Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm an auntie

Hello all!
Tonight at 6:10 p.m. Sarah delivered a little girl who weighs 7 lbs 10 oz and is 20 inches long. They gave her the name of Katherine Lucille. She has to spend tonight in some special care unit because her skin isn't pink enough and her oxygen saturation level isn't where it should be, but in talking to Matt tonight, he didn't seem too concerned. I'm really excited. Matt said he was going to try and send out pictures tonight so I'm going to wait up for awhile and see if they appear in my inbox. For now, I'll envision her as this cooky looky cartoon character. I wish they lived closer so I could go see her, but they will be visiting right after MEA, so I look forward to seeing them at that time.


I apologize. I should not have only offered such priceless pieces of literature to Mandy. Anyone can use some spice in your life.
Happy ALMOST Friday!


Mandy lou you are the funniest person I know. I agree with Breanna a little spice might be all ya need (I don't think I've ever felt the way you currently do...)

Boerboom-that was just my hopes all up. Do you have any pics of the Backstrom clan?

Love to all the ladies :)


Wow. That was a little much Mandy.
But, I could borrow you some books that illustrate new and different ways to enjoy the task.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Blaahs in De Pere

Hi all!
I agree that it is fun to see so many entries! :) I am gulity of being a lazy dude and not posting for reasons of pure exhaustion at the end of the day. But I still love to read the postings! I guess I can't have it both ways. :)
Bre- My phone number is 920-264-4307 David's is the same, but -4764 at the end in case you ever want to call him. he he.
Things here are okay. My job is okay. Definitely not exciting like elementary school is. I don't think I'm meant to be a middle school teacher, but that's okay. I just need to learn how to have fun and not feel sad that I can't sing "You Are My Sunshine" every day or dance around and have it be totally joyful and not embarrassing. :) Whatever.
Julia turns 2 on Friday. Holy crap. She is getting so big. Sentences are coming out of her mouth, as well as the ABC's and counting to 10. She also knows how to push every button that we have, and has learned how to throw her head back and look way up into the tops of her eyes when David or I are getting after her. nice. MOST of the time, though, she's really fun. :)
In other news (perhaps this is TMI, but I don't care, I need to "vent"), we are trying to have another baby, and I am sooooo sick of having sex, I could vomit. :) One should never say that, but David feels the same way. :) I guess next time we'll think twice before we feel deprived. :) Okay, I feel better. Please block that from your mind if you need to.
Not much else to report from here. I'd love to hear more about your rock star hymnody class, Lutherites. :) Sounds like a blast. :) Could it even be as fun as Music History or Counterpoint?
Okay, I need to go relax. I seriously felt sort of like I might have a stress attack today--I think I need to start thinking positive thoughts. :)

Miss all of you very much,
Love ya,

Hi again!

How are all of you? I am doing well. I took Monday off of school to enjoy a really stuffy nose and allergies like you wouldn't believe. Today, I barely have a voice, but it is all good.
Mandy, what is your phone number? I was going to call you awhile ago, but didn't have your number.
Sarah, woo hoo. It is FUN to move. It is even more fun to have more space than just an apartment.
Updates from the rest of you?
Love you!

Monday, September 24, 2007

News for the Boerbooms!

Greetings all! I am writing to tell of some exciting news for the Boerbooms...Seth and I are......

HAHA...did I get ya?! (See, Sarah, TWO can play at this game!) NO NO NO, we are NOT pregnant. We are, though, moving to Cottonwood! Ok, so not a single one of you (other than Miss Mandy) probably even has a CLUE about where Cottonwood is, so I shall explain it to you. Cottonwood is a small town (about the size of Minneota) approximately 12 miles from Marshall, located right on Hwy 23. We have decided to give up our rental townhouse for a rental HOUSE. I can't begin to tell you how exciting this is for the two of us, who have only lived in rentals since we got married 2.5 years ago. Not that rentals are a bad's just that we're both ready to move into a place where we're not sharing walls with neighbors or waking up to garage doors opening below our bedroom at 600am on a Monday morning. On top of this, the rent is MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper ($175 less, to be exact!!!!) than what we're paying right now, so that is very exciting. We're hoping to use the extra money to save up to PURCHASE a house...sometime in the near future anyway. Other than that, my life is much the is stressful..I dream of better jobs and better days...Seth is doing well with the insurance thing, which of course I knew he would...and we're just kinda doin' our thing down here in Marshall. I think of all of you often...I do have to admit that it is fun to sign on here and see postings from EVERYONE! :)

