Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life according to Breanna

Hi again,
So, we knew we were going to be induced on Monday, but we didn't tell anyone until we were on our way to the hospital on Monday morning. By the afternoon, we thought we would have a baby. WRONG! Instead, at about 4p.m. the doctor broke my water, and only then did the actual LABOR start. I was going to tough it out and go without drugs, but when I was checked at about 8p.m. and was told that I was still only dilated to 4, I got upset and felt like this was never going to end. The doctor said it could easily go into all hours of the night and that we should rest. Well, at about 9:30 or so, I decided I would never be able to rest unless I had some drugs. And, I thought as long as I was having drugs, I may as well get the good stuff. So, I had an epidural and it was FABULOUS...within minutes, I felt a lot better. I couldn't feel anything below my waist...weird. Then, since I was more comfortable, it was easier to rest. But, after only about an hour of having the epidural in, the nurse came to check and said...SURPRISE, it is time to push! I couldn't believe it. I had gone from 4-10 in like an hour. CRAZY. After only 40 minutes of pushing, we had our pretty little girl.

But...about a half hour after she was born, I started to feel terrible and the doctor started saying things like, "Get her some oxygen," "Call the blood bank," etc. I had no idea what was going on, but Chris had to take Karley and sit in the corner while all the docs and nurses paid attention to me and not them. It turns out that I had hemorraged...lost lots and lots of blood in a short time. But, they did not have to give me any extra blood, my blood pressure came back up shortly, and things turned out to be just fine. I am sure it was much scarier for Chris than it was for me. The downside of all of this, is that it just makes recovery a little longer since I need to heal myself before I can take care of a baby. So, my milk has not come in yet, which is frustrating.

Otherwise, Chris has been amazing. He hardly left my side while we were at the hospital. I had to make him go get food...he did not want to leave us...cute. He has also been SUPER helpful since he has to help me supplement feedings and stuff he has had to be up each time I get up. Plus, yesterday, he gave me lots of nap time because I needed it! is good. This is a crazy transition, but it is well worth it!
Here are a few new pictures...


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