Monday, January 26, 2009

Day by Day

Hi girls. I absolutely LOVE being able to jump on here and read everyone else's makes me jealous that I don't really have any to tell! :) My days are much the same..go to work (where at least I enjoy my job now - so THAT's a good thing!), come home, and try to find something to do with my "alone" time. I am in such a different place in my life than I was before..and sometimes that just brings me down. Not that things are bad..not at all actuality, they're just fine...I just know that I can also tell you girls how I am TRULY feeling, and that even if that isn't always good, it's still ok because you all love me no matter what. That is a very nice feeling. I find myself trying to put on the strong face most of the time (and for the most part succeeding)..sometimes I just get tired of it and I just want to be sad. Not that I have any more right to be sad than anyone is sometimes just therapeutic for me. Wow..this is turning out to be a really depressing post and I didn't mean for it to be that way at all!! Please know that I really am doing ok..I'm just lonely sometimes.

Work itself is going well..if you check out this link, you can find an interview that the Argus Leader (Sioux Falls' newspaper) did with me recently..for some reason they picked ME of all people to feature on the front page of their Business section. Crazy!
It was also very nerve-racking because I had to be prepped and coached before the interview about things I could say, things I couldn't talk about, etc. Ahh..corporate America. :)

EDam - I am so damn proud of you for changing your and Micaela's last name...and you know what? It's ok that you didn't do it during the divorce settlement - if you weren't ready, you weren't ready. And that's OK. Now you know for sure that you are and you won't have any regrets about it or wonder how things might have been if you'd kept his last name. Mandola - goodness gracious, you ARE a crazy lady..but such a WONDERFUL crazy lady..I admire you soo much for what you're doing with those girls. Thanks for making me laugh with your pee/puke stories! :) Breanna - I'm totally up for margaritas with you whenever you are!! Or, Elizabeth and I can babysit while YOU drink enough margaritas for all of us! And Scanders, I am expecting you to join in on the margarita drinking, even if you aren't using affect and effect correctly. lol Seriously that cracked me up.

Does anyone feel like heading to Sioux Falls anytime soon? Or having a visitor? I have a couple of busy weekends coming up, but would LOVE to be able to make some visits in the next few weekends following..let me know if you are available!!

I will talk to you all soon. Thanks so much for letting me vent on here and for letting me be honest about the way I am feeling. I love you all very much.


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