Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gall bladders, sunburns and blizzards...oh, my!

Hello my friends! I just got back from a week-long vacation in Austin, TX where my dear friend Annie lives. The adventure began before I even left-the plan was to pack on Tuesday night and leave Wednesday after work. Well, Tuesday I wasn't feeling well and all day I had this pain in my stomach that was getting worse and worse...after putting Micaela to bed I drove to the ER to find out I was having a gall bladder attack! After an ultra sound the Doc. said I had to have it out and I fell apart...then he said "Calm down, you can go to Texas and have it out when you come back!" So, with strong drugs in hand...I went home. Mandy and Scanders..the ER just isn't the same without you.

In Texas Annie had all these great ideas of fun things to do-we did a yoga class in a coffee house, took a Brazilian dance workshop, went to the Obama Rally, hit some really fun bars, took a hike, watched a really bad movie in a bar-movie theater (so cool!) went kayaking on Town Lake in 80 degree weather (that's where the sunburn came from), ate at all the best local spots (we both avoid franchise dining at all costs) and most wonderfully I reconnected with my amazing Annie. Annie and met in kindergarten and have been B/F/F ever since (yes, we still use that term) I think had I gone to visit her 2 years ago we would have been too different and not enjoyed the same kind of things. But, God has so lined the stars of our lives up-because this was just the most amazing trip with the most amazing friend. The travel home was a disaster with a blizzard in Chicago delaying my flights, so I didn't reach Minneapolis until 2am. Matthew came and picked me up so I slept in his attic for a few hours so I could drive home. This wouldn't have been so awful except I hadn't slept or eaten and there were SQUIRRELS running through the ceiling right over my head. He assured me they couldn't get in, but nothing is comforting at 4 am when you just want to sleep.

So, yesterday picking up Micaela after not seeing her for 6 days was the MOST FUN THING IN THE WORLD! She gave me the greatest, longest hug and continued to hold me hand or hug me all evening long. Sigh...I'm in love.

I hope you've enjoyed my story. I also will cast my vote for the camping in June! Sounds perfect! Love you all!


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