Monday, March 10, 2008

News from the southwestern corner of the state!

Hey all...

I haven't had anything too exciting to write as of late and therefore have just enjoyed reading more than writing in the blog...I do, however, have some news (both good and bad) to share with you.

The good news first: Seth got a new job! A GREAT job! He is now a Regional Sales Representative for USBank in Marshall and will be covering the Great Plains region, meaning we'll get to travel to exciting places like Iowa (ok, maybe not so exciting!) all the way down to Texas (SLIGHTLY more exciting!). There's more to the story surrounding how he came upon this position (he was approached by someone who currently works in that particular dept. who strongly suggested he apply b/c he would be a great fit!), but it gets to be very long and probably boring, so I'll just leave it at that. One of the reasons that this is very exciting is because it gives us a little bit more room to work with financially in the event that I would like to find a new job (SOON WOULD BE WONDERFUL!) and also in the case that we purchase a home..something we've been looking more seriously into recently.

The bad news next: I must admit that I've been procrastinating on telling you all this because it is indeed very sad. Seth and I will be in Estes Park, Colorado the weekend of June 13-15 for his best friend Jason's wedding. Jason and Lisa are some of our dearest friends (Jason was a groomsman in our wedding and he and Seth have been best buds since junior high) and Seth will be a groomsman in the wedding, while I will be singing for it. We are both SO excited about heading down there to be there for J and Lis, but I am SO INCREDIBLY SAD that I will not be able to be at this year's Fing Festival. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( I am not really even sure what else to add to this..I am just so sad and disappointed and I'm not sure that there's even a way to convey this over the blog. Just know that my heart hurts knowing I will not get to see all of you....:(:(:(

Other than those things..I LOVE keeping up on everyone's news with the's so great to read about the things going on in all of your lives! (I know I say that all the time, but I MEAN IT!) I think of each and every one of you often..I love you all so much.


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