Thursday, April 12, 2007

such a cutie!

Hi ladies!
Oh my gosh, Elizabeth, those pictures of Micaela are SOOOO cute!! You'll keep those forever, I'm sure. :)
And Sarah, the picture of that church is sooooo beautiful! :) I hope that the adjustment continues to go okay...I'm sure its a bit of a shock to come back here. Aren't you so glad that you went?!!
Nothing much is new here. I am feeling a little frazzeled by my schedule lately, but it will soon be better. I have a concert here in two weeks, and it is a time-consuming thing!! I am excited about it though. My 4th and 5th graders are singing America (with sign-language even), Rock ARound the Clock, New York, NewYork, Fifty Nifty United STates, Simple Gifts, Take Me OUt to the Ballgame, Surfin USA, God Bless the USA, and I'd Like to Teach the world to sing, all at one concert! I hope they remember all the words! I'm a lunatic, but its so fun I can't help it. :) Anyway, the details to get this thing ready are crazy, and I feel like that's all I think about. Soon I will be able to breathe. :)
Easter was interesting here; we moved my parents into their "new" house! It turned out so well, except that the sewer froze shut due to limited use this winter, and they couldn't use any water! Finally it thawed out on Monday, which was nice because they had all of their stuff at the new house but had to shower/pee/etc. :) at the old house. Not fun. My mom is much better now that she can wash things.
ON Wednesday morning, as David and I were getting ready for the morning, Julia walked into our room and said, "Bye guys." :) It was so funny! She is just a talker! Fun times. :)
Well, I wish I had interesting things to talk about, but I don't. I hope that you are all well. Have a great Bachelorette Party, Breanna!! Sorry I'm missing the fun. :( I hope you get lots of sassy clothing for the night time activities. :)

Love you all,

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