Monday, May 12, 2008

Green with Envy

Hello ladies! I must say that I am EXTREMELY green with envy at reading all of these posts regarding the F-ing Festival. How fun. And how absolutely depressing that I won't be able to be there. You all suck. (HAHA Just kidding! :)) Mandy - Congrats on the new little one on the way! Scanders - I'm still with ya in the "No Kids" stage, so have no fear! :) Seth and I do have some fun news, though -- WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is in Marshall and we close on the 30th of May. We are SO EXCITED. It is in the older part of town where there are big tall trees and nice neighborhoods and I have found out since we bought it that I already know some of our neighbors! We are, at long last, moving on to that next stage in our life -- being in debt for the next 30 years! :) HAHA - Seriously, we are super pumped. It will be great for us to be back in Marshall and we're looking forward to having our OWN HOME, our OWN LAWN, our OWN STUFF!! Anyway..I don't have much else to contribute, but I wanted to update all of you on the exciting news in our lives. I miss all of you and would love for you to come check out the house whenever you can - there will be TWO guest bedrooms (since there aren't any of our own kids around!) and there's even a second bathroom, although one of them will probably be designated the BOY bathroom for Seth. :) Anywho - I will stop you all and MISS YOU..Sarah

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