Well, that's what's new in my life..nothing obviously as exciting as the classes that Sarah and Lizabeth are taking (hahaha), but exciting for us SW Minnesotans anyway! :)

Love you all!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The autumn leaves....

Sarah, do you really think threatening your friends is the way to get what you want? Well, it maybe there's something to it! I agree-this hymnody class leaves something to be desired, and a few Luther alum have told me how lucky I am not to be taking it on campus...ha ha ha!! :)

We've entered the fall schedule here-and while I'm enjoying everything, it is a serious bump up in the intensity of my days. Church is good, we're doing a "Why Church?" series that has been wonderful!

Micaela and I are taking swimming lessons! It is so fun! She loves it (except when the teacher touches her feet, she freaks out), there are a few things she can't do because of the tubes in her ears...but we're kicking, jumping, splashing...and its nice to talk with some other young moms. We are approaching the "2s" for sure! Temper tantrums come more often that I would like...especially at 3:30am when "APPLE JUICE" is yelled for 10 minutes straight. I'm praying this too shall pass...quickly.

I think that's all I know-I miss you all! It was this time last year we had our Homecoming bash...maybe we should figure out a weekend we could spend a day together?

Much love to all the ladies! :)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hello everyone. Sarah, it is not nice to lie to your friends. How is everyone doing? It is Homecoming here this week and as always, that is CRAZY! Especially when you are one of the Student Council advisors. Yikes. I can't wait until the dance is over tonight so I can sleep and relax. Other than that. Not much is new around here.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Where's the excitement?

I look at the blog daily and am disappointed that the posting is sparce. Lack of posting makes me less likely to post myself. Therefore I'm making an executive decision to pull the blog. That way I will not be tempted to check it multiple times a day.

Okay, I really wasn't thinking that I would banish the blog from the internet. But did it get a reaction out of you? Hopefully it wasn't the sort of reaction that made you curse my name; that wouldn't be good.
School is well into the second week. I have five classes and four of them are good. My ecumenical hymnody class, which Elizabeth is also taking, is a poor. However, there are only five more times left and tomorrow we get to see the rare book collection which is bound to be exciting. All right, back to reading, which is bound to put me to sleep, so that's good. Take care, friends!

Monday, September 03, 2007

More cleaning, more findings

I write to you from my new place of residence for this upcoming academic year. I successfully procrasinated and orientation starts tomorrow, and I'm not completely moved in yet. But, luckily for me, my former landlord is understanding.
My room is spacious and I have a bay window which directly faces the president's house. There are several big trees that shade my room when sun beats in. Hopefully soon I will take pictures and post them for you to see.
What I really wanted to share was a poem written on September 17, 2002 by someone who lived in the Lighthouse that year. I found it when I was going through old boxes of Concordia stuff. It is written in my handwriting, but I'm not sure if I can take full accountability for the well-versed poem, or if others assisted as well. Enjoy!
Ode to the Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is a place where six females live,
And have hearts always willing to give. (except Mandy)
There are always many jokes flying around,
Especially when prairie dogs are found. (in Breanna’s room!)
The Lighthouse is a busy place,
And filled with lots of girlie things like lace. (especially in Sarah’s room)
Many holiday such as “talk like a pirrrate for a day” are celebrated,
And many men dated are top rated. (right Edam?)
The women at the house are buff and fit,
They could beat any sort of Viking hit. (especially Jesse)
The brains at the place are to be desired,
In fact we could get any Concordia prof fired! (especially Lerohl)
So there you have it, the great gals from 1101,
Always willing to have fun!
I hope everyone is doing well. I'm especially curious to hear about those first days of school for Mandy and Breanna. Take care!