Friday, February 16, 2007


That is an amazing picture Scanders! Congratulations on LOTS of new exciting things're going to be a poor student fun!

Life up here has been a little less than fun, Micaela had an ear infection this past week, so I missed 3 days of work. It was 72 hours of crankiness and she could really only sleep sitting up, so I was propped up on the couch for three nights...not so fun! Missing work wouldn't be so bad but LENT is days away and the middle school musical started this I'm feeling behind.

But, in one hour I'm hitting the road and traveling to see Scanders, SBooms (nice nickname) and the Seth. I'm very excited-even though I'm totally behind in everything and my daughter is still a cranky little punk...I'm taking the risk and going. I need a little mental break!

Here is a little story for the midst of a crazy day getting back to work yesterday I led the program for Bethseda Birthday-which the group here at church that goes to various nursing homes once a month and hosts a birthday party for residents. We usually sing old hymns, read Scripture or poetry. I was so amazed yesterday at this group that was supposed to be "not so with it" yet the old chorus of "I love to tell the story, I'll sing this theme in glory! And tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love." is imprinted so deeply on their hearts that they sing along so strongly...many with tears in their eyes. I can only imagine the memories and feelings those old hymns conger up for these fragile souls.

It made me wonder what music will be brought into our nursing homes when we're old and fragile? Will an entire rock back have to come in to lead us in edgy worship? Its kind of a funny picture! Anyways, I'm amazed each month I go and play piano for these people that have seen so much and know so much...and love to sing the "old, old story of Jesus and his love."

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