That was wonderful as well. The show is entitled "Wicked Game," and displays 15 bias-motivated crimes in MN. They ranged from anti-Semitic acts to religious crimes to homophobia and violence against the homeless. The 'game' portion comes in because you get a sheet of paper that has 15 paragraphs about each crime and you must match the description to the painting. I thought it was a good way to engage the viewer. He's hoping to tour around the state with the show so if he's in an area near you, I'll let you know.

My mom went to the eye specialist yesterday to examine her eye. There is no change...all the blood is still there and her vision in that eye is poor. If she looks straight ahead she can't see anything, except some peripherally. The doctor said he can't give an exact time that it will heal, but probably 3-6 months. It's very difficult for her. Please keep her in your prayers.

HOMECOMING is coming! SOON! Let's plan. Who's in? I'll be up in the area Friday evening - Sunday morning worship and then heading out. I would like to attend the football game and the Homecoming concert. Beyond that...? Hope to hear from you ladies soon!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

This is what happens when you feed Julia spaghetti

Hi everyone! It is good to see that the blog has been active! Our lives here have been pretty crazy since school started. :) We've had some exhausting falls into bed at night, but life is good. Tonight, Julia had spaghetti, as you can see. Apparently she enjoys it. Or at least she enjoys spreading it all over her face, hair, hands, etc. Great for bath night. :)
I got to stay home with Juila on Tuesday, which was actually very nice. Not for her, though; she had an ear infection. She is feeling much better and is back to her cheerful self, but Monday night was NOT a fun experience. Lots of crying and being awake. Poor girl! We are in the preparations for the big first birthday party. :) Should be fun with all of the grandparents. I hope we don't get too wild! ha ha
School is going well for both of us. I have a few very interesting kids this year, but most of them are pretty good, and I am enjoying my days. David is keeping busy, but has a much lighter load than last year, which is very nice. We're a little more relaxed around here. :) Did I tell you that he is teaching one class at Northwestern in St. Paul? Don't ask him to drink, dance, or do anything else that is remotely smile-provoking. Just kidding. He really isn't supposed to drink, dance, etc, though. Its pretty hard for him since he was getting pasted every night and dancing naked in the living room.
I don't know if we'll be able to make it up to homecoming, but I'll check it out. It would be fun!! By the way, has anyone heard what kind of baby Jake and Amy had? You know what I mean... boy? girl? Has anyone heard anything? Just curious.
Well, that's all from Litchfield, MN, home of the Dragons and Julia Severtson, the spaghetti queen (and also queen of pooping in the bathtub it turns out). More fun times.
I think maybe I'm going a little cooky this Thursday night. I love you all!!


So much fun

I will probably be able to attend as well. Let me consult the schedule!
Happy almost Friday!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cobberland, here I come

Hi friends. I'm heading up to Homecoming on Friday evening with my mom and leaving Sunday. I'm driving her up, since she can't see very well, because it's her 35th class anniversary. You should come too because it will be fun. I also know of a good party happening on Saturday night.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

An Event!

It is so fun to have new people posting...welcome!

So Scanders and I were talking about Homecoming the other night...and I'm extending an invite to any and all! Its Oct. 13-15 and there is a First Decade "Storyhill" concert on Friday night, football game Saturday afternoon and a Homecoming Concert on Saturday night. Of course there is a lot more going on, but I thought these looked like the most fun.

If we really get orginzied quickly I'm sure we can find accomedations and nice people to stay with....

Check your schedules ASAP and let's all get together SOON!

Monday, September 11, 2006

My first post!

Hi, everyone! I really hope I'm doing this right -- I'm not very technilogically (did I spell that correctly, teachers?) advanced.

I've had so much fun reading all the previous posts and seeing the great pictures! Thank you so much for inviting me to join! This is a really great idea, and a great way to keep in touch with everyone!

I guess I can fill you all in on what I'm up to right now. I'm currently in Detroit Lakes, MN, doing my first clinical affiliation. I'm working at the hospital here. I've been here since August 15 and will be here until October 13. I'm really enjoying my experience. I'm mostly doing acute care in the hospital, which means I'm seeing a lot of total joint replacements right after surgery, as well as some medically complicated patients who are in the hospital for various reasons (pneumonia, heart attack, etc) and just helping them to get out of bed and back on their feet so they can go back to their homes as soon as possible. Because it's a small rural hospital, I get to see a little bit of everything. I have some of my own outpatient orthopedic patients as well, but my favorite part has been the pediatric patients I have been working with. I really love peds, and I'm pretty sure that is the area I would like to practice in when I finally graduate (June 2007 -- 9 months!). When I'm done here, I'll be back in the cities for the remainder of my affiliations.

I'm excited to keep in touch with you all through this medium! I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope to see you all soon!
Love, Lindsey

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fall is fabulous!

The last couple of evenings have been wonderful. I know that often people are leary of the weather cooling because inevitably what follows is sleet, ice, wind chills, cold cars, and foggy eyeglasses. However, last night I rather enjoyed having the window open, a cool breeze blowing across my face and blankets covering me with warmth. Today, I visited historic Fort Snelling where they replicate what the fort would have been like in 1827, and they had many wood fires in the buildings. It was nice to feel the warmth and smell the wood burning. I think fall is great. Does anyone remember when we spent a nice fall day at the state park outside of Moorhead with our homework, blankets, and frisbee and had lots of fun being outdoors? That, too, was a nice time.

