Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Blaahs in De Pere

Hi all!
I agree that it is fun to see so many entries! :) I am gulity of being a lazy dude and not posting for reasons of pure exhaustion at the end of the day. But I still love to read the postings! I guess I can't have it both ways. :)
Bre- My phone number is 920-264-4307 David's is the same, but -4764 at the end in case you ever want to call him. he he.
Things here are okay. My job is okay. Definitely not exciting like elementary school is. I don't think I'm meant to be a middle school teacher, but that's okay. I just need to learn how to have fun and not feel sad that I can't sing "You Are My Sunshine" every day or dance around and have it be totally joyful and not embarrassing. :) Whatever.
Julia turns 2 on Friday. Holy crap. She is getting so big. Sentences are coming out of her mouth, as well as the ABC's and counting to 10. She also knows how to push every button that we have, and has learned how to throw her head back and look way up into the tops of her eyes when David or I are getting after her. nice. MOST of the time, though, she's really fun. :)
In other news (perhaps this is TMI, but I don't care, I need to "vent"), we are trying to have another baby, and I am sooooo sick of having sex, I could vomit. :) One should never say that, but David feels the same way. :) I guess next time we'll think twice before we feel deprived. :) Okay, I feel better. Please block that from your mind if you need to.
Not much else to report from here. I'd love to hear more about your rock star hymnody class, Lutherites. :) Sounds like a blast. :) Could it even be as fun as Music History or Counterpoint?
Okay, I need to go relax. I seriously felt sort of like I might have a stress attack today--I think I need to start thinking positive thoughts. :)

Miss all of you very much,
Love ya,

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