Monday, January 19, 2009

Thoughts on being a mom of two kids

Well, I have been spending the past 7 weeks at home with my newly expanded family.  These weeks have by far been the most challenging and interesting of my life.  In some ways, the weeks have gone by rather quickly; sleep deprivation makes things go by in a fog. :)  In other ways, the weeks have gone very slowly.  I feel as if I am starting to come out of the abyss, however, which feels good!  Lauren is starting to have a sort of schedule, and finally is getting up only one and sometimes two times a night.  Just two weeks ago, she was greeting me and my boobs three times a night!  This makes for a crabby wife and mom, which made me feel sad!  :(

So, it turns out life is pretty easy with only one child, especially when they can feed themself, pee and poop on their own, and sleep through the night.  Adding a new child into this mix certainly makes things a lot more CRAZY!!!  Things that were previously easy, like bedtime, making meals, going to the grocery store, and dealing with tantrums are now 10 times more complicated.   For example, last week, I attempted to bring both girls on a shopping trip to Target and Joann Fabrics.  As we are getting ready to leave, Julia is mysteriously quiet, and as I find her, she is standing on the stairs, looking guilty, and standing in a puddle of pee.  (so, ignore previously stated claim that my child could pee on her own).  So, we head up the stairs to get cleaned up and changed.  Then, the carpet needs to be sprayed and cleaned up.  All while Lauren is hysterically crying because she is HUNGRY!  FEED ME!  After that mess, Lauren was fed, and I started the car (because it of course, is not going to get above zero on this day, but I NEED to get out of the house, so we're dealing).  As I am getting Lauren in her carseat, she decides to projectile spit-up all over me and herself and the carpet and her carseat.  Car is on, gas is wasting away... Okay.  I'm getting the hint that we should not leave the house.  After cleaning all of THAT up, and resigning myself to that fact that, yes, I will go out in public smelling like rotten milk and pee, without make-up and in the same sweats I wore yesterday because my jeans don't fit yet, we made it in the car.  After arriving at Target, I learn that it is not easy to have a toddler and a baby in an infant seat and a cart to push.  Fun little riding places hooked to carts for toddlers are great, but do not accommodate an infant seat.  So, we navigated Target with Julia where she usually sits, and Lauren in the cart, with the things we needed stuffed in every little cranny we could find.  At Joann Fabrics, the seating order is switched, with Julia in the cart, of course digging through and exploring every thing that is put into the cart, so that when we check out, some things are missing.  As in, they must have fallen out of the cart various places around the store.  At this point I don't care.  I'll go back another day BY MYSELF to get this job done.  Holy cow.

Today I attempted the grocery store with both kids, and got well designed cart with a car in the front, and the place for the infant seat my me.  Perfect.  EXCEPT ITS LIKE DRIVING A FREAKING SEMI!  It does not turn well, and I feel like I have to turn every corner extremely carefully as to not knock down the wonderfully placed wine displays the Piggly Wiggly seems to have all over.  

Okay, granted that these are the first trips of both kind that I've made, and things are bound to get better, but wow.  This is a bit more complex than I imagined.

On the fun side of things, Lauren is starting to smile!  If you go to our blog (, you can watch a little video of her smiling.  It might not seem that great to you, but man, once that smile hits, this thing that has been taking up all of your sleep and making you feel like a greasy, saggy lady suddenly seems like a person that loves you!  It is miraculous and comes at a much needed time. :)  Julia is doing a great job being a big sister, but has unfortunately entered a very unattractive and extremely annoying whining phase.  It is really making us crazy.  Any ideas?  :)

I hope that all of you are doing well!!  I can't believe this is the first post of the new year on this wonderful little blog.  Where is everyone?  :)  Elizabeth, are you back??  We need to hear about your trip!!  How is Sioux Falls, Sarah?  Breanna, how is the belly?  Everyone else--how are you? 
Thanks for letting me vent my craziness to you all.  I do feel like I'm coming out of a funk, which I think is due to getting more sleep.  Thank God for that.  Literally. :)

I love you guys!!

If you get to see the Inagural Parade tomorrow, look for Scott K.'s band!  Yeah! :)

  The crazy lady Mandy


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