I'm not sure I told anyone this yet, but a couple of weeks ago my mom had a hemmorage in her right eye. We spent several hours seeing many different doctors before she had laser treatment on her eye. 1100 laser beams were shot into her eye! I even got to see all the blood that has collected in her eye. It is a serious condition and one that is scary. She still sees through the blood in that eye (red/orange coloring) and she will have blurred vision for a few months. Thus, this makes many everyday tasks challenging for her: reading, grading papers, driving at night, etc. Please keep her in your prayers.

Ta-ta for now!
Sarah A.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Right on!

Way to get 'er done ladies! It was really fun to read all those posts. Julia is so big, is she walking? And May 12th is on the calender-you both look quite beautiful in those dresses.

Here in the NorthLand everything is going well. The job is great, really. I have no complaints the staff is so affirming and laid back and yet there is much to do and lots of room for growth that I think is very attainable...so I'm excited to be here and doing this work. Its still scary being in Grand Forks. We have a couple living in my dad's basement (while they build a lake home after retirment), its been just fine but I'm anxious for Micaela and I to be able to stretch out and have our own space. If I were rich it would be no problem! :)

Yep, that's it for now I miss you all a lot already. Perhaps we should begin discussing future weekend/holiday plans? I know that sounds crazy but I know you people and your busy lives and I work at a church so the holidays are going to be a bit hectic.

No, the other girls are not on here yet...Scanders I'm emailing the addresses I have (Becca and Linds) right NOW!

Love to you all!

Monday, September 04, 2006


Hello all! Beautiful pics all around! I guess I am not talented or smart enough yet to figure out how to put my own pics on here - or maybe I just haven't had the time! :) It's so great to hear from all of you and be able to keep up on what's going on in everyone's lives - I know we've all mentioned that before, but I thought I'd reiterate!

This past LONG weekend (long in a good way because I didn't have to work today) Seth and I spent up in Hopkins again with my aunt and uncle. We were able to help move my cousin Nick down to St Olaf today for his senior year - it was hard on everyone, especially my aunt Mary who is still having a very hard time dealing with Cara's death. These past few weeks have been spent talking with all of them on the phone nearly every day as well as heading up there just about every weekend - it has been good for all of us, as weird as that might seem - I just know that it has helped me immensely with the grieving process (which totally SUCKS, by the way!!!!).

Anywho - I have absolutely no pity or sympathy for any of you who have to start school tomorrow - SOME of us have jobs that require us to work YEAR-ROUND and therefore the summer feels just like winter practically! HAHA - just joshin' ya! Ok, well it does all feel pretty much the same, besides the weather part...

I don't really have any new news for everyone - Seth and I spent a lot of time this weekend talking about where we'll end up in December when he graduates. Oh wait - we talk about that ALL the time..!! All of our friends/family (including some of YOU!) are trying to get us to move up to the Twin Cities area - I must say that this is definitely a possibility, but who knows really?!?!?!?!

Ok, I really should go to bed - tomorrow is going to be a busy day at the bank! Good luck to all of you starting school tomorrow and Sarah, keep your head up! (I liked Plan P the best, by the way!)

Love you all MUCHO,
Sarah Schripes


Can you believe it is September? I am also excited to get back to school but I am stalling as we speak to go to school and get my shit together for TOMORROW! Holy cow the summer went fast. It is ok that things are going fast because I am pumped for MAY 12th to come around. That is the wedding date for those who did not know. WOO HOO!
I have a few pics for you too. First, Sarah and I did a great toast for Sue...aren't we pretty. Then, Chris and I at the wedding...too bad you can't see the dress and all you can see is boob. Well, that happens.
OK- must get going.
Love you all!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hi everyone! :)
After the scolding from Elizabeth, I figured I'd better get on the ball here! However, if you're going to scold, Elizabeth, you have to post something with content at least. :)
How is everyone? I thought I'd get the pictures of Julia on here since it didn't work last time. Isn't she just a sweetie? :)
There is really nothing new here. We are both getting ready for school to start on Tuesday. I am actually feeling ready except for the whole leaving Julia part. I am feeling excited to see the kids, though. And, after an entire summer socializing with basically only David, I am ready to see my "teacher friends" again. :) Not that David is bad, but you know what I mean, right?
This weekend Julia and I went to Granite Falls to help my grandparents move into a new house in town. They bought a house on the "bluff" there and have a spectacular view. It was kind of weird for all of us to see them in a new house, and it will take some getting used to, but that's how it's going to be! It was a little depressing, though...did I tell you that my parents have to move into the house that my grandparents are leaving? It is small, old, and kind of smelly. My mom and dad have put our fun, big, non-smelly house on the market already, and have had some interest. They are hoping to be able to rennovate my grandparents' house a LOT before they have to move there. It will be weird to know that someone else is living in the house where all of my childhood was spent. Oh well.
We were going to go to the fair today, but it was so cold and rainy, we decided not to. I was really looking forward to some cheese curds and also going to the animal building. Maybe next year if we're not living in Alabama. :)
What's new with everyone else? I'm going to stop rambling now. I'm sure you're all bored. Have a great week everybody!! I LOVEYOU!!

p.s. Are the rest of the girls on this blog yet? (Becca, Lindsey, Amanda?)