Monday, May 05, 2008

December 8, 2008

Guess what? :) That little baby up there is 6 weeks, 3 days old, and as of today is 9 weeks old with a heartbeat of 170 beats per minute. Isn't that amazing? Oh yeah, and its in MY BELLY!!!

So sorry I haven't gotten back to you about this whole frolicking festival thing. Needless to say, I've been a bit exhausted at night, and that along with the nauseousness that worsens sometimes at night, I haven't been really up for sitting at the computer. TV and a couch is way less taxing. :) Here's my input... If I'm being totally honest, I'm not sure that I'll be able to make it all the way up to the northland for the festival. I love you all so dearly, but we have about three longish trips in the next month before we head out to that 1300 mile Maine drive, and with the price of gas, I'm not sure that we can hack it. I will do my best if camping up there works the best, and it sounds like we have a lot of great options to make it fun and comfortable up there... but I can't promise anything. I would be more likely to make an outing in the Cities, which cuts my drive in half, but I know adds immensely to the travels of some of the rest of you.
So, that is my input. Please take it with the knowledge that I want you all to do what is best for the WHOLE group, and I will work with what the decision is. OK? :)

I am buying time from "Daddy" right now who is giving Julia a bath after a really long day at work, so I'm going to head up and relieve him. I'll check back here as much as possible and I'll try to get back on any questions in a more timely manner. The nauseousness is easing a little bit, so that is helpful. I actually cleaned for the first time in about 5 weeks yesterday. Those of you who lived with me know that that is a crazy long time for me not to clean. And I didn't care one bit. :)

Anyway, I love you all!! My blessings on you making the festival decisions. You are wise and incredible. :)

Mandola and little one cooking inside. :) Maybe a boy for our estrogen-heavy group ?

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