Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bring in the new year!

Good-bye 2008, its been quite the year! I've been thinking back on 2008 all day and what I dream about for 2009...honestly, for the first time in a long time, I would like the coming year to resemble the year we're leaving! Here is my highlight list...

1)We had the big adventure of coming to Seminary, which has been a very insightful-God led-exhausting-inspiring adventure and I'd like to stay on it for awhile.

2)Micaela has been mostly healthy, except for the recent behavioral-pattern of arguing with EVERYTHING I say...that must be a virus, hope she gets over it quickly.

3)I've had lots of mini-adventures with my rock-star friends (camping, road-trips, train-trips, theatre, church music)

4) gained a really fantastic sister-in-law

5) Have 2 jobs that I really enjoy, one of which has brought us a new and loving church community and the other brings the funniest damn group of people I've ever (that's the music studio)

6) Through some very significant conversations and experiences at the seminary I've learned A LOT about myself and how to process my past experiences and hopefully stay on a healthy path for myself and my daughter

I don't really like just doing high-lights, because I don't think that's very,

1) Lost 2 great-aunts who left quite the legacy of loving thier families
2) Lost an infant niece, Abigail, born too soon
3) Still have days when single-mother hood and the lonliness that comes with it is enough to make me want to jump out the window (don't worry, I live on the ground floor)

2009 is starting off with a grand adventure to mexico city! I leave Friday and will gone for 14 days. Right now I feel really nervous about leaving Micaela and not really sure what to expect once I'm in Mexico, but I know once I'm on the plane, I'll be excited. I'm praying for more self-discovery, another year of good health of all my loved ones, many many many more adventures and opportunities to see all of you! Much love and peace to us all in 2009!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Fun Day

Hello all!
I hope you all had great holiday celebrations with friends and family. I have had a pretty laid back break so far, which has been really nice. Today I had some visitors up here in Lake Crystal- Elizabeth, Micaela, and Sarah came to see me. We had some lunch, chatted, walked around outside for like 5 minutes, played with Play-Doh, and played some Yahtzee. We documented some of the days events with my new digital camera (a Christmas present from the in-laws). Enjoy!

Sunday, December 28, 2008


One week of vacation is already passed, but I find myself pleased without the amount of relaxation I've been able to maintain throughout the break. I spent all of Christmas with Katherine and the rest of my family. Even though she's gets in her fussy stages, she was a lot of fun to play with. I think I even taught her how to say the word, 'dog.' Here are some photos from Christmas Eve.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It doesn't seem to end

I am so antsy; I just want to be done with the semester, but my paper doesn't seem to allow me to claim that desire. When will the invention be invented that takes all the good thoughts in my brain, organizes them, and them puts them down on paper? Maybe that's what I should be devoting myself to rather than this seminary thing. :)

Monday, December 08, 2008

New job, new location, new life...? :)

Hello lovely ladies! I have to admit that the majority of my "free" internet time has been spent these past few weeks on Facebook, to which I have become COMPLETELY addicted. (Thank you SO much, Elizabeth and Scanders!!:)) As I had shared with all of you at our lovely get-together, I was able to get a new job with Wells Fargo in Sioux Falls and now find myself having been a South Dakota resident for nearly a month. Holy moly! The new job is going is COMPLETELY different from what I was doing previously - I spend a lot more time at the computer (for now, anyway) and working more on the developmental aspect of hiring than the technical. I don't think I'll really feel totally comfortable for at least another couple of months..but that's ok..the new challenges/stresses are definitely a good thing!

Sioux Falls itself is fine - I am already quite comfortable here, having spent a considerable amount of time here in recent years for training, shopping, etc., so that is nice. I really enjoy the people I work with here in the office as well - they have had more positive things to say about me than I think I heard in the past five years I was at Wells in Marshall. I appreciate honesty and openness SO MUCH!!

