Tuesday, January 20, 2009


We're back home! And so happy about that! When I signed up for the trip I thought 2 weeks was so short, but add to it travelling to a different country, 12 strangers, intense learning topics, 1 Mexico roommate that I would have like to leave in Mexico and 2 weeks begins to feel like a VERY long time! Micaela had a great time with Grandma Andrea and Grandpa Greggie in EGF. She refused to talk to me on the phone, which I understand, it maybe made it easier to just not even hear her voice. And Andrea emailed me lots of pictures and updates with what they were doing each day. Micaela even got to go to an UND Hockey game, and as you know, hockey isn't my favorite sport in the world (especially UND hockey) so I've endured listening to all sorts of stories about the game like, "Souix that don't listen go to the penalty box." We've had a lovely long weekend to get re-aquainted and do our favorite things at home like cook, read, play "I'm the mama and you're the honey (she means baby, but its too cute to correct).

I'm not totally ready to process what I learned and took from the time in Mexico-how its shaped the way I think about my personal path of ministry, how I view the role of the church, the role of government, how change is brought about....so I won't just yet :)

So, 3 weeks until school starts up again! I have a few projects to complete
1) Change mine and Micaela's last name to Damico. I've been thinking about it for awhile and took the first big step today. Its really $$, but I think its worth it. I'm such an idiot for not doing it in the divorce settlement, I just wasn't ready yet.
2) I'm looking into becoming a car-less household. Since the accident I haven't felt any peace about getting this new car. The seminary is on a bunch of great bus lines so I'm thinking of no car for the next year and a half. We'll see...
3) Setting up CPE (the pastoral care practical piece of seminary) to hopefully be done this summer.
And other random things like working out, planning ahead for church, maybe finding ways to spend more time with a very kind guitarist....:)

Today at Micaela's daycare they watched the swearing in of Obama and Biden (what a GREAT day!) and Micaela's interpretation was that Barack Obama is going to give us a present (then I explained he is going to BE President...she didn't like that translation as much).

I agree with Breanna-Mandy you must demand a break for coffee, shopping, pedicure...whatever! I often wonder how people with more than one do it, you are strong and amazing, even when you smell like puke and pee!

Much love to you all!

Elizabeth and Micaela

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