Monday, February 02, 2009

On Whining

So Mandy - I just read your post about Julia's new interest in whining, and I had to share a little advice. I'm NOT AN EXPERT - this sort of works for us thoug - it was actually super dad Kevin's idea....and so far so good. My Marie is the whiner in the family - and it's terribly ANNOYING! To the point where you want to hit your head against the wall....for fun.

Say she wants milk, and instead of asking "milk please mommy?" It's more like.....MMMIIILLLKKK!!!!!!! the top of a whiny icky voice. Kevin started saying - Marie, stop whining and ask nicely. So she would start by just saying "please" - thinking that would do the trick. But he makes her ask word for word in a nice way. It used to take two or three tries to get her to ask nicely - bot now we've got it down to a look and maybe a "please don't whine". Then she composes her cute little self, holds the tears for just one second and nicely says "milk please, mommy?"

Like I said, I'm not an expert - this works for that one child. Who knows how it will go with Grace....they're all different - and it IS a phase! Ella did it - and now she's got "being nice to get what you want" down to a T!!! Good luck!!

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