Friday, September 26, 2008


I don't know if that subject is the right word to signify the relief I feel now that it is Friday! It was Homecoming week, and now it is OVER (as far as I am concerned...I got out of chaperoning the dance...YAY!!)
I picked up Laryssa from Perpich yesterday and my parents are coming tonight to hang out. They are leaving tomorrow, which is nice too because then we still have a weekend to enjoy.
I also think meeting sometime Saturday would be great and hanging out until Sunday late-morning. I am so excited to see you all.
Mandy....I am feeling better, but still not out of the woods. I am exhausted when I come home every night.

the weekend

   Julia and I can be there anytime from about 6:00 on Friday until lunchtime on Sunday.   

Sarah, I am so jealous that you were at that game!!  David was "watching" the game via the internet and couldn't sleep he was so excited. :)  Hopefully they can pull it off against the Royals!

Breanna-  How have you been feeling?  I've been thinking about you.  Sorry to hear about the boobs.  Just wait... :)

I have had the WORST cold of my life for like 2 weeks now.  I think I might go to the doctor if its not better by Monday.  I even had to miss 2 days of school last week which sucks because I only had 3 sick days left after I took them all for maternity leave.   Julia's birthday is on Sunday, so we have the Severtson clan coming for the weekend...resting won't really be an option.  Come on cold!  go away! :)

Anyway, can't wait to see you all!!

Love,  Mandy

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"the" weekend

Hey ladies! I just went to a really awesome Twins game - they just pulled into first place for the division. Woohoo!!!!

Anyway, I'm available most anytime during the weekend of our extravaganza, but would propose gathering on Saturday, hanging out through the night and enjoying Sunday brunch. Just some thoughts. Can't wait!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

our plans...

hey ladies,

I am free Oct. 17-21st (we have that Monday and Tuesday off). My family (daniel, katie and isaiah) will also be in town that weekend, so I just need to leave some time for them too. So-just let it be known what days you'll be in the Cities and I'll work around it! Thanks!


Monday, September 22, 2008

MEA plans

Hello ladies,
I am seriously excited about getting together over MEA. But, just a few questions...are we planning Friday night and Saturday night or just Saturday night? Just curious. As some of you may know, Missy (by bf from Walker) is getting married in June and she would like to do dress shopping over MEA. I think she will want to do Thursday or Friday- or I will nudge her in that direction. Gee, I can't wait to try on dresses with this body...not really bigger yet (except the boobs, which DO NOT NEED to be bigger). Oh well...
Happy first day of Fall!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

another baby...and it is a boy!

For those of you who do not have facebook (is that mandy only?)....Amy and Jake had their baby.

Benjamin Jacob Peterson
Born: September 15th, 2008 @ 1:14pm
7lbs. 10oz.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Well, I figured I had better join in on the action here pretty soon..I am getting left in the DUST with all of these posts and pics going up on the blog!! Craziness abounds (as always!) in my life, but it was nothing short of WONDERFUL to have a visit from Scanders, Elizabeth, and Micaela a couple of weekends ago, and a couple of weekends before that, I was able to make a trip up to Pelican Rapids (or should I say Erhard?!) to spend some time with our dear Amanda and her family.

I would also like to add to the CONGRATULATIONS to our mommies-to-be - how fun and exciting!

On that note, Scanders, I too will be happy to assist in bringing alcohol to our both you and Elizabeth found out, I have become quite the professional drinker these past few weeks...hahahahaha! :)

Enjoy these pics of my friend visits - I CAN'T WAIT to see you all in just a few weeks!!!! Love you!

October's going to be awesome

How delightful to see such great photos posted by Mandy and Julia when looking at the blog today. I'm excited for our time together in October - it will undoubtedly be a great time. Oh, and don't worry about who will provide the alcohol, I feel the call to fill that role. In fact I've already started with some beer in my fridge and tequila in my cabinet. Even when pregnant I think tequila would be good and yes, maybe even for the child. ;)

For those that haven't heard that much about Mexico, I thought I'd take a little bit of time to tell you about it. In a nutshell it was a phenomenal experience and gave me lots of things to think about in relation to what ministry I feel I being called to. While I learned more spanish and feel my comprehension is better than what it was, I also learned a lot about the culture, political, social, and economic state in the country and especially in Morelos and some of the other poorer states in the country. What's great about the type of learning that I experienced is that it is not just in the classroom but takes place by talking with the people and visiting homes and attending neighborhood meetings and parties. I've learned a lot about community and can't wait to implement that into my future ministry. In fact I felt more welcomed by the people I met in Mexico over some of the communities I've been involved with in my own culture. I've been back two weeks today and I'm feeling like I'm finally getting into the swing of things, whatever that means. Because truth be told I'm not the same as when I left and I don't think anyone is when they return from an immersion experience (which doesn't come exclusively from leaving the country). As I continue to process and discern I'm thankful for my community of friends. Elizabeth and I went to visit Schripes last weekend which was wonderful and tonight a little girl (Micaela) and her mommy came over with a banana bread to share - talk about community. Additionally, I look forward to October and our gathering - it's nice to be with people who understand who you are. Here are a few photos from my trip. Maybe when you come in a few weeks I'll actually have some developed.

