Saturday, March 01, 2008

Leap Day

Preface: It's after midnight and I've just had a fair amount of beer, so if I seem less coherent than normal, you will know why.

This week has been filled with lots of different emotions. School is fine, but I'm struggling with being excited with being purely academic. I continually look for more ways to have balance in my life (b/n school and the 'real world').

This week a friend from Kenya brother died. She's here and he's there, I can't imagine what it would be like to be so far away. They've uncovered that he was chemically awful!

One of my housemate's dad went into the hospital on Tuesday, and it looks like he's not going to get better. Their diagnoses are inconclusive at this point, and she is feeling unsure if she should travel home or not. Like me, her parents went through a divorce at a young age and she (like me) still struggles with some of the issues around that and the relationship with her dad.

On the flip side, I had the best time in a long time from 7-10 tonight. Because it's Leap Day (who really notices the extra day?), Student Services planned a campus wide Game Night. Staff, students, and faculty convened in the library to play a variety of games from Cranium to Catch Phrase to Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Pictionary, Taboo, cards, Bingo, Scattergories, and more. It was such a fun time! I think I will try to intiate this event more than once every four years.

Where have your emotions been? Do tell! Take care my wonderful friends!

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