Monday, September 24, 2007

News for the Boerbooms!

Greetings all! I am writing to tell of some exciting news for the Boerbooms...Seth and I are......

HAHA...did I get ya?! (See, Sarah, TWO can play at this game!) NO NO NO, we are NOT pregnant. We are, though, moving to Cottonwood! Ok, so not a single one of you (other than Miss Mandy) probably even has a CLUE about where Cottonwood is, so I shall explain it to you. Cottonwood is a small town (about the size of Minneota) approximately 12 miles from Marshall, located right on Hwy 23. We have decided to give up our rental townhouse for a rental HOUSE. I can't begin to tell you how exciting this is for the two of us, who have only lived in rentals since we got married 2.5 years ago. Not that rentals are a bad's just that we're both ready to move into a place where we're not sharing walls with neighbors or waking up to garage doors opening below our bedroom at 600am on a Monday morning. On top of this, the rent is MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper ($175 less, to be exact!!!!) than what we're paying right now, so that is very exciting. We're hoping to use the extra money to save up to PURCHASE a house...sometime in the near future anyway. Other than that, my life is much the is stressful..I dream of better jobs and better days...Seth is doing well with the insurance thing, which of course I knew he would...and we're just kinda doin' our thing down here in Marshall. I think of all of you often...I do have to admit that it is fun to sign on here and see postings from EVERYONE! :)

Well, that's what's new in my life..nothing obviously as exciting as the classes that Sarah and Lizabeth are taking (hahaha), but exciting for us SW Minnesotans anyway! :)

Love you all!

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