Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I did it at the right time

So, today I began teaching "Dancing Queen" to my 7th grade choir.  Yes.  They bug me every day about doing music from Mama Mia.  I found Dancing Queen in our files of music, and began teaching it today.    I admit that I really only skimmed through this music before handing it out to the kids, due to lack of time and feeling pretty comfortable with the song.  Lo and behold, as we are jamming this morning, the much loved piano part came up, and UNLIKE in our blog video, I played the "cool" part JUST RIGHT!  :)  I wanted to shout for joy and dance, but my students already think I'm a pretty big dork, so I refrained.  It was fun, though! :)
So....the 13th.  Would be super fun!  If I could maybe fit something in on that Sunday??  David and I have already committed to doing the music for Eric, my good friend from camp's wedding, which is on that Saturday.  (I realize the grammar in that sentence is horrid...I don't care) The good news is that it is at camp, so I will be in MN, and possibly able to make it somewhere on Sunday.  Otherwise, I may have to miss the Festival this year! :(  I knew when I told Eric we could play that this was probably going to infringe on the sacred weekend, but he really is one of my best friends from camp--we were PD's together that summer after we graduated, and I couldn't say no.  I'm sorry.  :(   I'm hopeful something will work out!  

Breanna, I have been thinking about you lots!  I hope that you're hanging in there.  It is so weird to know what is coming, isn't it?  I thought that the waiting at the end was the worst!  Although, I must say that it was a little worse the second time because I knew what I was getting into.  The first time you're blissfully unaware and everything is new and exciting, even if it hurts. The epidural saved me this time. :)  It will all be worth it though!! :)  You'll see.  And you'll be a great mom! 

Everyone else, I hope you are well!!  We are surviving here in Green Bay.  We've been trying not to get wrapped up in the drama at our work--both of us.   Long story that I hope will be wrapped up in the next few weeks.  Lauren is growing so'll have to check our severtsons blog to see her.  She is HUGE.  Tonight at Julia's pre-school-screening appointment, someone (who is around kids a lot!) guessed she was 5 or 6 months old.  Or 3 months.  Close.  :) She is a little chunky, just like her sister was.   :)  Other than being exhausted and wishing I had more time to myself, things are a lot easier now that we have Lauren figured out a little more.  She is a very happy baby when she is fed, which makes life pretty easy.  I still hate going to the grocery store with them both, but I suppose I'll live. :)

Here's to WARMER WEATHER!! :)

Love you guys,

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