Ha! Ha!

And Scanders was afriad our little blog was losing momentum-we're back with a vengance baby! Mandy-we have to get you some adult interaction...but those pics are crazy cute, especially the one with Julia kissing you!

YAY for October! So, we've got Scanders, the 2 pregger princesses, Shipers and Me! I'll give Lindsey a call and she if she can join us too! You could all come and camp out at Luther...I have two beds to offer (maybe for those carrying the little ones) and can round up some air mattresses easily. Scanders has an abundance of couches (he he he!!)...

Micaela and I have been having a lovely, quiet weekend. We walked around Como Lake this morning, hit up our favorite coffee joint...some ideas for when ya'll are here! Maybe we can find some pumpkin patches or other fall festivities! But who will provide all the alchohal now that Breanna is knocked up?!?! :) By the way, CONGRATULATIONS Breanna...I am SO EXCITED to watch you be a mom, you're going to be great!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!



Hello friends,
Thanks to Mandy, I am now not just nervous, but terrified! No, we are very happened a little faster than we assumed it would, but it turns out it will be good timing.
I would love to get together over MEA too. As for Homecoming, I don't know if I will be up for it. Riding in cars is not what I am good at right now. I get sick even more than normal car sickness...but, I can handle driving to the cities to see everyone. What should we do?
Hope everyone is doing well. Let's get something going for that weekend. I am hoping by then I feel like eating food again. Let's hope!

Breanna's Future

Hi everyone! 

Well, it is Saturday, I'm exhausted and a little cooky.  Julia and I embarked on a project today just for you all.  :)  Its a little silly, but that's okay.  Julia was the photographer for a couple of these!  She's quite the helper.  Our project is entitled, "Breanna's Future-- the good the bad and the ugly."  or something like that. :)  he he   I'm in pregnancy humor here, bear with me. 

If I could get this to work, I would put little captions in for each with me here. :)

Photo #1:  Oh my gosh!  And you have three whole months left!  Yikes!
Photo #2:  "You need HOW MANY pillows to sleep?" 
Photo #3:  Where the hell did my bellybutton go?  
Photo #4:  The Hugs and...
Photo #5:  Kisses are worth all of the rest.

Anyway, we hope that you are all doing well!!  School is mostly good for me, although I SEVERELY miss my summer naps.  

We have had 4 nights in a row of dry UNDIES OVERNIGHT here in De Pere.  That's for Julia in case you were wondering.  We decided to leave the pullup buying in the dust when our last package ran out and so far, so good.  It is exciting.  A three month hiatus from diapers.  Wow.  

Nothing else is new other than I feel like a blimp, my back hurts, and my boobs are the size of watermelons, which for me is a new feeling.  I don't especially enjoy having them...I definitely miss my little B cups.  I fear they may never be the same.  

Well, CONGRATULATIONS to Breanna.  I am so excited to think that our baby will have a little companion just like Julia has Micaela.  So sweet.   We hope that you are feeling okay.  How is school going?  Have you told your students yet?  I bet they'll freak out!  

By the way, I am as of now totally game for a Cities' get-together the weekend of Oct. 17...anyone?  

BTW, I got a birth announcement for Miss Lillian (Lily) June Meidinger yesterday.  Born Aug. 12, cute as a button.  Maybe you got the same thing, but I just thought I'd pass on the info. in case.  

Okay.  Sorry if the bare belly pictures are a little much.  Like I said,  a little cooky here.

Love you!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Christmas List

So, if anyone wants to do any Christmas shopping for me, here are some things I will need...

A stroller
A crib

If you don't plan on getting me a Christmas present, that is fine, but I will need these things by March 23rd, 2009.


Oh, by the way, you don't need to buy me presents...that was just a joke.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Autumn leaves...

Hello my friends! Happy Autumn! So, I just had my 2nd day of classes at Luther-so far so good. I'm really pretty excited about all my classes (well, one is a little sketchy...but I'm being optimistic). Micaela is full time at daycare and LORD HELP ME is she a serious 2 year old! We have double the time-outs and tantrums then we ever had. She yells, hits, kicks, throws things-these are of course the ugliest moments. Her favorite phrase to yell at me when she's mad is "ITS NOT YOUR CHILD!" I have no idea where that came from. A classmate of mine (who has 20 years preschool experience) told me about this 1/2 year equilibrium and that had kids' half year their development takes a big swing in direction and they cope my freaking out. I like that theory b/c it means I'm not raising a spoiled little monster. :) Okaay, I'm painting an ugly picture, its not all bad. Today was actually a lovely day...yesterday not so much (My apologizes to Scanders who has witnesses a few melt-downs)

Scanders and I went to Marshall and saw Shripers and her AWESOME home! I say the next F'n festival is in Marshall!!! We talked a bit about an October gathering here in the Cities. Who's game?!?!?

Okay, I have to go write the first 7 letters of the Hebrew alphabet 77 times each. Much love to you all!
