Sunday, August 20, 2006

Finally, I can share this picture with you

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life. And see if I could not learn what it had to teach and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -Thoreau
Persistance is a word that I have learned a lot about in the past year. In particular, I was persistent is attempting to upload this picture that I specifically took to post on the blog. After repeated efforts, my computer finally gave in. And I feel that I have certainly been persistant in my job searching. I've gotten my hopes up multiple times for jobs that I feel I should have gotten and have been disappointed more times that I care to remember. It will happen again tomorrow when I am at a second job interview from last week's round of interviews. My hopes will remain high and I'll let you know what happens.
This picture is me at beautiful Walden Pond. I suppose an argument can be made that it is like many other bodies of water that we are familiar with in MN, but it was different walking around it, knowing who lived there for two years, two months, and two days (Thoreau). While walking around I felt a certain inspiration throughout...could I too live in a home that was 10 feet by 15 feet with only the bare essetials? I imagine a house that size would not have enough outlets for our society filled with iPods, computers, cell phones, irons, stereos, televisions, and so much more. Nonetheless, it is exciting for me to think about the idea of living on only what is needed (which should probably be another entry altogether since everyone has a different definition of need). Being at Walden Pond made me think about my days of LVC when I was alotted $100 a month for personal and $80 for food. It almost seems impossible to me now, but surprisingly at the end of the year I had money left over. As a house each month we put that $80 into a community fund, so I guess technically we had $480 for food each month. That seems like a lot, but living with my mom, we can spend anywhere between 250-300/month on food. Yet, during LVC that was our month for food, our phone, and we even threw parties and went to movies on that money. At the end of the year we even had leftover. Maybe you're asking why I share this on our blog? I think part of me wanted to take a trip down memory lane about simplicity and remind myself of ways to be more simple, and I guess I wanted to share it with all of you as well. Thanks for reading.
This past weekend I got to spend time with the enjoyable, Breanna Schoeck. We were in Sue Halverson's wedding and gave a kick ass toast, so in the future if you need to give a toast, let us know. We went bowling, enjoyed spirits, dressed up, and danced. It was quite fun.
Elizabeth, I am in complete agreement that we should invite more people to the blog. Why don't you email me their addresses and I will send them the link to register. I'm not sure if I'm the only one that can invite others, but I hope so because being the person in power is the best place to be. (I'm kidding, I thought I should clarify that my tone has changed since the rant about Walden Pond and simplicity.)
Adios chicas!
Sarah A.


Breanna said...

I am glad I can get a glimpse at Walden Pond. Maybe I should share it when I teach Thoreau!

once upon a time said...

I'm praying for you today sistah! Hope you kick ass at the interview. Can I get a copy of that toast? Might be good to use in the future.

ps-you are beautiful, that picture is wonderful!