Thursday, February 12, 2009

I love playing the air piano

So, I just watched the video from lovely that five wonderful girls got to dance together to a great song and ATTEMPT to play the air piano as well. Looks like fun!

All is going well on the baby front, I think I have a little person who likes to dance too, because it is moving A LOT lately! I hear this is a good thing, so I am happy, but it is getting to be a major pain in the ass as well. This baby is getting big and there is not a lot of room in my belly. In fact, I have to get another ultrasound next week to measure the rate of growth because I am measuring at 36 weeks instead of 34 like I should be. My mom just says, "My babies all cooked faster is probably very normal." Wow, my mom the nurse talking about cooking babies...weird.

Also, my brain is not doing well. Numerous times this week I have forgotten passwords and codes that I normally know like the back of my login on the computer, cell phone voicemail code, etc. Wow. Scary.

But, we need to find something to eat at our house before we go to some more baby, fun, fun.

Love you all!

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