Things on the divorce front are fine. Or should I say final? :) I am officially Sarah Schreier again (which reminds me - I wonder if I can change my name on here to something other than "SarahB"..) There are soo many things to go along with changing my name back (emotional and otherwise), with moving, with starting a new job and a new life..I feel completely and utterly overwhelmed most days. Our house in Marshall is still up for sale (so THAT's not a strain on my pocketbook AT ALL - paying half a mortgage AND rent!!! AAGGHH!!)..we actually had an offer on it the other day, but the guy refused our counter offer and said he's not budging from his original offer. Nice. Jerk. :) So..if any of you know anyone wanting to move to the wonderful town of Marshall..just let me know!! :)

I am so thankful that I have all of you wonderful ladies in my life. And so thankful that Elizabeth and Micaela are ok..that Mandola added another beautiful little girl to our group..that Scanders has given us the Last Hoorah..that Lindsey and Breanna will now BOTH be contributing to the overall size of our group of friends..I am just thankful for all of you..period.

I promise to check this thing out more often as time goes on..but also know that most evenings you will be able to find me checking Facebook! :) more thing. I have a boy in my life. Crazy. I know. Don't worry - not a serious relationship boy or anything like that (pretty sure it's going to take me YEARS to want to get married again..!!!!) His name is Dan..he's originally from Detroit Lakes, MN..and he is wonderful. Right now we're just hanging out when we can and enjoying each other's company..very low-key. It's just nice. He is someone I can talk to and someone I already feel very comfortable with. Who may never turn into anything more..but it is nice to have him in my life right now.

Seriously..I may have exceeded my word limit for the day...I should stop. Just know I love you all!!! You are always in my heart!!!


Saturday, December 06, 2008

swf looking date. :)

Hi friends! Its an exciting Saturday night here for Elizabeth and Micaela! Winnie-the-Pooh is showing and we've decided dinner is overrated...popcorn munching is much more fun! I am actually very thankful for a quiet day/evening with no plans and a chance to relax and regroup from a crazy, busy week!

Somehow, I said I would help with the Sunday school Christmas service at church-so I spent the afternoon writing that! :) Starting a new job at a church in November is not a great time-I'm still figuring out the systems there and somehow have to organize Christmas Eve worship and now the children too. Ug. We have one more full week of classes and then the semester is OVER! Holy Crap, how did that happen?!?! I have one major paper, portfolio and 2 take home tests. I am also getting excited about travelling to Mexico City for 2 weeks in January to study liberation theology! Please say a prayer that the funds needed for this travel to actually happen come through. Thanks!

So, last night Micaela and I were driving home from White Bear Lake and I lost control of the car, crossed over traffic in the left land (I cannot believe we didn't get hit by the truck that was just a ways behind us) spun--hit the wall with the back end, spun---hit the wall with the front end. I called my Uncle who was nearby right away-I was just so scared to be sitting on the left side of 5-land traffic!!! I was sure we were going to get hit. A sheriff pulled up within 2 minutes and turned on his lights--whew. Micaela was so brave as we sat for over an hour waiting for state patrol and the tow truck. So, I'll find out Tuesday the fate of "rocket" (Our car) matter what I now have an insurance deductible to pay and no $$ to pay it. Adulthood blows!
But I am thankful we (and other travellers around us) are fine, I have hugged my baby 5 million times today, and if you ask, she'll give you a very entertaining account of the evening.

That's the update from here! Any chance of a holiday gathering? We are headed to the north shore Dec. 25-27, otherwise I am very much here. Hope you all are doing fun, exciting Saturday night activities! Love to you all!


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

She's Here!

Hi ladies!  
    Sorry for not getting this info. out sooner.  It is hard work being the mom of two.  It is finally Wednesday morning, and I am alone with a computer for the first time and I just got our pictures loaded.  Whew!  :)  
    So, Lauren Elizabeth was born at 11:35 on Sunday.  She was 7 lbs, 8 oz, and 20 inches long.  We got to the hospital at 7:00 a.m.  I will now say that epidurals are my best friend as the 21 hours of laboring at the hospital with Julia was cut to a mere 4 1/2 hours, 2 of which I couldn't feel a thing.  Wow.  :)  
    Other than being a little frustrated with nursing, and trying to figure out how exactly it works to tame a precocious 3-year old while trying to calm a crying newborn, things here are okay.  I am tired, but I guess that is normal?  :)  
    I have to get the pics out to lots of others, but I just wanted to check in and say hi.  :)  If only we had a laptop, camera phone, or something else like that I could have gotten these pics to you sooner! :)
    Have a nice rest of the week!
