Sunday, March 29, 2009

photojournaling the weekend

Sarah came to visit Elizabeth and I this weekend which was really fun, and I decided that with all the recent picture activity on the blog we should also add to the excitement. Breanna, Karley is so damn cute! I showed the pictures to my mom today, and you can imagine how excited she was. She loves seeing all the pictures of the friends' children.

Anyway, on Friday night, after Sarah was arrived an hour later than expected due to road delays, we drank some red wine which I found to be quite good. It was Beauzeaux {-}, in case anyone is interested; it's a blend of five different grapes I believe.

Saturday morning came quickly as Sarah S. actually woke up at 7:30 AM! We had to get ready because we decided to go to the Mall of America to see the Easter Bunny, partake in face painting, the petting zoo, and general fun. Daniel, Katie, Isaiah, Matt and Anna joined us as well. While eating lunch our group got bigger because lo and behold Steve and Casey came because they were celebrating the birthday of one of Dustin and Emily Wirths' kids.

After an afternoon of relaxation and viewal of Knotting Hill, we started to think about how we were going to 'live-up' our Saturday night. While deciding where to go, Sarah made a spinach dip which all enjoyed (Note picture of Sarah and I enjoying the dip.)

A trip to Uptown was the answer to our Saturday night destination, and I decided that three glasses of wine before dinner would be a good idea. (Tip: If you know you're going out and don't want to drive, drink enough beforehand so that you are mildly inebriated and don't have to drive. That wasn't my original intent, but it worked:)
The authentic Pancho Villa restaurant was our destination and all who attended (Katie, Elizabeth, Sarah and myself) tried our hand at some Spanish. I tried to convince the waitress that it was supposed to be 2-for-1 margaritas, but she would not oblige. Needless to say we still had a good time. (Note picture below with Elizabeth and Katie having a good time)

Herkimer Pub and Brewery was our next stop in Uptown. Had Breanna been along we definitely would have gone to the Country Bar that was a few doors down, but we decided on the microbrewery. Elizabeth drank her white Russian like she was just coming out of being in the desert for weeks. She noted that drinking quickly through a straw is a good way to become intoxicated quickly. We thanked her for the reminder. I had a medium ale that was way too bitter which resulted in me not completely finishing my beer. (I know, Breanna, that's alcohol abuse.) Nonetheless, we had fun hanging out. (Note all of us having fun hanging out)

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