Sunday, April 27, 2008

The festival

Just a quick note tonight...I haven't updated my preferences on the site Elizabeth set-up (which is cool) because I don't know my schedule at all for this summer. Since I'm doing my CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) this summer, I have to make myself available to their schedule which includes weekends and evenings. I won't know until the end of May what my schedule will look like for June and definitely have no idea about July. August is out because Matt and Sarah will be moving here the first weekend and then I'm hoping to spend the rest of the month in Mexico working on my tan. I hope everyone is well. Has anyone done anything fun during spring? At least, some of us have experienced glimpses of spring - some of you are still facing winter.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Festival!

Hey ladies,

According to our Doodle Planner, its looking like the 2nd weekend in June is still the best...however, many more ladies need to place their votes! Here is the link again in case you missed it... (you can also go back and edit your vote if needed, little link on the far left)

I know I need to get my June schedule figured out and I'm sure others do too, so if we could move on this-that would be great! See y'all soon!


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Can you identify?

I'm not asking you to identify what the frozen contents of this Ziploc bag are, but I would like to ask the question. A few days ago I thought it would be a good idea to thaw something from the freezer for a few meals this week. Among the ice cubes and frozen vegetables I saw a cool whip container. Knowing it wasn't cool whip, I wondered what it could be. It was eventually identified as soup but I didn't know where I got it. Then tonight I was assessing what else could be thawed from my freezer, and noticed a ziploc bag (picture above is not actual evidence, but remarkably close to what I saw). What's in this bag that has tinfoil surrounding it? Upon further inspection, I realized it was frozen ham from Easter. Do you ever find yourself unable to identify freezer items? Perhaps you're doing the logical thing, which my mom taught me to do, and you label everything and put a date on it so that even when there is nothing but freezer burn you know that it was pig's feet at some point.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

smart and funny

Hello again! My pastor emailed me some definitions from this new book he just got...its a great way to think about "church-y" words! Enjoy!

absolution A series of words that, when spoken to a repentant sinner, result in that sinner's complete forgiveness - much to the chagrin of the self-righteous.

atheism The personal choice to be at the whim of earthly powers because you can't stand being at the whim of God.

Bible A book that Christians believe is so holy and inspired that they almost never read it for fear that it might draw them closer to God and neighbor or change their lives in some other inconvenient way.

Canon Not to be confused with a large weapon (this canon only has one "n"), the canon is the list of books comprising the authoritative, written Word of God - which sinners often use as a large weapon to bash each other.

Laity Those people who don't need special degrees, titles, clothes, or roles to know that they are called by God.

Love Not a thing that is blind but the act of actually seeing the needs of others and of putting their needs higher than yourself or your needs.

Martyr A person who would rather die than allow you to help make dinner.

Member (1) One who joins a group in order to avoid expectations of participation; (2) God's partner in mission.

Ministry An office instituted by God for work in God's world, the holders of which often spend too much time in their offices.

Pastor/Priest A sinner who is so aware of the power of sin in his or her own life that he or she feels called by the Holy Spirit to announce that God loves sinners.

Perichoresis The attempt to describe the numbers "three" and "one" without using math.

Predestination The extremely disturbing idea that God actually knows what God is doing.

Reformation A revolution within Christianity that started in 1517 and is either still happening or needs to happen again, depending on whom you talk to.

Religion A system of beliefs and practices that is meant to nourish a life of faith and a relationship with God, which often causes despair and drives people away from God, for the sake of good order.

Revelation Reason's embarrassing brother-in-law who married into the family and is often the source of awkward pauses in the conversation at family meals but who brings things to the table that nobody else can.

Simultaneously Saint And Sinner Being at one and the same time who you think you are and who you really are.

Sin (1) Why people suck, (2) How people suck

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008


for some reason the random topic of Scander's and Breanna's posts make me so thankful to be friends with some of the most thoughtful, intelligent and forward-thinking women on the planet. You all are awe-inspiring!

B-I've been jammin' to that CD you made (at Christmas time maybe?) and don't think I ever said THANK YOU for that. I'm trying to convince Micaela the 'Dancing Queen' is the greatest song'll take a few more attempts. :) But I look great dancing in the driver's seat, so that's what's important...right?

Um, its been a REALLY full, long day and I'm so excused my random babbling. Love you all!



Yes, Sarah, I had also heard this..only I read it in Glamour magazine, so I don't know how credible they are. But, I bought a SIGG water bottle and I like it. It is made from recycled material too. BONUS!
Peace out homies.

Nalgenes negatively impact health!

Nalgene use is hazardous, what?! A friend told me about this today and I was shocked. I knew that continued use of ordinary 'disposable' water bottles such as Ice Mountain or the generic brand was not good to reuse, but Nalgenes? They're hip, cool, and everybody's got one. (Okay a lot of people have them). Apparently there is a chemical that is released in the plastic that can have an impact on the brain as well as reproductive hormones. This is also the case for baby bottles. Matt told me read about it and they purchased new baby bottles, but I didn't think it would apply to my beloved Nalgene seven years. The chemical released is BPA, which is espeically prevelant if bottles have #7 on the bottom. Check out the article link as well, which gives more details about certain numbers on bottles. I would also caution against the solution of always buying new Aquafina bottles because the amount of plastic used to make disposable water bottles for the USA would fuel hundreds of thousands of cars for a year. (I know an odd comparison, but it's equally environmentally detrimental.) Oh, and of course if you go to Nalgene's website they will say that #7 plastics are okay and BPA free. Hope you don't carry stock with plastic #7!
Stay informed!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Please Pray for Pelican

Hi ladies - I write with some very sad news. You have maybe heard on the news that our high school band was in a bad bus accident this morning. My cousin Nichole (a junior bridesmaid in my wedding if you remember her) was in the accident, but thank God is fine. One small scratch. Others were not so lucky. One girl was killed in the accident. Her name is Jessica Weishair. She was in 9th grade. And though I didn't know her personally, I can't help but keep thinking about the fact that she's "Kim and Stacy's daughter". (family friends) And I think of all of you who have daughters and myself - and what it would be to lose a daughter. Unthinkable. Love those little love bugs with all your heart - and when you want to put your head through a wall (like I sometimes do) because they won't listen or cooperate, just stop and think of life without her. Unthinkable.

Hi Friends has been awhile since I have blogged, but I guess no news is good news. I feel like the time has flown by this winter, and I am so so so so so glad it is spring-like finally. Although, I hear that northern MN today will still not be spring-like...sounds more snow-like.
Well, let's see...not much has happened here, it has been a beautifully relaxing year so far. We are getting news from the superintendent in our district that we need to be cutting lots of money this year. Who knows what is going to happen...scary.
Other than that...Chris and I and some friends are going to northern CA in the end of June. That should be very fun. Tomorrow, Chris and I are going to the Twins game. is fun to hear from you all. Talk to you soon!
This is kind of a random blog, but I just woke up...forgive me.