Monday, August 14, 2006

its been awhile!

Hi girls-
It was fun to check the blog today and see so many postings! I agree with Breanna that it is fun to check this every day. You guys are just so fun and interesting! :)
David, Julia, and I have had a busy couple of weeks. We were in Clear Lake, Iowa from August 1-5, and we got back last night from Mayville, WI where we spent four days at a family reunion/Andrew's wedding. Andrew is David's little brother, and we were both in the wedding, which was fun. I am ready to be home for awhile now, though, and start thinking about school.
We had a bit of a crazy few days in the midst of all of this travel. David was asked to interview for a position in Eau Claire at the U of Wisconsin. To make a long story short, the people there pretty much acted as if he already had the job, so we made all of these decisions, like to move there (which was a toughie!), I would quit my job, etc... Anyway, it turns out that they interviewed three other candidates, and hired someone else. We waited a week and two days after David's interview, being on pins and needles the whole time, and finally we heard the outcome. It was NOT a fun time, but that's how life goes I guess. We're both disappointed that it didn't work out, but I'm sure there is something else that is meant to be, right? David is pretty bummed. It will be nice not to have to move, though. It would have been a rush.
I am also glad that I can still be teaching this year. I would have felt pretty crappy leaving at this time of the summer. :)
Being married is hard sometimes when you have to make decisions like that! It is totally worth it, but sometimes I get frustrated when it is time to sacrifice something you love or believe in (i.e. teaching) I guess that is what really good relationships are about, though. If you love someone, you want what is best for them, right? I hope that David doesn't stay bummed too long. I tried to tell him that everyone has been in the situation where they didn't get the job that they wanted, and it will be a good learning experience. I know that doesn't help him, but I'm not sure what to say!
Anyway, enough of the philosophical crap. :) Good luck with your interviews, Sarah! All of the jobs sound like fun! :) How are the wedding plans, Breanna? I hope that you have found a soloution to the rock/hard place problem. :)
I'm going to attach a few photos so you can see Julia. She pulls herself up on EVERYTHING now, and is into EVERYTHING! she keeps us busy, and makes us smile by saying, "HI!" at least 50 times each day. :)
Sorry for this long post. I may have just need to "talk" :) I love you all!!!!!


1 comment:

once upon a time said...


That is some crazy stuff! I'm glad you get to continue teaching, I know that marriage means sacrifice but you've already sacrifice an amazing even though it wasn't top choice, I'm glad that what is best for MANDY came first this time.

I love you!